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Example sentences for "harangue"

Lexicographically close words:
happit; happuch; happy; haps; har; harangued; harangues; haranguing; harass; harassed
  1. This harangue occupied another quarter of an hour, after which the orator dashed fearlessly into the stream.

  2. Accordingly, he will give the portal of his Harangue a graceful appearance, and make the entrance to his cause as neat and splendid as the importance of it will permit.

  3. Harvey himself tried to point out the unlikelihood of his being guilty; but he was not a man gifted with dialectic qualities, and his harangue fell pointless on the understandings of the twelve common-place individuals who sat in the jury-box.

  4. Viewing the harangue of Armstrong as a mere tissue of falsehood, he cooly pronounced sentence of death on the prisoners.

  5. When the Poles, as I have said before, came to do her reverence they brought with them the Bishop of Cracovie, the chief and head of the embassy, who made the harangue in Latin, he being a learned and accomplished prelate.

  6. Before she entered, the State assembly of the town came to do reverence and offer their means and powers, and to harangue her at the Chartreux, as is customary.

  7. Locke's harangue about coherent, methodical discourses amounting to nothing, apply'd to the mathematicians.

  8. M421) Newton's harangue amounts to no more than that gravity is proportional to gravity.

  9. The waiter was used to a harangue at Coleman's breakfast time.

  10. But on the other hand there might be with them some indifferent westerner who was obliged to resort to irregular means and harangue startled shop-keepers in order to provide himself with collars of a strange kind.

  11. He thought of the possibilities of having the dragoman go to an upper window and harangue the people, but he saw no chance of success in such a plan.

  12. The prisoner heard this mystic harangue with a vacant and fixed expression, as though his mind were wandering, and he hardly understood the profundity of the discourse.

  13. On behalf of a suitor not previously engaged, an old man was dispatched with presents to the father of the chosen girl, before whom he made a long harangue on the ancestry and qualities of the youth.

  14. Six thousand peasants cried "Long live the King," when the mayor had the honour to harangue his Majesty.

  15. The bishop began to harangue him with unction, without forgetting a little nuance of very polite anxiety for his Majesty.

  16. In this fine speech, of which the greater part must have been unprepared, there is a natural earnestness of feeling and argument that is well contrasted with the able but artificial harangue that preceded it.

  17. At the meeting on the following day Peter turned up, and astonished the assembly by delivering a long harangue on "The Civilising Influence of Missionary Work.

  18. Vindt was so occupied with the phenomenon that he walked full tilt into Listad and the schoolmaster, the former of whom buttonholed at once and began delivering a long harangue about the new Ministry and the political situation.

  19. Wyatt appeared with his forces at Southwark, she came to the Guildhall(1387) and there addressed a spirited harangue to the assembled citizens.

  20. On the following Tuesday (24 June) he sent the Duke of Buckingham to harangue the citizens at the Guildhall.

  21. We have only the notorious disaster of Marius and his harangue to the Cimbrian commanded to kill him, or the august injunction of a mother to the Lion of Florence, in historic proof of instances of such lightning flashes of mind.

  22. Thus, my ideas could only make their way by the assistance of a man bold enough to mount the platform of the press, and to harangue loudly the simpletons he scorns.

  23. The impression made upon me by Father Haugoult's harangue that evening is one of the most vivid reminiscences of my childhood; I can compare it with nothing but my first reading of Robinson Crusoe.

  24. Then began a long harangue from the great man, in which the wiles of the devil in the pestilent doctrines of the heretics, so-called Lollards, were forcibly and not illogically pointed out.

  25. When the harangue ended, the prior made a sign to his servants, and immediately one of the most timorous and craven of the prisoners was brought up before him.

  26. A spirit of fine sturdy independence, uncomplaining poverty, and patient trust in Providence, moderately expressed, furnished out a harangue which refreshed the soul of the worthy preacher.

  27. Joseph listened to the harangue with respectful attention, looking approval but saying nothing.

  28. He made the usual platitudinous remarks about this matter, to which his drunken hearers listened with approval, and wound up his harangue with a eulogy on Mr. Bryan, who was "the one honest man in the land.

  29. My cloak was irretrievably gone, notwithstanding every effort made to regain it, and I resolved not to harangue the people in a stable-yard again on the equal partition of property, without better securing my own.

  30. During this harangue Cowperwood had first sat and then stood.

  31. As there was nothing in this harangue that could be contested, it had the desired effect, and the people, with one consent, elected him as their sovereign.

  32. That place where he may for his country speak; On some great question to harangue for hours, While speakers, hearing, envy nobler powers!

  33. Strange to say, this harangue was received with loud cheers by the Tory gentlemen at the bar.

  34. The end was that the Savages expressed their approval of this harangue by reiterating their aspiration, ho!

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "harangue" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    address; allocution; assignment; berate; bluster; debate; declaim; demagogue; diatribe; discourse; eulogy; exercise; exhortation; explain; exposition; expound; filibuster; harangue; hold; homework; homily; inaugural; instruction; invective; lecture; lesson; light; moral; morality; moralize; mouth; orate; oration; peroration; philippic; pitch; preach; rant; rave; read; reading; recital; recitation; recite; salutatory; say; sermon; speech; spiel; spout; talk; task; teaching; tirade; valedictory