Child, do you expect to find so much excellence in one character on earth, as you desire?
Both were invaluable, not only on account of their artistic excellence and age, but as mementos of her father, and incentives to devotion.
The paving of this section is practically complete at this date and the contracting company is to be complimented upon the excellence of its work.
In 1651, he published a volume of verse, in which nascent excellence struggles with dim obscurities, like a young moon with heavy clouds.
In no form of composition does excellence depend more on spontaneity than in the meditation.
London police and London crowds are now renowned all over the world, the former for the generalexcellence of their arrangements, and the latter for their almost invariable good humour.
Will they say, "This Right can never be; thatexcellence is lovely but impossible!
Justly celebrated for the beauty of their scenery and the excellence of their hotel and other accommodations, they are resorted to annually by thousands of visitors from far and near.
We were struck with the comparative excellence of the singing which accompanied these dances, displaying a considerable amount of culture.
Apparently their highly artificial kind of excellence was a real thing to the people who took part in the show; for the spectators thrilled with excitement, and applauded the popular victors.
In the Metropolis the sole test of excellence was money, and the possession of money was the proof of power; and every natural desire of men and women had been tainted by this influence.
The excellence of this Day is immensely exalted above the comprehension of men, however extensive their knowledge, however profound their understanding.
Suffer not yourselves to be wrapt in the dense veils of your selfish desires, inasmuch as I have perfected in every one of you My creation, so that the excellence of My handiwork may be fully revealed unto men.
The potentialities inherent in the station of man, the full measure of his destiny on earth, the innate excellence of his reality, must all be manifested in this promised Day of God.
From the excellenceof so great a Revelation the honor with which its faithful followers must needs be invested can be well imagined.
It is the first among all created things to declare the excellence of its Creator, the first to recognize His glory, to cleave to His truth, and to bow down in adoration before Him.
They can be regarded in no other light except as evidences that proclaim the excellence and perfection of their author.
He was privately an excellent man, with an excellence that the irony of Sydney Smith has made immortal.
None of the letters surpasses in ferocity, none approaches in excellence the letter which Burke wrote to the noble Duke who had slandered him.
Since the establishment of Independence, no period has arrived that so decidedly proves the excellence of the representative system of government, and its superiority over every other, as the time we now live in.
The Government of this country has been ostentatiously giving challenges for more than an hundred years past, upon what it called its own excellence and perfection.
The best constitution that could now be devised, consistent with the condition of the present moment, may be far short of that excellence which a few years may afford.
The wisdom, civil governments, and sense of honor of the states of Greece and Rome, are frequently held up as objects of excellence and imitation.
A man derives no more excellence from the change of a name, or calling him King, or calling him Lord, than I should do by changing my name from Thomas to George, or from Paine to Guelph.
You came to America under the high sounding titles of commander and commissioner; not only to suppress what you call rebellion, by arms, but to shame it out of countenance by the excellence of your example.
Next to the general principle of government by representation, the excellence of the French Constitution consists in providing means to prevent that abuse of power that might arise by letting it remain too long in the same hands.
All these are united in our magazine, and in each department excellence is sought.
Hands and Arms of superior excellence for mutilations and congenital defects.
Legislation to achieve excellence in education, building on the partnership forged with the 50 governors at the education summit, enabling parents to choose their children's schools and helping to make America No.
The nation will not accept anything less than excellence in education.
In beauty of design and engraving, the Printer’s Mark, like the Title-page, attained its highest point of artistic excellence in the early part of the sixteenth century.
It has attained a world-wide celebrity for theexcellence of its work, the careful reading and correction of proofs, and the appropriate application of its varied collection of ornaments and initial letters.
Nor can it be wondered at that she saw in him her beau ideal of excellence and beauty.
The master said he had never known them write so well upon any subject before, and could not refrain from expressing his astonishment at the excellence of Henry's own composition.
Whether such a dialogue as this actually took place, we cannot say; but it appears that Quentin's acknowledged excellence as an artist soon won the painter's consent, and he married the daughter.
A feature of striking interest in the life of Buenos Aires is the number and excellence of the many hospitals, asylums and other charitable organizations established to provide for the afflicted and poorer classes of the community.
It will, therefore, suffice for the object in view to furnish merely an outline of the plans adopted by the Argentine Commission to demonstrate the high grade of excellence and perfection of the national products and industries.
The scene surrounds a soul, my father's, whose excellence grows more and more evident, and who enriches every incident and expression that comes in contact with him.
I was half appalled, half fascinated, by my temerity in having such frivolous private opinions of a picture that my mother and father felt the excellence of with reverence and praise.
In the excellence (not the elegance) of its architecture, it surpasses any Oriental city I have yet seen.
On account of the excellence of the material, and the skilful manner of its preparation, the Coffee of the East is the finest in the world.
Their great excellence is in the design, which, like all great things, suggests even more than it gives.
The point had apparently been snapped off in fight, but owing to the excellence of the sword, or the owner's affection for it, the steel had been carefully shaped into a new point.
Excellence in this particular is, indeed, one of the attributes of the sex, and should be cultivated by every gentlewoman who aspires to please in general society.
Good music is as necessary to the prosperity of a ball as good wine to the excellence of a dinner.
For ceremonial purification (sa/m/skâra) results either from the accretion of some excellenceor from the removal of some blemish.
Already the excellence of these indiscreet wonders has been punished, since they have accomplished the miracle of killing your glory.