A fellow-countryman to James, who was burnt at Sedan or Melun, was here last year, and had requested of me a letter of exhortation to the brethren of that district.
And besides, that you may be all the better aware of how much service your exhortation and those of others have been to me, I was very nearly ten times over beginning to lose courage and to despond.
Further exhortation to decide him on quitting his country.
But well do I know how profitable it will be for you to hear a word or two of exhortation from your friends, for that will serve very much to confirm you.
This is what the Apostle teaches in the word of exhortation when he says, that we do not fight against flesh and blood, that is to say, against men, but against the powers of the air, and against the prince of darkness.
So that, being thus instructed and prepared, as well by their example as by our own experience, how much need have we of holy exhortation from the word of our God, as a spur to goad us onward!
That expression, therefore, in the conclusion of your epistle, was most agreeable to me, where you declare that you have no doubt your exhortation will have weight with me.
The Bishop struck a strong note of hopefulness, but there was also warning and exhortation in his discourse.
Why, I give you my word, Stairs, that that address of yours on Tuesday was the finest piece of patrioticexhortation I ever listened to.
And all such works they should think of as an exercise and exhortation ever to strengthen their faith and confidence more and more.
The thought of passing Mrs. Hopton without seeing her amused him; still he took no active part in the proceedings, beyond an official exhortation to the crowd to "pass along, please.
Suddenly, he remembered Mrs. Hearty's earnest exhortation to keep the steam-kettle in operation.
She accompanied her exhortation by a jab from the mop-end of her weapon directed at the centre of that portion of the big man's anatomy which had been advanced as proof of his profiteering propensities.
The exhortation to unity is therefore an exhortation to be open-minded, docile, ready to subject our opinions to discussion, to welcome new light with regard to them, and to give up any opinion when we find it to be in the wrong.
Hebrews Chapter 12 Exhortation to constancy under their crosses.
It is an exhortation to them to be willing to suffer with Christ, reproaches, persecutions, and even death, if they desire to partake of the benefit of his suffering for man's redemption.
An earnestexhortation to a vigorous prosecution of the war concluded the message.
Under his urgent exhortation the House soon organized, and made the repeal.
One voice andexhortation was among them all (as report hath gone thereof) when they heard that you were once got forth vpon the water, What doo we dout?
This exhortation was made publicly, and Hamp after having heard it with great attention, answered it in the following terms.
Beggar's weeds Put on for the occasion, by advice And exhortation .
There was a great deal of exhortation in this strain, very good and useful, but I have since forgotten it nearly all.
What was daily read aloud concerning Peter Schlemihl was an exhortation to pray for him as the Founder and Benefactor of this institution.
In the three countries the "raschall multitude" could not be restrained by the exhortation of the preachers nor by the commandment of the magistrates from destroying "the places of idolatrie.
Now, brethren, do not forget that this exhortationof my text, and therefore this description, is addressed to a community of professing Christians.
And such an exhortation to the duty of plain abstinence from things that the opinion of the world around us has no objection to, but which are contrary to the light, is addressed to all Christian people.
The general exhortation here points to the habitual attitude of the Christian soldier.
But Paul is here speaking to those whom he believes to have already exercised the initial faith which united them to Christ, and made His salvation theirs, and to these the exhortation comes with special force.
It is not a question of either growing or not growing, and there an end; but if you will look at the context you will see that the exhortation of my text comes in in a very significant connection.
The main point of the exhortationis this previous preparation.
So in the words and in the whole strain and structure of the exhortation the servant is copying his Master.
Secondly, the general exhortation of my text widens out itself into this--test all things by Christ's approval of them.
Now, my text brings before us some very remarkable thoughts as to the permanent working of the Divine Spirit upon Christian souls, and upon this it bases a very tender and persuasive exhortation to conduct.
Of course, properly speaking, that exhortation does not refer to our manner of fighting with the sword, but to the previous act by which our hand grasps it.
The fundamental exhortation as to love to God is once more repeated; only here fear is joined with love and precedes it; but the necessity of love to God is expanded and dwelt upon, as at the beginning, with a zeal that never wearies.
To him the exhortation was, in fact, the important thing.
When, however, it is felt to be the expression of a present experience, such exhortation has power to move men as no other words can do.
Nor is it love for the mere repetition of an ancient formula of exhortation that dictates its use.
His exhortation touches men from one end of the world to the other, even to this day, by its affectionate impressiveness.
In affecting words resembling very closely the noble exhortation in Micah vi.
Now the Exhortation of the Dog flourished for tens of thousands of years.
When his exhortationwas concluded, the monk who had lost heart was established in the Fruit of Arahatship.
In consequence of the threatened passage of the bailiff (vogt) of Unterwalden that way to Baden, Bern was written to: That the friendly exhortation to moderate measures had come too late.
Meanwhile the consultation was opened in the Zurichan camp by Escher, with the exhortation neither to be too fearful, nor yet too passionate.
It rose to a still higher pitch, when Zwingli took occasion from the defeat at Biocca to address a written exhortation "to the oldest Confederates at Schwyz, to beware of foreign lords and to get rid of them.
He was not at all angry, when reminded of the duty of forbearance and love, whenever he perceived that the exhortation came from a heart that wished him well.
That a letter of this sort--that the incessant exhortation and preaching of the leaders of the fanatics, who remained behind, bore legitimate fruit, was soon apparent from a succession of extravagant scenes in all parts of the canton.
Be sober, he says again, and combines therewith an exhortation which without sobriety is impossible: Be watchful.
But the exhortation of St. Peter speaks in this wise: Ye who hold your brethren in Christ unspeakably dear, do not allow that love to suffice, to swallow up all regard for other men.
This these men did, and it is against this scoffing of theirs that St. Peter directs his exhortation in this chapter.
Fitly therefore does our Apostle add to his first exhortation a second which will make the believers steadfast: Set your hope perfectly on the grace that is to be brought unto you.
St. Paul in his advice to Timothy combining the exhortation to sobriety with "Suffer hardship; do the work of an evangelist" (2 Tim.
But as the Apostle has just been speaking of the duty owed to the elders as teachers, it is perhaps better to apply the words of the exhortation in that sense.
Hence the Apostle's exhortation is most apposite: Fear not their fear--the things which they would dread, and with which they will threaten you.
How this exhortation to humility in dealing with one another is connected with the verse (Prov.
Leaving theexhortation to individual duties, the Apostle turns now to describe the Christian society in relation to its Divine Founder, and tells both of the privileges possessed by believers, and of the services which they ought to render.
A third treatise was entitled Exhortation to Virginity; a fourth, On the Fate of a Virgin, is more curious.
In the hope that he would abjure his extravagant errors, they delayed his punishment; but no exhortation or entreaties availed.
Ailewin, at theexhortation of the same bishop Adelwold, builded the abbeie of Ramsey, though some attribute the dooing thereof vnto Oswald the archbishop of Yorke, and some to king Edward the elder.
An exhortation at the end not to be too hasty, nor to shed blood needlessly, even when dealing with thieves.
Sidenote: Exhortationto the Judges to govern in conformity with the Edict.
The matter must be dropped; but to withdraw it at the exhortation of the senate, although complimentary to his peers and perhaps not unpleasing even to the people in their present humour, would prejudice the chances of the future.
His Contiones were the feature of the day,[947] and these popular addresses culminated in the exhortation which he addressed to the crowd after the return of the unhappy Bestia.
I have endeavoured to combine the substance of a critical investigation with the direct exhortationwhich becomes a minister of the gospel, when fellow-sinners constitute his audience, and the Bible supplies his theme.
I am satisfied, if you could resolve to address an exhortation to those young men with all that eloquence of which you are master, that its influence on the future decision of this important question would be great, perhaps decisive.
I am satisfied, if you could resolve to address an exhortation to those young men with all the eloquence of which you are master that its influence on the future decision of this important question would be great, perhaps decisive.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "exhortation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.