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Example sentences for "scope"

Lexicographically close words:
scoot; scooted; scooter; scooting; scoots; scoperte; scopes; scopulos; scorbutic; scorbutick
  1. Nor were they again opened until in 1886 the pontiff Makar signified his consent to the provisions of the ukase, subject to some small concession as to the scope of the curricula in schools of two classes.

  2. She knew him to be impulsive and irrepressible, a man who, because of his deficiency in breadth, scope of intelligence, and strong moral convictions, invariably formed his opinions in public matter on his personal feelings.

  3. I repeat this to impress upon you that this is not the time for religious controversy or for nicely calculating the scope and the extent of our service.

  4. For nearly three months he had been accumulating, methodically and deliberately, a chain of incriminating evidence around the Military Governor and John Anderson, still he was utterly unaware of its amazing scope and magnitude.

  5. If it came within my scope to speak about Toulouse, I should be constrained to tell more of this sanguinary story.

  6. But the Gère issues from the hills on the north, and gives some scope for the suburbs of the old town to creep up its banks.

  7. There was then less doing; more time and scope to enjoy.

  8. The scope of my first book, The Influence of Sea Power upon History, coincides precisely with this period, and may thus have been determined.

  9. As with many a prophecy, his was of wider scope than he thought; and, though in part fulfilled, more yet remains on the laps of the gods.

  10. Having shown the threatened evils of separation, our province leads us no farther, for this comprises all the evils within the scope of man's imagination.

  11. It is to give an open field and the widest scope for the play of every human faculty consistent with right.

  12. The former may discern its scope and its importance in the felicity with which Töpffer illustrates the true aim of Art, as being the expression, the idealization, and not the rigid copy of Nature.

  13. During the siege of Boston, the British turned the Old South into a riding-school, and the troopers had free scope to do what mischief they pleased.

  14. The fault with many of our friends of the Woman's Rights order," said my wife, "is the depreciatory tone in which they have spoken of the domestic labors of a family as being altogether below the scope of the faculties of woman.

  15. An almost ideal book of its kind and within its scope .

  16. Entertainingly written, and, better than any other existing single work in any language, gives the layman a clear idea of the scope and development of the broad science of biology.

  17. It would be impossible in a dozen notices to render any sort of justice to the extensive scope of this work and to the multiplicity of its interesting details.

  18. The scope of the Books is as follows: Books i.

  19. The title Origines fails to indicate the scope of the work, which was chiefly occupied with general history; it was probably taken, as Nepos suggests, from the contents of Books ii.

  20. He claims a wide scope for his subject; 1, 85, 'Quidquid agunt homines, votum timor ira voluptas gaudia discursus nostri farrago libelli est.

  21. It seems that nothing gave so grand a scope to the greed of a public functionary who was at the same time governor and judge as disputed wills.

  22. It was notorious that in the evenings he wore the finest silk shirts in Paris, and his waistcoat was designed to give scope to these shirts.

  23. The morning had been unusually silent, giving considerable scope for Miss Ingate's faculty for leaving well alone.

  24. Of such absorbing interest is it, of such completeness in scope and beauty.

  25. The very indefiniteness of the descriptions gives them an added charm and affords full scope for romancing.

  26. Tis true, the vanity of the pedagogue had full scope in these advertisements, as there was none to bring him to an account, except some rival, who could only attack him on those practical subjects which were known to both.

  27. He hopes its scope will gradually widen, and it become a most effective means of stimulating the friends in Japan in service to the Cause of God.

  28. The work now being initiated in the Northern and smaller islands of Japan, with such zeal and devotion should be constantly reinforced and its scope continually widened.

  29. An effort, unprecedented in its scope and intensity, must be exerted to attain, speedily and completely the specific objectives of this Plan.

  30. Then, but only then, will there be no scope for the uncanny virtuosity of Prince von Buelow.

  31. It must be apparent a priori to any student of politics that the life of small communities must gain in concentration and intensity what it loses in scope and extent.

  32. And if Birmingham had given full scope to the genius of Mr. Chamberlain, how different would have been the life-story of the late statesman, and how different would be the England in which we are living to-day!

  33. German and Austrian municipalities give the widest scope for political genius and attract the ablest men.

  34. A great activity of scientific mining, enterprises of scope and local development, urge the Western communities to action.

  35. But to classify after this sort all the old words in Shakespeare would entail a classification of all the characters in the plays, and would thus be outside the scope of this book.

  36. There is here plenty of scope both for scholarship and imagination.

  37. But the name of this type of word is legion, and to illustrate it at all adequately would require the scope of a dictionary.

  38. The scope of the questions submitted by the House will be sufficiently met by dealing with the facts as they exist, irrespective of the cause from which they have proceeded.

  39. All the odds between them has been the different scope .

  40. The view obtained by one looking out; scope of vision; prospect; sight; appearance.

  41. Randolph frankly admitted the scope of his resolutions by urging that a union of the States merely federal would not suffice.

  42. He was in conference with Merry, the British minister, and with Yrujo, the Spanish minister; and each received a different impression as to the scope of his plans.

  43. One cannot help observing, however, that the whole scope and end of governing with the Osmanlis is--money.

  44. In other words, are acquirements and attainments the scope of a University Education?

  45. For, first of all, it professes to teach whatever has to be taught in any whatever department of human knowledge, and it embraces in its scope the loftiest subjects of human thought, and the richest fields of human inquiry.

  46. First I employed myself in establishing the principle that Knowledge is its own reward; and I showed that, when considered in this light, it is called Liberal Knowledge, and is the scope of Academical Institutions.

  47. And so in like manner, we contrast a liberal education with a commercial education or a professional; yet no one can deny that commerce and the professions afford scope for the highest and most diversified powers of mind.

  48. Consider what a new and unbounded scope will be afforded you, by the participation of my riches, for the exercise of benevolent and generous propensities.

  49. The more she exerted herself to bend his resolution, and the more scope she gave to the unstudied expression of her artless sentiments, the more inextricably was the magician caught, and the more firm and inexorable was his purpose.

  50. Goblins, and spirits of darkness, are permitted a certain scope in this terrestrial scene; but their power is bounded; beyond a certain line they cannot wander.

  51. It was his delight to give scope to his imagination by inventing a thousand artful tales of misfortune, by which he awakened the compassion, and engaged the attachment of the simple hinds.

  52. Yea, there is a fitness and a beauty in ascribing immortality to mind, That its energies and lofty aspirations may have scope for indefinite expansion.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "scope" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    ambit; amount; amplitude; area; bearing; body; breadth; bulk; caliber; calibrate; carry; chance; circle; clearance; coloring; command; compass; confine; connotation; consequence; course; cut; depth; diameter; diapason; dimension; discernment; distance; domination; drift; effect; essence; expanse; expansion; extension; extent; eye; eyesight; field; force; freedom; fullness; gamut; gauge; girth; gist; glass; grade; greatness; ground; height; horizon; idea; impact; implication; import; interval; jurisdiction; justice; ken; largeness; latitude; lawfulness; leap; leeway; legitimacy; length; level; liberty; magnitude; margin; mark; mass; measure; measurement; notch; nuance; occasion; opening; opportunity; orbit; outlook; overtone; panorama; peg; perception; period; perspective; perspicacity; perspicuity; pertinence; pitch; pith; place; plane; plateau; play; point; proportion; prospect; purport; purview; radius; range; ratio; reach; realm; reference; register; relation; relevance; remove; room; rope; round; rung; scale; scan; scope; sense; shade; shadow; sight; significance; signification; size; space; spectrum; spirit; spread; stair; standard; step; stint; stretch; substance; sum; survey; sway; sweep; swing; telescope; tenor; tolerance; tread; undertone; validity; value; view; vista; volume; way; rung; scale; scan; scope; sense; shade; shadow; sight; significance; signification; size; space; spectrum; spirit; spread; stair; standard; step; stint; stretch; substance; sum; survey; sway; sweep; swing; telescope; tenor; tolerance; tread; undertone; validity; value; view; vista; volume; way