We might slant away and look up that expressman," returned Dick.
The slant of the moon presaged evil for the king of Vendhya; the stars are in turmoil, the Serpent in the House of the Elephant.
The tower stood on the lower edge of a narrow plateau whose upward slant was barely perceptible.
It was at this very moment that a slant of the light breeze brought the rumble of the oncoming heavy freight train to their ears.
The shanty was completed, being rudely built, with a decided slant toward the back, and an open front.
The little Argo was actually becalmed within short range, but her company got out the sweeps and rowed her some distance before darkness and a favoring slant of wind carried them clear.
These little coasters, surviving long after the stately merchant marine had vanished from blue water, have enjoyed a slant of favoring fortune in recent years.
But if the sinking beams of the orb of light fail to penetrate this foliage and enshrouded gloom, they slant hot and red upon an open space, and that which this space contains.
And as the sun rays began to slant golden upon the surrounding veldt, it seemed to Laurence that even that triste wilderness took on a glow that was more than of earth.
By the slant of the sunrays he judged it must be about the middle of afternoon.
If they slant, the Nautilus follows the angle of that slant and, under its propeller's thrust, either sinks on a diagonal as steep as it suits me, or rises on that diagonal.
With the thrust of its propeller curbed by the slant of its fins, the Nautilus stood still.
Skilfully banking, he hauled the plane about, and settled on a long, swift slant toward the dark line.
In a long downward slant he rushed, like some vast swallow skimming a pool, over the mysterious plain of steaming waters.
The fire jumped a little valley and took the second hill, burning as clear as any furnace, with a swift onward, upward slant as the wind fanned it forward through the dry brush and among the crowded palms.
We can spend a week there, then slant away for wherever we may decide to pass the winter.
Blue and ghastly through the dense vapors, spinning in giddy gyrations, as the machine wheeled, catapulted and slid from one long slant to another, their relative positions still remained fixed.
The horizontal arrows show the direction of waves in the medium; the dotted slant line shows their resultant direction.
Now, if the motion of the medium inside the receiver is the same as it is outside, the wave will pass straight on along the slant to Z, and the true direction of the source is fixed.
A wave centre drifts from D to 1 in the same time as the disturbance reaches A, travelling down the slant line D A.
Perhaps Mechanic Art may find easy means to give them progressive Motion in a Calm, and to slant them a little in the Wind.
I got one slant at these fellows in the Buffalo Hump.
Steve Gurley shot his slant look at the Ranger, considered possibilities--and did as he was told.
The Captain shot a swift slant look at this imperturbable young man.
There's a queer slant to this business of the Rookeries somewhere, but I don't think it's in my brain.
Take a slantat this: 'Consumption Cured in Three Months.
It was after he had guessed wrong about Allen some dozens of times, without once guessing right, that Jackson made up his mind that there was no forecasting the "slant of his course from the slant of the breeze.
Another writer was sure the name was suggested by the hero's peculiar crouching seat--the slant of his back as he urged on his mount.
No forecasting the slant of his course from the slant of the breeze!
One of the correspondents fancied the name had been given Allen because of his "aquilinity, his wiry slenderness, so that he clove the air like a slant of sunbeams as he rode.
On Sunday morn, when a slant light was flung Upon the tower, and the first peal was rung, William and Mary smiling would repair, Arm linked in arm, to the same house of prayer.
The upright lines represent lines of cyclopean masonry, and the slant is the talus that connects them, covered with a short, sage-colored growth of some kind, and as soft to the eye as the turf of our fields.
One side and one end of it come about as straight up out of the sea as the side of a house, the other end is irregular and the other side is a steep slant which an army would find very difficult to climb.
At the foot of this slant is the walled town of Gibraltar--or rather the town occupies part of the slant.
I can still see the trees and bushes growing smaller and smaller as I followed them up its huge slant with my eye, till they became a feathery fringe on the distant summit.
In the still, bright days, his cheery voice rings through the frosty air, and when the thick veil of the snow falls in a wavering slant from the low sky its muffled cadence still heartens you.
He hastened to set a small screen, to rearrange fussily the handsome silver and linen on the daintily-set table, to slant the single fine rose in the vase at another angle.
This is a bevel, with which you get the slant of any thing, and reproduce it in your work.
The slant made by grinding off the end of the iron, so it will be sharp, is called the bevel.
These soon discovered that the ship was not on an even keel; a fact confirmed when attention was called to the slant of the steamer chairs and the roll of an orange toward the scuppers.
The slant of the deck they argued might be due to a shift of the cargo--a situation serious, but not dangerous--but why burn Costons?
The slant of the deck, however, increased, although the wind had gone down; so much so that the steamer chairs had to be lashed to the iron hand-hold skirting the wall of the upper cabins.
And as we proceeded over the final gentle slant up to the rim of the great basin that was set among the peaks, the Virginian was jocular once more.
Margaret's words that day in the bark slant were now ringing in his ears.
The slant of light burnishing the roof of the church to silver and flooding the pavement of the open square, crowded with black figures, the white caps of the fish-women indicated by crisp pats of the brush, pleased our painter immensely.
The place was dark except for a slant of moonlight which had struggled through the window-pane and was illumining the motor where it rested in its customary place under the sash.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "slant" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.