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Example sentences for "circumstances"

Lexicographically close words:
circumspect; circumspection; circumspectly; circumstance; circumstanced; circumstantial; circumstantiality; circumstantially; circumstantials; circumstaunce
  1. Circumstances change, temptations diminish, troubles lessen; but those people who trouble or offend us are an ever-present source of irritation.

  2. I suppose they knew from the circumstances of the case," said Mr. George, "that you would not be likely to have any smuggled goods in your trunk.

  3. Porter, after some remarks about the solemn scenes through which they had just passed, inquired more particularly than he had been permitted to do before into the circumstances of the family.

  4. Though it was hardly possible for Kate to reach Woodville, and inform the people there where she had gone, yet circumstances might conspire against her so as to render the telegraph available.

  5. Under these circumstances it seemed better to place the interests of the Order in Kentucky in charge of some one on the ground, who could give them personal oversight.

  6. He has spent his time, his efforts, and his wampum without stint and under circumstances which often gave good excuse to do otherwise.

  7. There probably was present some guest, who came under circumstances that awakened the strongest curiosity or who had a claim upon his entertainer.

  8. They have become so used to humble circumstances that wealth is a curse.

  9. An invitation to return the visit should not be forgotten, if circumstances are such that it can be appropriately made.

  10. Then, instead of declining any further answer, he very unnecessarily proceeds to make his son as miserable as he can, by detailing all the circumstances best calculated to create the most tender interest.

  11. Surely nothing can be more natural in point of truth, than all the circumstances of this inimitable description: nothing more artful in point of effect, than the suspence and attention which it begets in the mind of the reader!

  12. As to myself, you are possessed already of the circumstances which render any immediate assistance on my part wholly out of the question.

  13. MY DEAR SIR, As you are so anxious and inquisitive to know the principal circumstances that have occurred to my observation, since my introduction to the House of Commons, I think it my duty to give you what satisfaction I am able.

  14. Circumstances Leading to the First Sermon in Approval of Women XX.

  15. I do not need to be told the circumstances to know this--that if two people love each other, neither has any right to give the other up.

  16. All these circumstances were favourable to their design.

  17. He was puzzled to ascertain whether the two circumstances were in any way connected.

  18. He had found out that others could be brisk and sprightly under circumstances which made him dull and wretched, and that they also knew a great deal more about all sorts of things than he did.

  19. I visited the Birs," says Mr. Rich, "under circumstances peculiarly favourable to grandeur of effect.

  20. But in the circumstances of its history, no critique of ancient times can be more interesting.

  21. In these circumstances they come to you, making me--as your, may I say intimate, friend?

  22. The circumstances that have rendered a hitherto peaceful household more disordered than an abode of madmen are about to be brought to an end for ever.

  23. Under ordinary circumstances it is very possible that the young librarian might have betrayed the lady as he had already betrayed Malkiel the Second.

  24. I shall here give only a few details bearing upon the circumstances of their production.

  25. Edition, for some circumstances attending this erection.

  26. The music was that of some instrument with which they were unacquainted; but circumstances afterwards led my ancestress to believe that it was, that of the harmonica, which she heard at a much later period in life.

  27. Neither were the circumstances of the Varangian such as rendered the scene indifferent to him.

  28. It almost seemed as if circumstances had forced me to choose this alternative, and I accepted my fate in complete indifference.

  29. You are a real little hero, and your patience and fortitude have often set me an example, while I have grieved over the melancholy circumstances that have made you so old in sorrow.

  30. Clemence turned and immediately recognized Mrs. Bailey, an elderly woman, who lodged beneath the same humble roof to which her own straitened circumstances had consigned her with her parent.

  31. There was too much foundation in their present circumstances for anxiety.

  32. It is obvious that a recognition proper at one time and under special circumstances would not be proper at another time and under different circumstances.

  33. We expected from Mr. Sumner more enlightened consideration for the circumstances in which the English people have been placed, and some acknowledgment of the provocation they have received from this side of the Atlantic.

  34. But the question arises, At what time and under what circumstances can this recognition be made by a foreign power?

  35. Such has been the declared judgment of our country, and its practice, even under circumstances tempting in another direction; and such, also, was the declared judgment and practice of Great Britain with reference to Spanish America.

  36. From the origin of the fugitive clause, and the circumstances attending its adoption, it is apparent that it has been the occasion of infinite exaggeration and misrepresentation.

  37. But Tytler saw clearly that the circumstances in which he now found himself demanded a change in the original plan, by which the whole of his force was to take up its position across the Khyber defile.

  38. The men saw their ship sink, and all they had to remind them of the circumstances was a bulldog's head, the same being the figurehead of the ship.

  39. Illustration] "Under these circumstances I ought to inflict upon you the severest penalty which the law allows.

  40. His second speech, delivered on the Welsh Suspensory Bill, being free from the accidental circumstances that handicapped his first effort, confirmed this impression.

  41. The House, however, knew how stringent was the oath of a Privy Councillor, and how impossible it was for one in ordinary circumstances either to affirm or deny a report current as to what had taken place within its doors.

  42. Under these circumstances I will disregard my palpable duty, and render the whole proceedings a farce, by sentencing you to a fine of forty shillings, or a month.

  43. The warrior, however, trained in the desert observes facts which would escape the attention of the civilised, or half-civilised man, and notices and attaches a meaning to trifling circumstances quite beyond the perception of the other.

  44. Under such circumstances any animal will fight in self-defense.

  45. There is a general correspondence between those blessings wherewith Moses blessed the tribes of Israel before his death, and the circumstances and territory of each tribe in the promised land.

  46. Every place where he stands is as the very holy place of the oracles of the Most High, the spot in the innermost shrine where the voice of God is audible, All circumstances are the voice of God, commanding or restraining.

  47. New circumstances required a new type of character--the smaller man better fitted for the rougher work.

  48. The world provides the skeleton at the banquet, and circumstances supply the mocker to add a dash of failure to all our triumphs.

  49. Can there be anything more striking--I do not say dramatic, for the circumstances are far too serious for terms of art--can there be anything more in the nature of a gospel to us all than that brief dialogue?

  50. You do not yet understand, as you will some day, the fatal limitations of power that hem us all round and the obstinate way that circumstances have of not falling in with our wishes.

  51. That is the boldness permitted to faith,--to remind God of His own past acts, which pledge Him to give what He has put us into circumstances to need.

  52. The same circumstances of poverty, or wealth, or sorrow, or temptation, make one man better and another worse.

  53. Error is best unmasked by being allowed free opportunity to do its best; for the more favourable the circumstances of trial, the more signal the defeat.

  54. In whatever variety of circumstances we stand, that one infinitely simple and yet infinitely complex gift contains what we specially want at the moment.

  55. Mr. Henning was desirous to see how his son would act under circumstances which he readily admitted would be particularly trying.

  56. All these circumstances must be considered when we pass judgment on the vehement burst of passion which put young Smithers in danger of strangulation.

  57. Small wonder then, with this habit of reserve, if the circumstances in which he found himself on this holiday night of Christmas week paved the way for a very gloomy meditation.

  58. It is more than probable that under the same circumstances you and I, and a hundred others, if we ever had a spark of boy nature, or boy feeling about us, would have done the same, and not thought it derogatory either.

  59. With him the supernatural was paramount, and in its light all prosaic, squalid, unheroic circumstances sank into insignificance.

  60. Personally I regret having to take the course, but circumstances have occurred, which, in a way, compel this action.

  61. Whether he would have acted differently had he known all the circumstances is a matter of conjecture.

  62. They are hardly comedies at all, tho they have their humorous passages, but tragedies and tragi-comedies dealing with more thrilling circumstances and less naive wonderments than the earlier plays.

  63. This is no place to relate the various circumstances that placed the men of the sixteenth century in a fortunate position for Romance, or to indicate the long development of romantic-comedy in which Shakspere played so great a part.

  64. But confining himself to hard matter-of-fact, he could not but see that his client had done everything for the best, and that it was only the force of circumstances that had brought him to this pass.

  65. Blind, from the very circumstances of his birth and education; noble, because it was founded upon the rock of a good woman's goodness.

  66. The change in his circumstances before he married Alice, his bitter disappointment at the conduct her father had pursued towards them, and their subsequent misfortunes and poverty, had completely prostrated him.

  67. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "circumstances" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    affairs; ambit; assets; borderland; circle; circuit; circumstance; circumstances; compass; condition; context; dealings; doings; entourage; environment; environs; fortune; funds; habitat; life; means; milieu; neighborhood; outpost; outskirts; perimeter; periphery; place; plight; position; precincts; proceedings; purlieus; rank; relations; resources; situation; state; stock; suburbs; surroundings; tangible; thing; times; vicinity; wealth

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    circumstances might; circumstances permit; circumstances should; circumstances will; circumstances would