Every upheave seemed to be followed by a downward settling plunge, as though the ship were already on her way to the bottom.
To my unspeakable and heartfelt relief we were now on theupheave of the curling combers, and those horrible fins were still behind.
There was a quick gliding movement, an upheave and a bump--and then--crash came one of the mighty rollers as before.
Conservatives said the divorce measures proposed would upheave the whole social fabric.
In one dense mass against the city-gate They hurled themselves, with twibills strove to breach The long walls, from their hinges to upheave The gates, and dash to earth.
He bade them on their wings bear blackest storm To upheave the sea, and shroud Caphereus' heights.
Rear your hills and lay your valleys, and the land shall speedily flow with milk and honey; but if you willupheave mountains and spread deserts, you may expect scant herbage on the one and but scattered oases on the other.
Do you suppose that anything and everything you can do in the way of cultivation will have power to upheave the granite from its hidden depths and send down the alluvium to discharge its underground duties?
It would have taken something more than that to upheave the stern selfishness of his character to any purpose; but many a good feeling rose to the surface which, for the time, made him a better man.