Jacinto Quesada come to ourcamp and break bread with us?
Said Carson: "So that's why he left thecamp alone!
Why, to sit in the sun and watch you perform, I have ventured into Seville in disguise when the men of the Guardia Civil were as thick about the bull ring as flea-bitten curs about a camp of Gitanos; and I have counted the risk nothing!
She left the watercourse behind, and neared the camp of the Gitanos.
And she went on very softly: "Last night, there came to our campin the barranca an outlaw, a salteador de camino.
The Roms, every last dishevel-headed and swarthy-faced lad, had left the camp immediately after the conclusion of the horse trading.
In the hushed and golden gloaming, they came at last, those two of the Guardia Civil, to a turning of the narrow canyon and then, beyond, to a Gypsy camp set in an opening among the trees.
It would be an error of strategy if we failed to look as gallant as possible when we ride into the camp of the Zincali.
Keeping steadily on, they rode through the obscurity of the corridorlike reaches of the barranca, and swiftly drew near the opening among the trees and the camp of the Gypsies.
There'll be a good few notches at the end of the war!
There are safe to be a lot of Dutchmen in laager with brandt-zick flocks, and ours will be covered with it by the time it's all over.
So you'd better roll up your traps and go back with him to-morrow.
Red water and lung sickness will clear them all out too.
It had lain over his heart, and but for its intervention that sure and powerfully directed stroke would have cleft his heart in twain.
The few sheep I have left are hardly worth looking after.
His personality seems still to pervade the whole house, his spirit to hover around her, to permeate her whole being, here as it could nowhere else.
You're a jolly lucky fellow to have a Somerset East farm to send your stock to," rejoined Hoste.
It was a singular thing that he should have emerged from the ordeal unhurt and smiling, while poor Tom Carhayes had been mercilessly butchered.
It was a first-class stroke of luck doing that deal with Reid, wasn't it, Eustace?
We mustn't camp anywhere that'll give Johnny Kafir a chance of cutting out the cattle again.
Eustace and his travelling companions had reached the camp of the Kaffrarian Rangers in due course.
The order reached them in their camp on the Bashi, and forthwith they acted upon it.
Where is he who was lured into the white man's camp by fair promises and then shot down?
Meanwhile, those left in camp were resting appreciatively after their labours, and conversing.
We can just hunt down the river bank for two or three hours, and catch up the troop in camp to-night.
The camp had been pitched upon high ground overlooking the valley of the Bashi, which ran beneath between rugged bush-clad banks.
They were to march at sundown and camp for the night at the Kei Drift.
Except those who were to constitute the patrol, scarcely anybody was astir in the camp of the Kaffrarian Rangers that dark, rainy morning.
Our best chance would be for someone to break through and ride to the camp for help.
Accordingly the breakfasts were cooked and eaten, the camp was struck, and the whole troop started upon its homeward way.
They were very strongly posted at a narrow gorge three miles from our camp on the north side of the pass, and their position was flanked by impassable snow mountains.
However, as I told Lord Curzon at his camp in Patiala, where I took leave of him on my return to Tibet, I meant to do my very best to get the thing through.
The Jongpen afterwards followed the British officers, and made repeated efforts to induce them to halt for a day at the next camp in order to confer with the two Lhasa officials.
I passed the camp of the 23rd Pioneers, and first made the acquaintance of Colonel Hogge and his officers, with whom I was to be so closely associated in future, and in whom I always found such firm supporters.
Two guns and four companies of infantry were also kept in readiness in camp to support us at a moment’s notice.
This would contain the whole of my staff, as well as an escort of two companies, and was therefore, both for purposes of possible defence and also for receptions, much more suitable than a camp in the open plain.
We had not wished for war, and I had gone with Captain O’Connor, without any escort, into their camp at Guru in January to reason quietly with the leaders there, and ask them to report my views to Lhasa.
Two months later, however, the Tibetans again showed truculence, and with 3,000 men attacked our camp at Gnatong.
The two Sikkim men made prisoners remained in custody, and Tibetan troops lined all the heights between our camp and Gyantse or Shigatse; and there was much probability that Siberian Buriat Lamas were present in Lhasa.
I started station loafing, Short stages and took my ease; So all day long till sundown I’d camp beneath the trees.
Through the long, long summer day, And campat night by some lonely creek When dies the golden ray.
If the heavenly hosts get boxed now, As mobs most always will, Who’ll cut ’em out like William, Or draft on a camp like Bill?
But who’d think to see you now dining in state With a lord and the devil knows who, You were flashing your dover, six short months ago, In a lambing camp on the Barcoo.
These nomads often followed up and down certain rivers, and would camp for days and fish for cod in the bends of the river.
Now on every side we faintly hear The crack of the stockwhip drawing near; To the camp the cattle soon converge, As from the thick scrub they emerge.
IT’S ONLY A WAY HE’S GOT (As sung by the camp fire.
We could not take them along on the march, neither did we like to leave them behind; for it seemed cruel to leave Jack, Jill, and Jenny in the deserted and dismantled camp to go back to the barbarous habits of their ancestors.
At other times he was compelled to march through the company streets and make the tour of the camp under guard.
Camp Curtin was not properly a camp of instruction.
Although Camp Curtin was not so much a camp of instruction as a camp of equipment, yet once we had received our arms and uniforms, we were all eager to be put on drill.
If while we were lying in camp a man refused his duty, he was at once haled to the guard-house, which is the military name for lock-up.
Our first camp was located on the outskirts of Harrisburg, Pa.
Late in the fall of 1863, while we were lying in camp somewhere among the pine woods along the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, we were one day marched out to witness the execution of a deserter.
Time wore away monotonously in the campwe established there, near Culpeper Court-house.
The campmight well go without a guard that night, or the orderly might find McFadden in the dark if he could.
The author of this dashing and exhilarating volume was the correspondent of the London Times during the troubles in Italy, and gives here his personal adventures in the camp of Charles Albert.
Which is profited by; and by the time the camp is thoroughly roused from its hideous nightmare, every soldier with his head still on may place two or three prisoners at the end of his bayonet.
And, at the very time that Committee was in session at the camp at Cambridge, we find Colonel Reed having the subject of flags under consideration.
A young man, who had been previously with her, was taken sick in camp near Richmond.
Out into the night through the woods she rode like the wind to Camp Davis, a mile and a half away.
In every camp of the early days of the great struggle the incoming troops bore trophies of home love, and as the war progressed to need, then to dire want, the sacrifices of those women at home became almost a poem, and one most pathetic.
At the Soldiers' Home she holds the position of matron, and her little room is a shrine never neglected by visitors to "Camp Nichols.
Being in camp so long, bedding became an object with the marauders; and many wealthy families were stripped of what the industry of years had accumulated in that line.
A young soldier from the camp was detailed to help us, and a clergyman was in constant attendance, coming at night that we might have rest.
When in camp she looked after the comfort of the regiment, both sick and well, and many a one escaped being sent to the hospital because Rose attended to him so well.
The company was to leave the home camp for the front.
It was a good umbrella as far as it went and it was a special convenience to the refugee women who had to camp in the woods.
I claim for Camp Pickett the paternity of the first of the public expressions, in the form of a Confederate woman's monument.
In a fever-stricken camp in Southern swamplands a father waked night after night, walking the hospitals where his brave lads lay moaning, seeing in their burning misery, hearing in their last sigh, the sufferings of a beloved child.
The clerk looked up from his desk and said he was sorry, but the quartermaster was the only man who knew the combination, and he had gone over to Camp Merritt.
Its ministrations had been gladly accepted by the scores of officers and men among the volunteers, to whom the somewhat bare and crude conditions of camp hospitals were doubtless very trying.
Vinton could not stand between his favorite aide-de-camp and the accusation laid at his door.
From the lumbercamp I went to one of the big turpentine camps where conditions are as primitive and as inhuman as in the stockades.
From the stockade I went to a lumber campwhere some officials had been found guilty of peonage.
Illustration: Irvine Punching Logs in the Gulf of Mexico, 1907] I got a job as a teamster and took my place in the camp among the labourers as if I had spent my life at it.
Several times around a bonfire of pine knots I entertained the men of the camp with stories of travel, history and romance.
I obtained photographs of the bosses, the bloodhounds and the camp box cars in which the lumber Jacks lived.
It was one of the excitements of camp life--to inspect and classify the newcomers.
He was discharged and we went back to the camp to make merry for the rest of the forenoon.
The steward was thecamp bully and the men were afraid of him.
As we are about to camp close to the abdomen for a season of explorations and a more reasonable knowledge of its organs and their functions, we will search its geography first, and find its location on the body or globe of life.
Then he went into camp and left this compound for other minds to speculate on, of the how it was made, of what composed, and how it became a medium of life which sustains all beings.
Here it was, albeit in a warmer environment than the Antarctic campshe envisaged for herself, and she shouldn't have been happier.
And peaceful Camp Gabriele in Antarctica turned out to be TJ, a city filled with drug addicts, drug lords and perhaps one or two intoxicated goddesses like herself.
There was no sun to dry them now, but I laid them out carefully on the smooth warm rock, and hoped that one at least would serve to light our camp fire.
For over half an hour, however, nothing came towards me, and believing then that the game had broken off another way, I was about to return to camp when I heard the tapping of galloping feet a long way off.
Then he got up and trotted briskly off some ten or fifteen yards, and stood--a bright spot picked out by the glare of the camp fire--with his back towards me and his uneven ears topping him off.
There was satisfaction in having the puzzle solved, but the more practical point was that here was all the help I wanted; and the boys readily agreed to skin the animal and carry the four quarters to the camp for the gift of the rest.
Round the camp fire at nights it was no uncommon thing to see some one jump up and let out with whatever was handiest at some poisonous intruder.
We both wanted a drink, but there was no time then to hunt for water in such a dry part as that, so off we started for camp and jogged along for a good time, perhaps half an hour.
When it came to midnight, with the camp wrapped in silence and in sleep, and there was still no sign of Jock, things looked very black indeed.
I taught Jock not to touch food in camp until he was told to `take it.
Then the rivers rose; the roar of waters was all around us; and Paradise Camp was isolated from the rest by floods which no man would lightly face.
I had not once noticed our direction or looked at the sun, yet when it came to making for camp again the idea of losing the way never occurred to me.
Perhaps they did not realise that the shots and flashes were not part of the campfire from which they seemed to come; perhaps their system of never relinquishing a chase had not been tried against the white man before.
They usually 'camp out,' but as it was excessively muddy, they were permitted to come into the house.
Two or three days since a gentleman of this parish, in hunting runaway negroes, came upon a camp of them in the swamp on Cat Island.
Dere's goin' to be a big camp meetin' on Sunday mornin'.
Here at the junction of the greater and lesser paths were wide, open spaces where many a camp has been raised and struck, where assemblies innumerable have been harangued, where a thousand ambuscades have been laid and sprung.
Particularly in thecamp of the Allies is the possibility lest Germany might emerge out of the war the actual arbiter of Europe conceived as an unbearable thought.
They report bad conditions; they were not allowed (contrary to our "treaty") to talk out of hearing of camp officers to the prisoners in Lemburg Camp.
We knew him not so well who knew The patient eyes his soul looked through; For who his untrod realm could share Of us that breathe this mortal air, Or camp in that celestial tent Whose fringes gild our firmament?
About the year 1840, trees cut down near the site of Gist's camp were found to contain balls buried six inches in the wood.
The Hessian camp by Tippett's Brook, or the Highlanders', at Valentine's Hill?
On the night preceding the attack, he had stationed his campat the foot of Boar Hill, for the better purpose of paying a special visit to this lady.
The principal camp of the Americans was far to the north.
That veteran militiaman heard his story, gave it credit, and, with no thought that he might be a spy, invited him to remain at the camp as a volunteer.
Not until July, 1778, after Monmouth battle, did the British main army return to New York, and the American forces form the great arc, with their chief camp in upper West Chester County.
Probably everybody has read the incident thus related by Irving: "As the ships entered the harbor and the rebel camp was pointed out, Burgoyne could not restrain a burst of surprise and scorn.
The citizens were allowed to pass the barrier on the Neck, if they did not carry arms or ammunition, and there was no strict discipline in the camp of New Englanders.
The noise of firearms would alarm the Hessian camp by Tippett's Brook, below, and the rebels would thus be caught between two forces.
Further north, between the Albany road and the Hudson, was a camp of German and Hessian allies, foot and horse.
We've come up to our next ledge, as I was trying to explain to you a few months ago; I know we can camp here a bit; and if we've had some scratches in the climb we can talk of them by and by.
Then, just as you think that you can camp there and be comfortable for the rest of your life, you find yourself summoned to move to the next ledge higher up.
He leaves his lofty cedarn chamber, and with a single aged attendant, unarmed, repairs to the Grecian camp beside the distant sounding sea.
Conditions in thecamp during the period of this epidemic were frightful.
At the time I visited the camp the typhus epidemic, of course, had been stamped out.
The Germans employed a large number of police dogs in this camp and these dogs not only were used in watching the outside of the camp in order to prevent the escape of prisoners but also were used within the camp.
We did not dare to go ashore, not knowing if we should find dry ground to camp on, and greatly fearing the poisonous exhalations from the marsh, from which we thought we should be freer on the water.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "camp" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.