Laughter also has this subtle advantage, that it need not remain without an overtone of sympathy and brotherly understanding; as the laughter that greets Don Quixote's absurdities and misadventures does not mock the hero's intent.
There is one other phase or possible overtone of religion about which a word might be added in conclusion.
An overtone can be discovered by holding near one of the vibrating aliquot parts a chamber of the right size, form, and substance to reinforce the tone of one of these parts.
It appears, moreover, to be impossible to overtone the citro-chloro emulsion paper with it in the sense that it is possible to overtone prints on albumenized paper with the ordinary alkaline bath.
He also discovered that the overtone of a string can respond to another string tuned to its note.
There was an overtone which suggested that it made little difference what impressions a captain of cavalry might have gained.
Almost at once they caught the overtoneof human joyousness, and they turned with strange smiles to each other, and it was "Pierre?
The first overtone results when nodes form as in Fig.