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Example sentences for "wallop"

Lexicographically close words:
wallets; walleye; wallflower; wallflowers; walling; walloped; walloping; wallow; wallowed; wallowing
  1. Standing before one of the stacks of wheat he hit it a wallop of his flail and broke it asunder.

  2. The first one said: "Give him a touch of the hurly and let the others do the same; and we'll wallop him till he is dead.

  3. The second are seven men with iron hurlies and an iron ball, and with their hurlies they wallop the life out of any man that goes their way.

  4. Gaed foremost o'er the knowe, And or I wad anither jad, I'll wallop in a tow.

  5. But his mother ain't big enough to wallop his butt the way it needs.

  6. He declined them all, much to our surprise, and continued to wallop his way round the course with Uncle Billy and Old Man Sprott, apparently on as cordial terms as ever.

  7. Coming from a man who never took a full-arm wallop at a ball in his life, criticism must have seemed superfluous.

  8. And if I were to wallop you because you had taken it into your stupid head to leave me at a moment's notice, should I be justified in doing so?

  9. Why should I wallop her for leaving my service?

  10. If you war to wallop her, sir, into the bargain, it would be a good deed done," Peter had said to his master.

  11. Horny-handed Jurors hung around the Circuit Court-Room waiting for a Chance to take a Wallop at the soulless Corporation.

  12. I don't want to sit on side lines like some poor Indian wrapped up in a blanket--I want to go in from start an' wallop them fellers.

  13. We're going to wallop Blue Hill when we get the chance, too.

  14. Then he rode a wallop till he had a sight of the two pavilions, and the two knights fighting.

  15. Then they began to wallop and met with their enemies, there were men slain and overthrown on every side.

  16. He says he's goin' to wallop you for shootin' his dawg last summer," said little Joe Barnes.

  17. Crow and Wallop stopped short in the middle of their exclamation.

  18. They shook hands rather sheepishly, and Wallop said something about the weather which had no actual bearing, on my recovery.

  19. So you may say," said Wallop the cad, laughing.

  20. That's the thirty shillings you paid Wallop for me the other day, Hawkesbury.

  21. Wallop appeared at the door in answer to the bell, and was told he was not wanted.

  22. I would sooner have owed Wallop thirty pounds than Hawkesbury thirty shillings.

  23. I'm afraid I can't undo what has been done, for Wallop will hardly give me back the money.

  24. Dashing from his desk, he flew at Wallop like a young wolf, and before that facetious young gentleman knew where he was he was lying at full length on the floor, and Jack standing over him, trembling with fury from head to foot.

  25. Wallop tells me you've paid him the thirty shillings I owed him," said I.

  26. It wasn't often Wallop indulged in classical quotations, but when he did they were always effective, as was the case now.

  27. I would far sooner have been thrashed out and out by Wallop than be left thus under what Hawkesbury would certainly consider an obligation to him.

  28. Doubleday and Wallop and Crow rather distracting, and more than once envied Jack his berth among the Imports where, as a rule, silence reigned supreme.

  29. I thought he was quite right to walk into that cad Wallop myself.

  30. One of our boys will put in the big wallop and circle the bases on a trot, and then it'll all be over but the shouting.

  31. I don't like to wallop a sick man," Shorty explained, his fist doubled menacingly.

  32. But I'd wallop his block off if it'd make him well.

  33. To myn assured frendes My lorde of Winchestre and sir John Wallop knight the kinges Ambassadours in fraunce.

  34. He instructed Cromwell to write a full account of the revolt to Gardiner and Wallop at the French Court, ordering them to tell all people that though at first the insurgents ‘made peticion to haue obteyned certain articles, .

  35. And this matier the kinges highnes woll haue you chiefly prosecute, leving to Sir John Wallop only the sute for the moneye, bicause the promyse therof was made vnto him.

  36. He was, however, almost immediately taken by Essex into his service, when Sir Henry Wallop again renewed his prosecution, with the result that Boyle was summoned before the star chamber.

  37. Some you wallop and they work, some you wallop and they jib, and some you wallop and they go out for a walk with their hands in their pockets.

  38. Bo, he's got a sleep-pill in each mitt if--if he can land his wallop right!

  39. That sure was some wallop you handed him!

  40. I'm 'fraid she'd wallop ye all about in a heavy sea.

  41. Needs to have some chappie give him a wallop or so, what?

  42. Yes; about as much as Mr. John Sullivan did when he carried the world heavy-weight wallop in his good right hand.

  43. Why, I can wallop the both of you, and not half try.

  44. Yeou hit the English language an awful wallop that time.

  45. Margot went on, when the Alpine range of parcels had melted away under the combined efforts of chauffeur and Commissionaire: "Poor old Wallop will wail, but I've purged myself of the contempt of being a Food Hog.

  46. The challenge was accepted, the jousts were held, and, after this fine old chivalric mode of displaying his friendship, Sir John Wallop held on his course to Landrecy.

  47. I'll cover myself with cheap glory--I'll go And wallop the Frenchmen who live in Soho!

  48. He was tryin' to wallop her when Lawler come in.

  49. It was interesting to see the commander hand the depth gauge a wallop to start it working and find out if the centre of the boat was really nine feet higher than either end.

  50. Tranquil, sixty feet under water and your life hanging on a gauge that needs a good heavy wallop to make it work.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wallop" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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