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Example sentences for "stone"

Lexicographically close words:
stonde; stonden; stondeth; stonding; stondyng; stonecutter; stonecutters; stoned; stoneless; stonemason
  1. I understand, too, that there are witnesses who saw Mendosa on the day following the burglary who noticed that one stone had disappeared from the ring, and that a claw had been broken off.

  2. At the turning point he saw Ben, Jimmie and Kit standing huddled about a figure lying on the stone floor of the cavern.

  3. The boys stood looking into each other’s faces with wondering glances for a moment, and then Ben bent closer over the figure lying on the stone floor.

  4. So we’ll need the stone and the triangular piece of gold for comparison.

  5. If the right steps are taken, and the stone and the claw are not stolen from Havens by agents of the outlaws, that ring will eventually convict the murderers of the night-watchman!

  6. It is believed by the officers that this stone and this piece of gold became detached from a ring worn by Mendosa on that night.

  7. The stone looks like one of a cluster, and the triangular piece of gold is unquestionably part of a claw originally used to keep the diamonds in the setting.

  8. And here,” Havens continued taking a slender roll of tissue paper from his pocket, “are the stone and the gold claw broken from the ring on the night of the robbery and murder.

  9. Anyway,” Carl insisted, “Mr. Havens was carrying a stone and a gold claw broken from a ring believed to have been worn by Mendosa on the night of the murder.

  10. But soon she wore her weeds again, And they turned that stone about; And on it traced this touching line, "My life's light has gone out.

  11. These are little bits of stone or metallic matter shooting through space at high rates of speed, which strike the atmosphere and become hot.

  12. St. Augustine has beautifully said, that the horse which has gone astray is a more noble creature than a stone which has no power to go astray.

  13. Indeed, it would be as impossible to necessitate true and genuine obedience by the application of power, as it would be to convert a stone into a moral agent by the application of motives and persuasion.

  14. Christ is the corner-stone of the spiritual universe, by which all things in heaven and earth are kept from falling away from God, its great centre of light and life.

  15. The stone bridge for traffic is at the farther end of the town.

  16. He seized the ring and carried it off; a very poor little simple ring, with a single stone shaped as a heart, not half the price of the locket.

  17. Decidedly, I am the one looker-on, the one bystander, and have no more concern with the active world than a stone has.

  18. Marcus Antoninus says that it is all one to a stone whether it be thrown upwards or downwards.

  19. It won't be long before the bait it gone when I am ready to set my traps, then I move the middle stone and put the thin one on the pan of the trap so it will just stick out of the water.

  20. The stone rolls down to the bottom and pulls him under and he drowns in a short time.

  21. When I made a water set I saw that the bank outside went down pretty bold and I always tied a stone to the trap and thus insured the animal drowning.

  22. A heavy stone is tied to the chain of the trap and after the trap is set the wire is stretched up or down stream and fastened to a stake driven in the bank under water.

  23. I sprinkle a few drops on a stone or bush, stick in center between traps, but use no other bait.

  24. I place it on a rock in the middle of the spring or about a foot from the bank and put a stone half-way between that and the bank just under water.

  25. When the game is caught it plunges into the water and the weight of the stone and trap pulls it down to the bottom.

  26. I have known one that looked stone dead rise up and kill a man.

  27. Vassia Kazán might have lived and have incurred the suspicions of the police, and be dwelling far away in the death in life of Siberian mines, or deep sunk in some fortress, like a stone at the bottom of a well.

  28. No rampart was ever built of nobler materials; each stone was a work of art and had been reverenced for centuries as something sacred, or bore in an elegant inscription the memorial of noble deeds.

  29. There was a use for every one who could heave a stone or flourish a sword; and when he thought over the number of his troops he believed he might succeed in holding the building for some considerable time.

  30. No one will ever dare to touch a stone of it," said the steward.

  31. When you see us offering sacrifice at the foot of a marble image you must not suppose that the lifeless, perishable stone is the object of our adoration.

  32. Some one had stood a tin can upon a stone to catch the water--but the water was already running over, for the can was no bigger than an egg-cup!

  33. Then he looked over at his horse's heels; it was lame also; the stone took some time to knock out, after he got to the ploughman.

  34. I think they have fallen down the stone quarry.

  35. The chimney stack stood up above the roof like a little stone tower, and the daylight shone down from the top, under the slanting slates that kept out the rain.

  36. He scrambled up and up; but before he reached the chimney top he came to a place where somebody had loosened a stone in the wall.

  37. Mittens ran away to the dairy, and hid in an empty jar on the stone shelf where the milk pans stand.

  38. An old mouse was running in and out over the stone doorstep, carrying peas and beans to her family in the wood.

  39. Motioning with his hands for silence and not succeeding, he seized a stone water-pitcher standing near by, threatening to break it over the head of the first man who laid hands on Baker.

  40. Then I practised looking at the home plate stone and throwing at first base with a snap of the wrist and without moving my feet.

  41. Thereafter, all the pitchers got to carrying rosin or pumice stone in their pockets, for the story quickly went round the circuit, and it is useless to soap the soil in the box any more.

  42. I had a pretty fair balk motion when my arm was good, but I saw that it had to be better, so I put one stone in the yard for a home plate and another up against the fence for first base.

  43. Get some pumice stone and rub it on your finger-nails and cut out those John Drew manicures after this.

  44. He sits by staring enviously at his compatriots in the employ of the foreign magnate, who rests on a stone behind and listens to the conversation.

  45. Sometimes one steps twenty inches from one stone to another, and were it not that the pathway is winding, although the turning and twisting makes unending toil, progress in the ascent would be impossible.

  46. The outside, and indeed the whole place, bears every mark of Western architecture, with a trace here and there of the Chinese artistry, and for carved stone and grey-washed brick might easily be mistaken for a foreign building.

  47. Maidenhair ferns grew in great profusion, showing that we were getting into warmer climate; streams rushed swiftly under the stone roadway from dyked-up dams to facilitate the irrigation, at which the Chinese are such past-masters.

  48. Seated on a stone on shore, watching operations, is The Other Man.

  49. Midway down the stone footway my yamen runner too cautiously crept up to me in the dark, muttering something, and I floored him with my fist.

  50. From T'ao-üen there is a stiff ascent, followed by a climb up steep stone steps and muddy mountain banks through black and barren country.

  51. I had come over difficult country, plodding upwards on tiptoe and then downwards with a lazy swing from stone to stone for miles.

  52. Among the rarer curios of the home are those wonderful ornaments cut and carved out of jade, a beautiful stone which has been so highly prized by the Chinese.

  53. It is said that jade in the form of spleen stone first came to Europe from America.

  54. They included overmantels, the entire breastwork of the chimney often being covered with stone or marble or black oak, right up to the ceiling or the cornice.

  55. The brazier on a piece of stone in the centre of the room served well when charcoal was plentiful, and although the smoke ascended amidst the rafters the heat spread and there was plenty of room for many persons to assemble "around" the fire.

  56. These marvellously varied stones were formerly quarried from the Kuen-Kask Valley, where jade or yu-stone runs in different-coloured veins through the rocks.

  57. Delightful, indeed, are some of the statuettes in stone and lead representing Aphrodite and the Graces.

  58. There are many games and amusements, such as stone draught boards, and draughtsmen in porcelain and wood.

  59. The State furnishes all the materials for construction, and the power to raise the stone and water from the shaft.

  60. He may, under permission from the engineer, take stone and sand from the State's premises, without making compensation.

  61. About one-third of the masonry for Green River bridge has been built, and the stone is quarried for the other bridges.

  62. On the first day of January, about thirty-eight feet of stone remained for excavation in this shaft.

  63. The State provides the materials used, and hoist the stone to the surface.

  64. No specious splendour of this stone (Hours of Idleness), i.

  65. We will go, after an audience with the Council, together, and because of some need of more stone from the quarries, we will stop on our way out and leave orders at Mit and Sinsi, where the quarries are.

  66. They built this City of Light from phosphorescent stone quarried from the Mountains of Tiniti.

  67. But amongst these vast ejections, these truncated fossil craters were embedded masses of the rare self-luminous stone that made the City of Light.

  68. As we drew nearer I descried a slant incline from the open excavation down which the blocks of stone were slid.

  69. Alca, Chapman and myself, as is the Martian habit, walked to the quarry mouth, up a winding and hard stone road.

  70. The Court of the Registeries was a long low structure made of the prevalent white stone with a roof of what seemed to be red copper.

  71. Amphitheatres of stone built high above the ground, and approached by encircling terraces of steps dotted the country at long intervals.

  72. I respond naturally to all this serenity and joy, this precision of power over inanimate things; this flooded being and the dawning sense that through the stepping stone of Mars, I approach yet higher beatitudes of living.

  73. The blocks of stone were hoisted from the gigantic pit by hoists worked by hand.

  74. I felt certain that it was a bolide from space, one of those fiery visitors of stone and iron that collide occasionally with our Earth, and that somewhere before us, in the country we were approaching, it would be found.

  75. We made our way to a pleasant house, built of the quarried volcanic rock, alternating with the white stone of the quarry, and covered with an almost flat roof of the blue metal.

  76. Such clocks, too, are set on stone piers built up from below the surface of the ground and wholly independent of the building itself.

  77. They are not known to have used stone foundations, nor to have made any attempt at regularity of outline.

  78. There were also objects of aboriginal manufacture, such as stone implements, pottery, pieces of flint, etc.

  79. Outhouses were often dug into the hillside, and were sometimes walled up on the inside with stone and turf.

  80. While the use of the bow and arrow does not seem to have occurred to them, the spear and axe are in general use, commonly made of hard-wood; the hatchets of stone, and the javelins pointed with stone or bone.

  81. One of these last is a boundary stone relating to the assignation of lands in the time of the Gracchi, of which six other examples have been found in Campania and Lucania.

  82. At last one cast a stone towards the boat, which earned him a charge of small shot in the leg.

  83. Chalk, from which blanc de Troyes is manufactured, and clay are abundant; and there are peat workings and quarries of building-stone and limestone.

  84. Like birds that are just restored to liberty, the people come out of their stone cages, and joyfully fly toward the country.

  85. Stone and metals require long preparations; they resist our first efforts, and belong less to the individual than to communities.

  86. It was but yesterday that they had an Alpine aspect to me, and I waited for the first snowstorm to see glaciers among them; to-day, I only see tiles and stone flues.

  87. He declared himself independent, and as a token of defiance set up a great stone lion in Brunswick, and had the same symbol placed upon his standard, two lions supporting a shield beneath the white horse.

  88. See here now," and scrambling down, Ben pulled out a cherished bit of chalk and flourished off ten letters of the alphabet, one on each of the dark stone slabs that paved the walk.

  89. Then a stone door is put over the mouth until it is time to take out the loaves.

  90. I saw in Brunswick the great stone lion which Henry Guelph placed there seven hundred years ago; and in Hanover, the old palace in which George the First was born, with the lion and the horse above the entrance.

  91. That professor will be showing us how to see through a mill-stone next, may be.

  92. Guido took the stone to a skilful lapidary, who had no sooner inspected it than he knew its virtues, and would willingly have paid him a hundred florins for it.

  93. Orlando, taking a stone for a pillow, quietly laid himself down also.

  94. On the top is a crucifix of beaten gold, the stone standing on four lions of brass.

  95. It opened its mouth and let the stone fall into Guido's lap.

  96. If any one cast a stone or other hard substance into this lake, the demons exhibited their anger by furious storms.

  97. Not far from Cullen lieth the town of Ach, where he saw the gorgeous temple that the Emperor Carolus Quartus built of marble-stone for a remembrance of him, to the end that all his successors should there be crowned.

  98. It is also well-known that isolated stone crosses of pre-historic date are to be seen in various parts of India.

  99. The words of our dear Lord, "For which of my favors would you stone me," must come to the mind of some religious often during life.

  100. This building was an immense, dark stone structure, six stories in height, a sure enough penitentiary-looking Roman fortification.

  101. This asylum included seven magnificent stone buildings, and had four hundred and twenty acres of ground.

  102. In former days it was only a prophet like Moses, Jesus, or Muhammad, that was suffered to have a stone placed over his head.

  103. The ruins of these temples he scattered all round the place, and consist of colonnades of stone pillars and pedestals, richly enough carved with human figures, in attitudes rudely and obscenely conceived.

  104. The Sangîn Burj, or Stone Tower, is a fine unfinished fortification (ibid.

  105. This octagonal stone pavilion was put up in A.

  106. This cut is crossed by an enormous stone wall running north and south, and intended to shut in the waters, and form a lake in the opening beyond it.

  107. These tombs are all elaborately built and worked out of the fine freestone of the country and the trellis-work upon some of their stone screens is still as beautiful as when first made.

  108. These hillocks afford the people stone for building, and great facilities for defending themselves against the inroads of freebooters.

  109. There are four balconies, supported upon large stone brackets, and surrounded with battlements of richly cut stone, to enable people to walk round the tower with safety.

  110. This mosque is in the old city, described as 'a crowded mass of small flat-roofed stone houses' (ibid.

  111. Round the gravestone runs a carved wooden guard, and from the four corners rise stone pillars draped with cloth, which support an angular wooden frame-work, and which has something the appearance of a canopy to a bed.

  112. The discovery of a mineral spring or of a good quality of building-stone on worthless land, will cause a value to attach at once to the source of supply.

  113. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stone" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    adamant; adobe; arch; asphalt; bangle; basalt; bead; bedrock; berry; blemish; board; bolt; bone; boomerang; bracelet; brain; brass; breccia; brick; brickbat; brooch; burn; bust; cairn; cement; cenotaph; chain; charm; chatelaine; circle; clapboard; clinker; cobblestone; column; concrete; conglomerate; coronet; crag; cross; crown; crucify; crystal; cup; curb; curbstone; decapitate; diadem; diamond; disintegrate; dolmen; dram; drop; dyne; earring; execute; face; fell; firebrick; flag; flagstone; flint; flinty; flooring; force; fruit; fuddle; garrote; gem; glass; glaze; gneiss; grain; granite; grave; gravel; gravestone; guillotine; hayseed; headstone; impurity; inscription; intruder; iron; jewel; kernel; kilo; lath; lava; locket; macadam; marble; marker; masonry; mass; material; mausoleum; memento; memorial; misfit; missile; monolith; monument; mortar; mote; mound; nail; necklace; necrology; nut; oak; obelisk; obituary; overtake; paper; pavement; pellet; pelt; petrified; pickle; pillar; pin; pistol; pit; plank; plaque; plaster; plate; pollute; pound; prize; projectile; pyramid; reliquary; remembrance; rhinestone; ribbon; riddle; ring; rock; rocket; roofing; rubble; sandstone; schist; scoria; scree; seed; shaft; shake; sheathe; shingle; shoot; shrine; siding; silence; slate; sliver; souse; speck; splinter; steel; stela; stereotype; stew; stone; strangle; stupa; tablet; testimonial; thatch; tiara; tile; tiling; tomb; tombstone; tope; torpedo; torque; trophy; unit; vaporize; veneer; wallpaper; wampum; washboard; weatherboard; weed; weight; wristband

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    stone and; stone bench; stone bridge; stone circle; stone circles; stone fence; stone from; stone house; stone implements; stone knife; stone laid; stone mortar; stone quarry; stone steps; stone unturned; stone wall; stone walls; stones were