We had not had time to finish eating our lunch when the cart was already rattling before the doorstep.
I made his acquaintance, as the reader is already aware, at Radilov's, and two days later I went to see him.
Tuman had been a steward of his, and had received his freedom alreadyin the count's lifetime.
Already the fragrance in the air was fainter; once more a dew seemed falling.
I had already the evening before told her--the mother--there was little hope, and it would be well to send for a priest.
Louder than all laughed a lad of fifteen, probably the son of an aristocrat among the house-serfs; he wore a waistcoat with bronze buttons, and a cravat of lilac colour, and had already had time to fill out his waistcoat.
The dawn had not yet flushed the sky, but already it was growing light in the east.
Happily and swiftly flew the years of prosperity, but (as we have already seen) the clouds were gathering in the horizon, and soon the cruel hounds of war were let slip, and most frightful were the results.
But now, at length, the formidable Council of Sixteen became urgent for the public execution (already too long deferred) of so obstinate a heretic.
Palissy, “what frightful crimes will be committed when such a spirit grows rife; already terrible things are done elsewhere.
This man was the same whom we have already seen in company with Bernard, on the eve of St. John, when they beheld that cruel sight which made their hearts burn with righteous zeal.
We have already had sufficient evidence that he did not spare his remonstrances against those who, while they enjoyed the revenues of the church, neglected the performance of its duties.
By these things you see how nature no sooner suffers destruction by one principle, than she at once resumes working with another; and this is what I have already said—to wit, that the earth and the other elements are never idle.
I have myself already given a short narrative of what befell when I was resident in Saintonge, and I have left others to write of those things which themselves have witnessed.
As we have already intimated, Saintes became a stronghold of the new opinions.
So it was that she already knew enough about farming to understand the reasons for the differences she noticed between the crops at Puempelhagen and those at her old home.
He had not had time to consider what was best to be done, and could not yet see what he should sell to meet the claim--but he never said that he had already sold some fine wheat and had got the money for it too.
Phil, my boy, tell us how much you've made already by egg hunting?
Joseph, who already found the burden of his daily work more than he could bear!
You've hinted at that already this morning but fortunately were not understood.
This advice was considered good, so Godfrey was written to and told what had already been done for him, at the same time he was ordered to make his appearance at Rexow on the following day, there to receive further instructions.
The young lady does well to seek the advice of her friends who are already in society, and of her modiste who knows by long experience just what is correct and becoming.
Her daughter stands beside her and is introduced to those of her mother's guests whom she has not already met.
If the plates for it are empty they are placed with the right hand but if the entree is already on them they are placed with the left.
It is already decided for him, by the laws of etiquette.
In China, for instance, a young man will not introduce into conversation, a topic which has not alreadybeen touched upon by his elders.
It is the duty of the patronesses to introduce those of the guests who are not already acquainted.
The game is one of the most interesting in existence, and the man or woman who does not already know how to play it, should learn how as soon as possible.
He was now apparently at the mercy of the Indian, who had already with sinewy arm, drawn an arrow to the feather to pierce the body of his foe.
Instantly, with my revolver already in my hand, I discharged in quick succession, two shots at the savage, who was distant but a few feet from me.
Here were renewed the usual scenes of the trapper's great Fair which we havealready described.
They hadalready entered the green valleys of the Snowy mountains.
The men were widely scattered in their trapping excursions, and but few were left here to guard the camp and the furs already taken.
When seemingly unprovoked assailants, they were seeking revenge for some great outrage which they had already experienced, from the depraved vagabonds of the wilderness.
They now commenced their return by the same route they had already traversed, ascending the valley of the Bear river towards the north.
His bravery had already given him renown, and it was certain that under the circumstances he would fight with the utmost desperation.
But they did not venture to incur a repetition of the chastisement they had already received.
His knowledge of the Spanish language became now a valuable investment to him, and as he had already twice traversed the route, he was at once invested with the dignity of guide as well as interpreter.
The homeward route was essentially the same which they had already traversed.
Returning to camp about two o'clock in the afternoon, to do some traverse work around a small lake, what was my astonishment, to see that Biddleman's party was already in camp.
They had already killed five of the stolen animals.
Several parties of whites hadalready been cut off and massacred.
As the Rendezvous broke up, Mr. Carson joined a large party, and recrossed the mountains to the Yellowstone, where they had already had so many bloody encounters with the Blackfeet Indians.
When he made his first appearance in the United States he was already at the top of the operatic ladder, and, although many attempts to dislodge him have been made, he stands still on the topmost rung.
I have already spoken of the various phases of nervousness which an artist feels before the performance, but I wish to say here a word in regard to the practical significance of such nervousness.
Since, as I have already explained, breathing through the nose with closed mouth throws back the respiration to the abdomen, it is best to do the exercise seated in a comfortable, natural position.
He hadalready learned to read a little, but that was all.
A proper moderation in eating, however, as I have already said, will contribute as much to the maintenance of correct proportion in one's figure as any amount of voluntary exercise which one only goes through with on principle.
The judgments already fallen on your house forbid me matching into it.
In this frame of mind, and determined to open her heart entirely to Matilda, she went to that Princess's chamber, whom she found already dressed, and leaning pensively on her arm.
Have a father's commands already so little weight?
I had tried many months to find if there were any finger, face or body games other than those already given.
The "Little Mouse" already given contains both a warning and a penalty.
The amount of joy brought to a home by the birth of a child depends upon several important considerations, chief among which are its sex, the number and sex of those already in the family, and the financial condition of the home.
He set the bowl whirling on one end, placing the other on the small frame already referred to.
The juggler in addition to doing all we have already described performed also the following tricks.
In general the Chinese prefer a preponderance of boys, but in case the family are in good circumstances and already have several boys, they are as anxious for a girl as parents in any other country.
We have already seen how diligent some of the ancient worthies were in their study.
As soon as they began playing we recognized it as a game we had already seen.
When he entered the broad Avenue of the Colonnades, the sun had already topped the eastern hills, and the ruddy light was streaming through the long double row of archways and over the pavements of crimson marble.
And the worst of it was that, though he had made the choice willingly and accepted the sacrifice with a kind of enthusiasm, he was already dissatisfied with it.
I have told you already that I do not know whether I believe in anything.
His table was spread; the rose-garland of pleasure was woven for his head, and his cup was already filled with the spicy wine of power.
The world might have nothing better to give than it had already given; but surely it had many things that were new to bestow upon him, and Marcion should help him to find them.
He said that he wanted me to preach in his church on the following Friday evening, adding, "I have already given notice, and also read parts of your letter in church.
He had already suffered for doing this on a previous occasion, in the diocese of Oxford; where the bishop took away his licence, because he had me to preach for him.
Having put up his donkey in my stable, he came into the house, and presented himself, as I havealready stated, in the hall, praising God.
With this amount, and some addition, he was able to put stained glass windows into the already beautiful church in which he received his blessing.
This did not add to my comfort or induce sleep, for I was already much disturbed by the conversation we had had, and did not enjoy the idea of going to bed and sleeping where one had so lately died--even though he was a holy man.
I took my gown for this first open-air service; and on arriving, found many hundreds of people already assembled at the appointed place, on Perran beach.
The vicar's daughter suggested that most likely they should hear next that "the forms and seats were converted, for she had been told already that they were broken down.
I had stayed already two hours longer than I intended, and was tired of talking.
By five o'clock we were all out in the green fresh country, and our patient was already revived, and walking about the garden.
At length I reached the village in Cornwall, where my family were lodging in the farmhouse I havealready mentioned.
Such persons make the two mistakes alreadyreferred to.
Or how can He give you any feelings till you thank Him for what He has already done for you?
It has been told already how his two speeches on almost casual occasions affected public feeling: but in them he was chiefly an Irish member of Parliament speaking about soldiers and about Irish soldiers.
These men, as been already seen, had acquired an influence in the Volunteer Force out of all proportion to their numbers, owing to the fact that the Irish party had stood aloof from the movement in its early stages.
It was inexpedient because it would "break up the unity of the country"--unnecessary because they had already many more men than they could either train or equip.
Recruiting can best be promoted by creating an atmosphere in which the patriotism of the younger men of the country can be evoked, and we have done a good deal already in this direction.
But collision between Government and the Parnellite party was already beginning.
Sir Edward Carson was of opinion that the necessities of the case demanded universal compulsory service; and conscription was already in sight.
Ulster had no fault to find with the Union; but they were living next door to a house already in flames.
I have been strolling with him on the sands, where he has already found several of his acquaintance.
They spoke as if they needed his instructions no more, and as if already they had attained the highest Christian advantages.
Consider the inexhaustible fertility of God, the endless varieties already existing in nature.
He desires to express in general his satisfaction that on the whole they had adhered to the instructions he had already given them and the arrangements he had himself made while in Corinth.
Already ye are full; already ye are rich: ye have reigned as kings without us.
It is doubtful whether they should be pushed further, although they might seem to indicate that the new body is not to be a new creation, but is to be produced by virtue of what is already in existence.
The new body is not to be irrespective of what has gone before, but is to be the natural result of causes already working.
And the variety alreadyexisting does not exhaust God's resources.
He was occasionally called, as preachers in our own day are regularly called, to preach to those who were already Christians.
He saw that conscientious scruples were not to be confounded with malignant hatred of truth, and that if we are to be helpful to others, we must begin by appreciating the good they already possess.
And the question at present, says Paul, is not what other institutions you may profitably found in the world, but how this institution of the Church, already founded, is to be completed.
You get up there where you belong," cried one of them, shoving Billie up into the center of the bed which was already over-crowded with giggling girls.
The day of release came at last and found the three North Bend girls doing a two-step of impatience on the station platform, waiting for the train, which was already half an hour late.
Then seeing that her eyes were fixed on the bump that he was still fingering gingerly, Teddy's face grew redder than it already was, if such a thing were possible, and his hand fell quickly to his side.
And though it was only the end of the sentence, it told a great deal to Billie, whose suspicions had already been aroused.
We have already seen how the size and weight of engines and boilers must increase, as well as the bulk and cost of the fuel, to gain a little speed.
Great Britain is prepared to resist our commercial progress, as she hasalready done, step by step, by all the means within her power.
I have alreadyshown (See page 44) that there are some short routes on which steam is cheaper than the wind, and that on others of greater length steamers can not transport freight under any conditions.
We have already seen, in the section on the cost of steam, that it generally requires twice the original quantity of fuel to increase the speed from eight to ten knots per hour in either style of steamer.
That Government was the first to engage in it, and, as we have already stated, fully approve, and are constantly extending it.
These ships would then be relieved of about one hundred and fifty tons weight, or nearly double the weight of guns and carriages, with less resistance to water and wind, adding an increase to their already great speed.
One store with goods from the North has already been opened.
He also sent word to Prentiss that the enemy were in front, but Prentiss had already made the discovery, and was contending with all his might against the avalanche rolling upon him from the ridge south of his position.
Logan, commanding the Fifteenth Corps, to tell him what had happened; that he must assume command of the Army of the Tennessee, and hold stubbornly the ground already chosen.
Steam to Annapolis, and steam to Nashville, if Nashville be not already fallen, will be all too slow to quiet his impatience and to mollify his chagrin.
Already he was aiming at Kingsville, where he would, if successful in his object, at one fell swoop destroy the Columbia and Charleston Railroad, and the Wilmington and Manchester Railroad.
We have already captured two boats on the Savannah River, and have prevented their gunboats from coming down.
Nothing daunted by the dozens of men that had already fallen, the brigade pressed on, and in a few moments had driven the enemy from the first range of rifle-pits at the base of the hill, and were in full possession.
I can already see that I'm dealing with a young man who will make good his word," said Mr. Simpkins.
He was already on his way to the little door at the back of the tower, and Jimmy tagged along behind, protesting.
The boys below had already begun work on the big bell.
They had guessed the play and even before Biglow had stopped, were already in motion toward the waiting Warwick end.
Allan, I am not asking more from you than I have already given.
He went early into the dining-room, and found Mary already there.
But with the removal of her handkerchief, the loathsome sight of the dinner-table would have saluted her, and it had already caused her suffering enough.
The farmer was already half distracted from his suspicions.
This statement is lucid, conspicuously fair, and, in the public mind, would have cleared Burr of any taint of treason, had not Jefferson already crystallized public sentiment into an irrevocable conviction that he was a traitor.
Already the Republican determination to remove Samuel Chase from the Supreme Bench was frankly avowed.
Against himself, in particular, Marshall had newly whetted the edge of Republican wrath, already over-keen.
Large events had meanwhile filled the heavens of popular interest, and George Washington's heroic figure was already becoming dim and indistinct.
Braddock's defeat, already described in the first volume, is repeated and elaborated.
Weems had himself written a "Life of Washington" which had already sold extensively among the common people.
Already "some of our judges have been elevated to places of high political importance.
Most of his speech was a repetition of points already made by Hopkinson, Key, and Martin.
Yet, after all this suffering, expense, and delay, the result must be the same as if the evidence were arrested now, since there was no testimony to the overt act other than that already given.
The residences of the three I have already stated.
The evils, resulting from such absurdities, had become so apparent, that Saul, himself, had already banished all the soothsayers and magicians from his kingdom.
A candidate for fame proposed to fly, from the North Church steeple, and had already mounted, and was clapping his wings, to the great delight of the mob.
Indeed, it is the opinion of some competent judges, that the metamorphosis has already commenced.
It would give me the greatest pleasure to have a try at work of that sort myself--only it would be quite out of the question for me; I am already saddled with such an endless number of duties.
Only, as I have already said, you should be cautious in future.
Meanwhile the force of the pouring rain by no means lessened--nay, it even seemed to increase--and the horses were already wading in water up to their fetlocks.
The wisest course here was probably to yield, and Hermon was already turning his horse's head toward the house when a Greek messenger dashed past the beckoning refuge and also by him.
At last the ferryboat touched the land, and when Hermon looked around for the lad he had already leaped ashore, and was just vanishing in the darkness.
The swift glance that swept the room was sent to discover a weapon, and before it completed the circuit Hermon had already grasped the bronze anchor with the long rod twined with leaves and the teeth turned downward.
That office is already bestowed on me by the Lady Thyone," Daphne quietly replied.
So he resolved to wait and continue to devote the night, which he had already intended to give him, to the sufferer.
Even now--I have already said so--when I imagine her executed in marble or in gold and ivory!
They werealready laid out when we left Alexandria," said Thyone.
The roof has not yet been put on many a factory in which busy workers are already making beautiful things.
There were not a few war ships in the port and among them perfect giants of amazing size and unusual construction, but Hermon had already seen many similar ones.
The pistols had been already loaded--the choice was given to his lordship, and Major Carbonnell received the other from my hand, which actually trembled, while his was firm.
As I had already made Lady de Clare acquainted with my previous history, I had no secrets; in fact, it was a consolation to confide my griefs to them.
I consented to this arrangement, and we got up behind one which was already well filled inside.
I placed all this in juxtaposition with the kindness of those with whom I now resided--what they had done already for me, and what they now offered, which was to make me independent by my own exertions.
A stage had been already prepared, and the populace had crowded round it more with the intention of laughing than of making purchases.
Of Num, or Philotas, as Melchior thought proper to call him, I have already spoken.
Her eye had already spied a knoll across the river covered with vines, and so suggestive of berries that she now found it impossible to resist the desire for an exploring trip in that direction.
Both alreadylove you for my sake, and soon will for your own.
I will, it is already settled, and I know you will like it.
But Warwick's glance was turned upon his friend, and Warwick's hand already seemed to claim the charge he had accepted.
Moor's face grew anxious as he looked, but cleared again as he examined it, for the ball had gone upward and the wholesome flesh was already healing fast.
No need to look for him or linger for his coming; he was already there.
His cheerfulness was so infectious, that Sylvia already began to forget her gloom, and hurried away to do her part.
The gentlemen smiled at her eagerness, but as they saw the altered face she turned toward them, each felt already repaid for any loss of freedom they might experience hereafter, and gave unanimous consent.
So, cradled on the heart that loved her best, Sylvia was gently carried to the end of her short pilgrimage, and when her husband laid her down the morning had already dawned.
Then his life is a very successful one;" and the girl folded her other hand over that alreadyon his arm.
I had alreadycopied them out for the purpose--to the young Count, that I might have an opportunity of speaking to the Elector myself.
I ran to the window and sent it after you both; but as I did not see you drive through the gate, I came to the conclusion that you had already passed, and that I had sat immersed in my grief longer than I supposed.
He wished to withdraw it altogether, although Schweitzer had already composed three acts of great beauty; but Hompesch would on no account consent to this, and he was obliged to undertake the revision.
The new branch of musical literature, founded by Holmes and Jahn, already shows some considerable monuments.
The bass voice, which was considered most suitable to comic characters, and had already been appropriated to them in the old opera, was made the chief vehicle for comic effects in the intermezzo.
If, as I trust was the case, the extracts already before the public had been found useful and trustworthy, there could be no doubt that the completed version would render my narrative more accurate and lifelike.
Finally, the partiality for instrumental music which we have alreadynoted must have tended to give an independent impulse to musical production in Mannheim.
Many of them are of interest only in the original, others have already been translated among Mozart's correspondence.
I was obliged to give up the idea of noting what had been already printed, where, and how often; to do this with completeness and exactitude would require an amount of time and study which it was out of my power to bestow.
The wind instruments are frequently employed independently; and there is already visible the germ of Mozart's inimitable art of combining orchestra and voices with mutual independence into perfect unity.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "already" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: already; before; earlier; early; ere; erstwhile; even; heretofore; hitherto; once; previously; still; yet