We cannot preserve significance and decline the personal attitude in which it is inscribed and operative, any more than we can succeed in making things “states†of a “consciousness†whose business is to be an interpretation of things.
The gauntlet thus thrown down, the Prussian monarch was too chivalrous to decline the challenge.
The result was, it is superfluous to say, the decline of religion—the overthrow of the once flourishing churches of Spain and Portugal.
They urged on him with special earnestness war with Austria, knowing full well that the Pope would never agree to it, and so by his refusal would decline in popularity.
I see the gentlemen smile; but they know I must beg to decline answering that question---not that it matters much.
That you did not receive his rent, decline giving him a receipt, and afterwards compel him to pay twice, because he could not produce the receipt which you withheld?
The excitability undergoes a continuous declineand is abolished about the fiftieth hour.
In young specimens the conducting power is low, the conductivity is at its maximum in fully grown organs; but a decline of conductivity sets in with age.
The incident light would be the most intense at about noon; after this it would decline continuously till night time.
With decline of tone, the “D†effect diminishes and we get “A†effect unmasked.
That this is not the whole explanation of the decline of response in the evening will be clear from certain facts which I will presently adduce.
The isolated specimen, generally speaking, attains a uniform sensibility after a few hours, which is maintained, with very slight decline under constant external conditions, for about 24 hours.
The excitability, generally speaking, undergoes a continuous decline from evening to morning, the response being practically abolished at or about 8 A.
I could not make one of the proposed party and afterward decline to know her.
I decline to discuss the affairs of the nation or my own on an empty stomach, and my breakfast this morning consisted of the juice of two lemons and a small cup of coffee.
We will decline the word to prevent exceptions, which, if casually slipping from our pen, the reader knoweth that only nonconformists are intended," lib.
In the decline of his popularity he permitted his door-keeper, whom he dignifies with the title of Ostiary, to take a shilling!
The rogues of the 'uplifted hands' decline the combat.
Once his frenzy ran against the Italian Opera; and in his "Essay on Public Spirit," he ascribes its decline to its unmanly warblings.
Welsted imagined that the spirit of English poetry was on itsdecline in the age of Pope, and allegorises the state of our poetry in a most ingenious comparison.
Mr Cobden may be heard upon that point, under special reference to the magnitude of the stake which he hazards, but we decline receiving his opinion on the subject of military fortifications.
Are we to gain no confidence, nor take any warning from the rise and decline of nations, not much less powerful than our own, whose checkered career and the causes of it are open to our view?
They can as little explain the causes of the decline of ancient empires, as they can account for the palpable falling off in the amount of our exports; and it is idle to remind men of things which they have never heard.
It seemed to him high treason that his host should decline the dressing thus produced by an art which realized the dreams of alchemy, and should pour vinegar from the cruet with his own hand upon the helpless leaves.
John Saxton was human, and it was not easy to decline a salary of six thousand dollars for services which he knew he could perform, offered to him by a gentleman whom people were not in the habit of refusing.
But the deep underlying cause of the decline in national character itself, was the exhaustion of the Christian faith.
I represent the honor of the house, and should decline to play the part of a courtesan there.
You are entirely your own mistress; and if you decline to make the sacrifice I ask, I shall bow to your decision and trouble you no further.
But how many times he has seen young men and women decline to speak and to pray when called upon!
Never decline to ask a blessing, to pray or to speak when called upon, and God will help you to overcome all feelings of fear.
Others moved by some selfish sentiment were pleased to point to a decline in her marvelous luck.
The service had suffered an unavoidable decline through the departure of Estola and Pistola.
Only when the decline of Austria began to cause us to lose our influence in Europe, did the Grimaldis, like people fleeing from a house that is tumbling down, abandon us.
It was only a question of whether or no she was in the mood to exercise her wits that made her accept or decline these contests, and she had only hung back a little because her late activities had rather tired her.
If there has been any decline of intimacy between us it is for that reason and that reason alone.
When that gentleman's health began to decline he was extremely anxious to get back his letters, least the heir should think of publishing them.
Dugald Stewart, Brougham informs us, used to decline to see his students, because he found them too disputatious, and he disliked disputing with them about the correctness of the doctrines he taught.
Global fertility rates are in general decline and this trend is most pronounced in industrialized countries, especially Western Europe, where populations are projected to decline dramatically over the next 50 years.
A well-dressed man will never be the first to set a new fashion; he will allow others to hazard the innovation, and decline the questionable honor of being the first to advertise a novelty.
The following account of our patron saint is taken from this source, a much less favourable history being found in Gibbon's "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.
After all, the relation of States to each other is that of individuals; and as the individual can decline the interference of others in his affairs, so naturally, the same right belongs to the State.
Shall we, then, decline to adopt a bold and active policy, the most effective means with which we can prepare our people for its military duty?
They were his subordinates rather than his colleagues; and some of them became impatient under his dictation, and witnessed his decline in popularity with secret satisfaction.
There was those that thought she'd go into a decline herself.
The family and caste washerman is no longer permitted to serve him; their barber will not shave him, and the blacksmith, carpenter, mason and other village servants decline to render him their wonted service.
If anything could have induced me to decline the challenge, it would have been the grief which the blow would cause you, were I struck.
It was consistent with the vain Alcibiades to decline the gymnastic contests in which his physical endowments might have ensured him success, because his competitors were not the equals to the long-descended heir of the Alcmaeonidae.
What have been the principal reasons for the decline of the American carrying trade?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "decline" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.