The longitude in this voyage is reckoned from the meridian of London.
The longitude in this voyage is reckoned from the meridianof London, west to 180 degrees, and east afterwards.
Under the name of Ariana, the ancients comprehended almost all the countries situated between the Indus and the meridian of the Caspian Gates.
On the south side of the tower there is a meridian line, which was affixed there by Ferguson, the astronomer, so that when the sun shines, the hour of twelve may be ascertained to a certainty.
On the south side of the tower there is a meridian line affixed, by means of which, if the sun shines, the hour of twelve is known to a certainty.
This third meridian was first run north till it reached the Indian boundary line, about seven miles to the north of the English Prairie.
These with two other special passages of Scripture to be separately considered, constitute the authority upon which the Meridian Dispensation is confounded with the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times.
The Identity of the Dispensation of the Meridian of Time and the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times Considered.
The same which came in the meridian of time unto my own, and my own received me not; 4.
With the period between Moses and John the Baptist spanned, we come to the Dispensation of the Meridian of Time.
And the Lord said, It shall be in the meridianof time, in the days of wickedness and vengeance.
Identity of the Dispensation of the Meridian of Time and the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times Considered.
Meridian ~, an arc of the meridian intercepted between the south point on the horizon and any point on the meridian.
In order to obtain the declination a pivoted magnet is used to obtain the magnetic meridian, the geographical meridian being obtained by observations on the sun or stars.
To obtain the geographical meridian the box A is removed, and an image of the sun or a star is reflected into the telescope B by means of a small transit mirror N.
Sixty degrees south-west of the Polar Star may be seen Taurus, the first constellation on the meridian the present month.
The Pleiades are situated in the shoulder of the Bull, and come to the meridian ten minutes before nine o'clock on the evening of the first of this month.
This star comes to the meridian at nine o'clock on the tenth of this month.
This day Mr Green took the sun's meridian altitude a little within the south entrance of the bay, which gave the latitude 34° S.
France, by edict in 1634, endeavoured to obviate this inconvenience, by directing the first meridian to be placed in the island of Ferro, the most westerly of the Canaries.
The first meridian used for the longitude in the text is quite inexplicable, and was probably assumed on very erroneous computation.
Yuranqui, plain of, place where a degree of the meridian was measured by the Spanish and French mathematicians, i.
Measurement of a degree of themeridian in Quito, i.
When Jupiter is in opposition to the sun--that is, on the meridian at midnight--satellite I.
This is a faint patch of light seen opposite the sun's place in the sky, that is on the meridian at midnight.
In justice to Hayes it should be said that the latitude of his "farthest" depended solely on a single observation with a small field sextant of the meridian altitude of the sun.
Twenty miles, estimated, due south of Cape Constitution, Morton made the latitude, by meridian altitude of the sun, 80 deg.
At meridian on that exceedingly sultry day, the whole body moved through narrow defiles, over rough crags, and across deep morasses, in single file, and at eight in the evening rendezvoused a mile and a half below Stony Point.
Glittering in meridian sunlight were the white houses of Cornwall and Canterbury; and far up the slopes of the mountains, stretching westward to Woodcock Hill, yellow grain-fields and acres of green maize variegated the landscape.
It lies between the twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth degrees of north latitude, and the second and third degrees of longitude east of the meridian of Washington city, eighty or ninety miles northeast of Havana, Cuba.
Morning fine; made all sail at early daylight and stood in for the land, having every promise of getting latitude at meridian for position, and running in to an anchor early in the afternoon.
The gale continues, with dense clouds in every direction obscuring the heavens so that we get no meridian altitude.
At meridian made the town of Quilon, and bore up east 1/2 south for the town of Angenga, which we made about 2 P.
At meridian the Iroquois came to anchor about half a mile from us, at the man-of-war anchorage.
At meridian moved out of the anchorage under steam, amid the cheers, given in real English fashion, by the many boatmen that surrounded us.
I was running for Cape Catoche, and was greatly disappointed at not getting a meridian altitude, especially after the promise of the morning.
When the whole human family shall adopt and fully exemplify these rules, we may hope to see millennial glory eclipse the meridian sun and cover the earth with one broad sheet of celestial light.
His towering genius was fast ascending to highmeridian in refulgent glory.
It embraces all that portion lying to the westward of the one hundred and twenty-ninth meridian of east longitude, and has an area of about a million square miles.
Though it is now quite neglected and in partial ruins, a sun-dial, a zodiac, meridian lines, and astronomical appliances are still distinctly traced upon heavy stones arranged for celestial observations.
The sun sat high in his meridian tower," but time had not been with the youthful lovers, and the blessed beings believed that 'twas but a little hour since beneath the Eagle Cliff they had met in the prime of the morn!
Tom Brown's Amusements for the Meridian of London, p.
In no other meridiando the frivolous and the solemn, the fantastic and the philosophic associations of life thus incongruously blend.
That part of the earth which, being most removed from the influence of the sun at his meridian height, is in Freemasonry called "a place of darkness.
How do meridian lines extend, and what is meant by the meridian of a place?
These three minutes fifty-six seconds is the time which the earth takes to perform the additional three hundred and sixty-fifth part of the circle, in order to bring the same meridian back to the sun.
The English, reckon from themeridian of Greenwich, where the royal observatory is situated; in French maps, you will find that the longitude is reckoned from the meridian of Paris.
One complete revolution brings the same meridian back to the same fixed star; hence the fixed stars appear to go round the earth in a shorter time than the sun by three minutes fifty-six seconds of time.
A meridian line, is one which extends directly from one pole of the earth to the other; crossing the equator at right angles.
What is said of the meridian to which the sun is opposite, and where is it then midnight?