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Example sentences for "filibuster"

Lexicographically close words:
filia; filiae; filial; filiam; filiation; filibustering; filibusters; filiform; filigree; filigreed
  1. The filibuster of the 18th of February, Mann described as "a revolutionary proceeding".

  2. But the pride of the successful filibuster often smites him and his cause like an axe, and men who have not confided in their mothers go prone with him.

  3. The attorney asked the terrible first question of the filibuster to the applicant.

  4. A yellow and red banner would have been long since smothered in a shame of defeat if a contract to filibuster had been let to some admirable organization like one of our trusts.

  5. The armament found on the Chapman might have been intended for a filibuster expedition against a Central American State.

  6. The difference between a filibuster and a freebooter is one of ends rather than of means.

  7. In his rage, he wreaked vengeance on the neutral residents who had trusted to the peacefulness of their character or the protection of their government rather than to the rifles of the filibuster garrison.

  8. McGregor's Filibuster expedition in Florida did not quite end with the withdrawal of the leader to attend to his private affairs.

  9. The wounded and the prisoners were all put to death by order of President Mora, who had proclaimed no quarter to every filibuster taken in arms.

  10. The envoys either never reached the fields of their missions or failed to receive official recognition, as the Blue-books of those governments make no mention of diplomatic intercourse between the filibuster cabinet and their own.

  11. As such, Paulding had the filibuster arrested, although permitting him, with charming inconsistency, to go to New York on parole.

  12. The trial of the filibuster leader for breaking the neutrality laws of the United States ended in a prompt acquittal.

  13. In the vicissitudes of American life a few, like Doubleday and Kewen, even achieved wealth, which is perhaps as strange a climax to the career of a filibuster as any that could be conceived.

  14. The citizen or subject of any country, who makes war upon a state with which his own is at peace, with intent to overrun and occupy it, not merely for the piratical ends of rapine and plunder, is a filibuster in the true sense of the term.

  15. The career of the Filibuster is no longer open to private individuals.

  16. Buchanan, as Walker soon saw, was not the man to add another bramble to his already too painful bed of thorns; and the bold filibuster decided to seek outside the pale of law that redress which was denied him within it.

  17. You call His Highness filibuster and impostor.

  18. Nothing so stately," he answered, piqued by her tone: "a filibuster and his ragamuffins.

  19. The young woman is symbolic of the Republic of Costa Rica, and the gentleman ground beneath her heel is supposed to represent the American filibuster and soldier of fortune, William Walker.

  20. A French filibuster who in 1684 had his headquarters in San Domingo.

  21. In 1679 this famous French filibuster commanded a ship of ninety tons, armed with six guns, and manned by a crew of eighty-six French sailors.

  22. This French filibuster was a man of much better birth and education than the usual buccaneer.

  23. A French filibuster who commanded a ship, La Trompeuse (one hundred men and fourteen guns).

  24. A French filibuster of San Domingo, who in 1684 commanded a small ship, La Subtille (crew of thirty men and two guns).

  25. At this time the filibuster was disguised under the alias of Le Capitaine Breha.

  26. Meanwhile, those who escaped from this slaughter met with another enemy, in the shape of a strong contingent of the filibuster Ward's disciplined Chinese.

  27. The writer of this narrative was an unenlightened private in the filibuster army, and, of course, though open-eyed to some extent, saw all things of policy through a glass dimly.

  28. General Walker held the Transit route from ocean to ocean, and a single filibuster might walk all through the country without danger.

  29. When we came into the town of San Juan, we found there a general and colonel of the filibuster army, and reported ourselves forthwith as a party of recruits just arrived and at their service.

  30. It may be that some short exposition of filibuster spirit and circumstances, as we saw them at this leisure time, will have interest for one or two.

  31. For the past three years, my lord, you have lived on this island, remaining hidden to every one, and causing to be spread by a filibuster and others in your pay the strangest stories concerning your house, in order to keep the curious away.

  32. Whirlwind'--the filibuster first," said one of the passengers with an affrighted air.

  33. The sight of the filibuster exciting the adventurer's jealousy into rage quickly changed his good intentions.

  34. They say that the filibuster formerly pursued his calling on the north of the Antilles and the seas of the south.

  35. Chameleon, commanded by Captain Ralph; your highness, this man is cruel; he succeeded the filibuster Whirlwind in this command.

  36. You allude, I presume, to the buccaneer, the filibuster and the Caribbean?

  37. At the last lines, the voice of the filibuster becomes moved, tears seem to mingle in it--then the songs cease.

  38. She opened the door of Monmouth's own room, and entered, followed by the filibuster and Croustillac.

  39. This industrious filibuster had influential and watchful friends in Manila, who, upon seeing the turn things were taking, telegraphed him "Cafe en baja; fuera existencias.

  40. It is however difficult to distinguish between the filibuster so called, and the true separatist; perhaps the only admissible distinction is that the separatist is a man of peaceful methods whilst the filibuster is a man of struggles.

  41. This society inspired, watched over and protected the labor of its successor, the Katipunan, the fighting machine of the separatist or filibuster element.

  42. There is not a single one of the chiefs and organizers of the filibuster organizations up to this time discovered, who is not a freemason.

  43. Retana classifies the filibuster in three groups: the first: he who, thinking little or nothing of the independence of his country, showed more or less aversion to the peninsular Spaniards.

  44. Noah Webster describes a filibuster as a "lawless military adventurer, especially one in quest of plunder; a free-booter, a pirate.

  45. The filibuster was talking rapidly and earnestly.

  46. The filibuster hurled himself from the saddle, and pushed his way to the group, followed by Saxon.

  47. Do you remember the story Ribero so graphically told of the filibuster and assassin and the firing squad in the plaza?

  48. Then, as Saxon picked up the weapon and stood fingering its trigger, the filibuster drew himself up really with dignity.

  49. Toward the close the filibuster received what appeared formidable reinforcement from the Louisiana delegation.

  50. It seems that filibuster General Leonidas, alias Perkins, whose little game we stopped by that Peruvian contract, actually landed in Quinquinambo and established a government.

  51. The filibuster smiled, and lifting the child with a paternal gesture to his shoulder by one hand, he extended the other to the ladies.

  52. But it's said that this filibuster is the descendant of Spaniards," observed the one-armed man, without looking at any one in particular.

  53. But to be a filibuster is worse than to be a heretic and to kill three or four tax-collectors who know how to read, write, and attend to business.

  54. He wants his picture painted by the celebrated young American painter and filibuster now sojourning in his down-trodden country.

  55. A hundred and eighty dollars I had in my inside pocket, and 'twas no common filibuster I was goin' to be, filibusterin' for me board and clothes.

  56. A gunboat was sent round to cut the filibuster off by sea, while the coast-guard did the work on land.

  57. My big brother (who is six feet three inches) was down in Jamaica for a while, and saw a Cuban filibuster and knew the captain of it.

  58. But we got to remember that this mate was one o' the original filibuster crew o' the old Maggie I.

  59. And now, as the special envoy of the Liberal army of Mexico, here's a draft on Los Angeles for five thousand bucks, Scraggsy, which constitutes the balance due you on this here filibuster trip.

  60. When all was in readiness, Captain Scraggs incontinently "fired" his deckhand and engineer and inducted aboard a new crew, carefully selected for their filibuster virtues by Scab Johnny himself.

  61. I framed it all up for this filibuster trip you're on, Scraggsy, only I never did hear that they'd picked on you.

  62. Enthroned upon an empty cask sat the French filibuster to transact important business: the business of making himself safe with the Governor of Tortuga.

  63. And now this other filibuster has bought you, and you belong to him.

  64. The two men bowed; and then the filibuster turned to the adventurers, who were waiting, panting with, impatience, and whose curiosity had been heightened by the purchase of the two vessels.

  65. Ah," the filibuster said, suspiciously, "she has forgotten nothing.

  66. Enthusiastic shouts greeted these words, uttered with that accent which the celebrated filibuster knew so well how to assume when he wished to seduce the individuals he was addressing.

  67. After a very long walk, the filibuster at length stopped at the entrance of a dry gorge, on one of the slopes of which stood a wretched hut of tree trunks, poorly covered with palm leaves.

  68. Pull," the filibuster said to the engage.

  69. And, removing his beaver skin cap, the filibuster laid it on the ground in the middle of the room.

  70. Do not grieve, but listen to me attentively," the filibuster continued, who had noticed the change that took place in the Indian's face.

  71. I shall be glad," the filibuster replied, politely, "to have you as a partner.

  72. And ere the filibuster could guess the Carib's intention, the noise of a body falling in the water could be heard, and two or three minutes later the Indian rested his hands on the gunwale of the canoe.

  73. So be it," the filibuster said, with an ironical laugh.

  74. Ah, ah," the filibuster said with satisfaction, "all the better.

  75. He had only been walking up and down for a few minutes, when a slight whistle was audible a short distance off, so gently modulated, that it needed all the sharpness of hearing with which the filibuster was endowed, to catch it.

  76. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "filibuster" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    address; allocution; cloture; constitute; debate; decree; deliberation; diatribe; division; enact; eulogy; exhortation; filibuster; filing; hang; harangue; hesitate; inaugural; introduction; invective; kill; legislate; lobby; oration; ordain; pass; peroration; philippic; pigeonhole; pirate; pitch; pocket; procrastinate; railroad; reading; recital; recitation; salutatory; say; speech; stall; table; talk; temporize; thief; tirade; valedictory; veto; vote