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Example sentences for "toss"

Lexicographically close words:
tortures; torturing; torturous; torula; torus; tosse; tossed; tosses; tossing; tossings
  1. And the great trees toss And leaves blow down, You can almost hear them splash on the ground.

  2. The battledores beat at nothing, And toss the dazzle of snow Off their parchment drums.

  3. It whistled in the sails, it roared over the paddle-wheels, it seemed to play at pitch-and-toss with the sea.

  4. When morning breaks, I wish the day was done; when night comes, I toss and turn and wonder how I shall live through it.

  5. She knew of his sleepless nights, the result of overtaxed nerves and brain, when he would toss and turn and get up and walk the room; and dress himself in the morning without having slept.

  6. With a toss of her curls, the little girl flounced out of the door, closely following her irate father, and they were soon heard to drive away.

  7. Jessica Archer, with another toss of her corn-yellow curls, seated herself, feeling that she was not being treated with the respect that was due the daughter of a sheep-king.

  8. If we toss and dance we are only boats adrift; we are nothing more than crazy tide-posts, if we be philosophers.

  9. And now he watched the little man shake himself like a dog and toss a blanket about him.

  10. But it was a toss up as to whether the beast would suddenly give tongue or would slink still nearer and accept the proffered dainty.

  11. Shouldn't wonder if the plots you've bought didn't bring you in a small fortune; but of course it's a toss up.

  12. I've sent my box to the station, but exactly in which direction I shall travel is a toss up.

  13. It aer a toss up," Hank whispered, under his breath.

  14. Scotty, the spectator, could read it in the tightening of the rippling muscles beneath the skin, in the toss of the sleek head.

  15. He took a last puff at the cigarette, and with a toss sent the smoking stump spinning like a firefly into the darkness.

  16. I said I thought it no more likely that I should be right in nearly all points, than that I should toss up a penny and get heads twenty times running.

  17. And, remember, you'll account for any dough you toss away to women and bribes.

  18. He could take along a few gorillas and toss all those troublemaking stinkers straight into a hot bath.

  19. For a moment there was silence, as each delved and peered, the baby more industrious than all the rest, snatching at everything, to clap to his mouth, only to toss it aside for something else when he found it was not eatable.

  20. I'll toss you for guineas, as many tosses as you like," rejoined the small gentleman, accommodatingly.

  21. And I'LL DENY IT," concluded Zoie with an impudent toss of her head.

  22. Even the startled leap of a rabbit that shot athwart his immediate course was greeted with nothing more than a snort and a toss of his swinging head.

  23. Fadeaway saw the dog turn end over end, regain his feet and toss something in the air.

  24. In the singing-class there was a boy who wore his hair so enviably long that he could toss it on his neck as he wheeled in the march of the class round the room; his father kept a store and he brought candy to school.

  25. Twas but a child's pebble-toss across the barrier stream, and we could both see and hear.

  26. He flung me into the saddle as a strong man might toss a boy, and I understood how that saying of mine had gone into his blood.

  27. Richard Hilton walked as in a dream, mechanically plucking a stem of rudbeckia, only to toss it, presently, into the water.

  28. The placid waters of her soul did not heave and toss before those winds of passion and sorrow: they lay in dull, leaden calm, under a cold and sunless sky.

  29. Cartaret was certain this would not have been the case if the toss had gone otherwise.

  30. Cartaret watched the composer toss half the apple into the concierge's garden.

  31. Remember, therefore, that you have no right to exult if you toss and gore me, for I tell you beforehand that you will.

  32. At last I wondered what the papers had to say about me--who was playing in my place, who'd won the toss and all the rest of it.

  33. It was the work of a very few seconds to pour out a goodly ration, and of but another for Daniel Levy to toss off the raw spirit like water.

  34. Oh, she can come any day as for that, Mr Snell," replied Mrs Greenways with a little toss of her head.

  35. No more shan't I," said Agnetta, with a toss of her head.

  36. Peter had begun to toss the hay near him with his pitchfork.

  37. Marrows remembered that he had been out to the Ledge himself when the Screamer came up into the wind and crawled slowly up until her forefoot was within a biscuit toss of the stone pile.

  38. Loretta's answer to the schemer, given with a toss of her head and a curl of her lips, closed Francesco's mouth and set his brain in a whirl.

  39. A minute later they are playing marbles with undivided minds, and might be playing pitch and toss were they not afraid of a policeman coming round the corner.

  40. He could swim, and was a powerful man, forty inches and more round the chest, and a fellow, if you please, to toss the hammer on a summer evening.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "toss" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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