But it's a safe bet that one man at least won't stop Joe to shake hands with him.
But their progress was slow, for at almost every turn they were stopped by friends who wanted to shake hands with Joe and congratulate him on his presence of mind the night before.
I heard that you were going away this evening, and I was unwilling to let you leave Rome without coming to shake hands with you.
To shake off his anguish he began to walk across the room.
If two friends meet and pause to shake hands, they should step aside from the throng, and not blockade the sidewalk.
A host and hostess shake hands with a guest; they may omit to shake hands with the same person when they meet him elsewhere.
A lady does not usually shake hands with a new acquaintance, unless the circumstances of the introduction make her responsible for allowing special cordiality, as when a person is introduced to her in her own house.
It is proper and graceful, but not required, for two men to shake hands when introduced.
I should imagine it would shake one down a bit," agreed Tad.
Won't do at all," decided the guide with a shake of the head.
I'll give yer five minutes to shake ther dust of this hy'ar mounting off yer feet.
They see Guizot compelled by political exigency to shake hands hypocritically with his enemy Montalembert.
She was getting on for fifty, but she was still a pretty woman, and moved gracefully as she came across the room to shake hands with her brother-in-law.
Then, with a shake of her head, she suddenly quickened her trot, but did not escape the cut of a whip which was always administered to her at this point.
Shake hands before you go," he said, as she rose obediently.
Then, rallying suddenly, he stepped forward, giving his head a shake and striving to be cool and calm.
He laid his hand upon Alfred's arm, and Alfred shivered at the touch, and feebly endeavoured to shake off the grasp.
You wouldn't expect to wake up at the end of the time," he said, continuing to shake Jim Podmore.
All he does is to shake his head and put his hands in his pockets.
But he could not shake off the uneasiness caused by the scene through which he had just passed.
As a proof of his respectability, what better could be desired than the fact that he had been known to shake hands with lords, and had betted ponies and monkeys with them?
But the former continued toshake her hand, until Miss South noticed her.
Now the cleaning quite to finish, Pile up every plate, Shake the cloth, and then with neatness Fold exactly straight.
Try how he would he could not shake his thoughts clear of her.
Because of the watchful figure on the balcony he made no offer to shake hands; the girl, he believed, would prefer that her employer should not witness how far they had advanced towards a friendly intimacy.
I exclaimed as he dropped some of his packages so he couldshake my hand.
The old woman's tirade caused a general laugh, and Tweedles and I were really uneasy for fear Santy would shake off his bowl full of jelly he roared so loud.
One of the strangest things that ever happened was that Aunt Keziah herself believed in Santa Claus and no power on earth could shake her faith in him.
We were so amazed we could hardly muster sense enough to shake it.
I am sending all home that I can to-day," and the poor woman gave another handshake all around and even stooped down and gave Bett a pat, much to the astonishment of the Captain who thought our principal scorned cats.
Shall even she confess old age, and halt And, palsy-smitten, shake her starry brows?
Shake earth, and at the presence be aghast Of him that ever was, and ay shall last, That glassy floods from rugged rocks can crush, And make soft rills from the fiery flint-stones gush.
And the student who is humble as well as devout will not shut his eyes against facts, merely because they are perplexing, but will remember that they do nothing to shake the solid narrative itself.
And whatsoever place shall not receive you, and they hear you not, as ye go forth thence, shake off the dust that is under your feet for a testimony unto them.
But speak of holiness, even the stainless holiness of God, undefiled through all eternity, and you shake the foundations of my being.
Whenever the spiritual energies of the ancient saints received a fresh access, they were seen to strive against and shake off some of the trammels of a literal and servile legalism.
The sharp contrast between His circumstances and His rank drove the temptations deep into His consciousness, and wounded His sensibilities, though they failed to shake His will.
It is greater to convert a sinful woman in familiar converse by the well, than to shake trembling multitudes by threats of the fire for the chaff and the axe for the barren tree.
The man's warning shake at his wife was fairly portentous.
The old-fashioned latch of the door was heard to rattle, and a push from without made the door shake ineffectually.
The next fling of the lariat caused the cougar angrily to shake her head.
While I bent over to shake my holster, the storm passed as suddenly as it had come.
He seemed to shakelike an aspen leaf, and almost choked with suppressed emotion.
Not being able to speak, Schillie shook her fists at them, until I thought she would shake them off.
Another few hours, and we wadna hae had hands to shake or mou's to praise God for all his mercies.
He could not bring himself to speak the negative that his sorrowful shake of the hand indicated, but another person was behind him, having come in the same carriage.
I'll see you later, Mutiny, and talk; and nowshake hands, McCalmont.
Thou makest my inwards to shake with choked laughter when thou sayest this--'business of importance to Tiberius.
Even educated people in this very place shake their heads and pity my daughter there for living with an alchemical parent, within easy smelling-distance of an explosive laboratory.
No, you needn't shake your head in that way; she is not to be neglected.
Not a quiver or a shake was seen on the surface of the gentle jelly.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shake" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.