The one remedy is that we make up our differences and come together.
There were times, as I shall endeavour to point out later, when Christianity was able to produce an atmosphere of comradeship stronger than the differences of class.
When this is done, the differences between them fall into their proper proportions in view of the failure which is common to them all.
For the space of a month or more the one subject dealt with by preachers and teachers throughout the Communion would be Love, in all its bearings, and with special reference to religious differences and their healing.
Our Scottish newspapers tell us very little of what goes on in England; and it must be admitted that too often, on both sides of the Tweed, things have appeared in the press not calculated to heal differences or make for peace.
Soon indeed instances occur in which the bonds between different members of the body become strained, owing especially to differences of origin and character in the elements of which it was composed.
How inconsistent to maintain it there, and repudiate it when we come to such differences as mostly separate us!
These are differences far more of temper than of creed, or even of worship or government.
The altars of the inner and outer church are placed against the septum, back to back, with certain differences of structure that need not be described.
The Inferno, Grumello, and Perla di Sassella of commerce are therefore three sorts of good Valtelline, ticketed with famous names to indicate certain differences of quality.
It follows from these differences between the religious aims of Pagan and Christian architecture, that the former was far more favourable to the plastic arts.
Differences of language and of nationality have gradually been fused into one substance, by the spirit which emanates from Rome, and vivifies the Latin race.
This shocking indignity was the unauthorized act of a commissioner, named Boadilla, sent out by the government to adjust the differences that had taken place.
But when death laid him in the grave, political differences were forgotten, and political opponents united in paying a high and well-merited tribute to his memory.
Over this question differences had arisen between the agent Simpkins and the rural authorities, who alleged that the said mill would interfere with an established right of way.
It is over this question of the tables that one of these domestic differences arose which in its results brought about the return of the Monks to Monksland.
This period allowed opportunities enough for observing individual differences of character and the general tone of their manners.
The nurse knew and explained to us the chief differences in Oriental climates; and all these differences (as it happens) express themselves, more or less, in varying relations to the great accidents and powers of summer.
Legally and politically, that is, conventionally, the differences are even greater on a comparison of nations and eras.
Some differencesthere are between my brother and HIM, but in the great outline of their views they coincide.
The young English officer had excited the measureless indignation of the Persian King; and the Afghan Wuzeer was not disinclined to reproach him with presenting a new obstacle to the adjustment of the differences between the two states.
It was better, he said, for them to settle their differences among themselves, than to employ the mediation of infidels.
Count Berchtold to Count Mensdorff, July 24; but thedifferences between the two versions are immaterial for our present purpose.
On July 26th, Sir Edward Grey had made the proposal to submit the differences between Austria-Hungary and Servia to a conference of the Ambassadors of Germany, France, and Italy under his chairmanship.
She could have laughed at the idea that her making up her differences with the professor was of any real importance in her life, but nevertheless she felt that it was so, and she was inclined to think over what she had done.
And, again, how new an aspect human differences may assume when all men are educated.
To be sure, there are differences between men and groups and there will ever be, but they will be differences of beauty and genius and of interest and not necessarily of ugliness, imbecility, and hatred.
Indeed, here, in microcosm and with differences emphasizing sex equality, is the industrial history of labor in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Human equality is not lack of difference, nor do the infinite human differences argue relative superiority and inferiority.
We cannot base the education of future citizens on the present inexcusable inequality of wealth nor on physicaldifferences of race.
Great as are our human differences and capabilities there is not the slightest scientific reason for assuming that a given human being of any race or sex cannot reach normal, human development if he is granted a reasonable chance.
The rational and humane sports may be for the many; the “national” and cruel sports must be for the few: that is not the least of the striking differences that distinguish them.
He freely discussed his differences with the President over the Federal Reserve Act, and asked me the direct question: "Who from Wall Street has been discussing this bill with the President?
Differences of opinion will arise amongst the best of men, and so far there was nothing wrong in the conduct of the Apostles: but, alas!
During the past year nodifferences of any kind have arisen with any of those Republics, and, on the other hand, their sympathies with the United States are constantly expressed with cordiality and earnestness.
In the inaugural address I briefly pointed out the total inadequacy of disunion as a remedy for the differences between the people of the two sections.
Differences in shape also appear, some eggs becoming relatively elongate and thin, while others are thick and blunt.
Growth curves of successive annual broods (designated by the year of hatching), superimposed to bring out differences in trends resulting from changes in weather from year to year.
In the period of weeks between the emergence from hibernation and the onset of the breeding season, these skinks tend to be less secretive than at other times, and secondary sexual and age differences in behavior are minimized.
It seems improbable that differences in temperature account for the 20-day disparity between maximum and minimum incubation time, in these females kept under similar conditions.
Differences in their growth rates therefore reflect differences in sex, individual vigor, and local situation, in individuals living at the same time and within the same general environment.
Old adult male, year-old young and hatchling in July, showing differences in size and pattern.
Specific differences are to be found in details of pattern, scalation, and size, and, in some instances, they were long unrecognized.
Differences in the young of Eumeces fasciatus and Eumeces laticeps.
Because of the differences in secretiveness and elusiveness between young and adults and between males and females, true sex ratios and age ratios are obscured.
Approximate size ranges at different times of year, and differences in trend between the two years are brought out.
Such environmentally enforced differences in habits would be difficult to distinguish from those having a genetic basis.
Records of immature individual skinks marked and recaptured within the same growing season, showing the trend of rapid growth, and differences in growth rate between individuals.
In our present differences is either party without faith of being in the right?
The great variety of the local institutions in the States, springing from differences in the soil, differences in the face of the country, and in the climate, are bonds of union.
We haddifferences with our gude friends the French, fraw time to time.
Strange for brothers to wait till the ages of twenty-nine and twenty-seven to find out that they really did prefer each other to every one else, in spite of the immense differences between their characters and habits!
Taken altogether, boys settle their differences as honestly at least as do men.
For the child surely the desirable end is that he may feel deeply the attractiveness of the character of Joseph or of Jesus, may say within himself, "What a fine man; I want to be like him.
In the end, however, the two companies adjusted their differences and removed themselves out of each other's hearing.
You could surely put aside your religious differences and talk about the classics.
Words of the same meaning are less often so than they are so called; and we sometimes give lists of synonyms showing the differences of their meanings.
Among the thousands of sundriness of time-taking there are some widedifferences which should be borne in mind.
Well," said Lothair, "I must say I am often perplexed at the differenceswhich obtrude themselves between Divine truth and human knowledge.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "differences" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.