She was accused of fostering sedition in the church, and was then confronted with charges relative to the meetings of women held at her house.
All were alike in chemical behavior but some had an atomic weight (their mass relative to other atoms) of 20 and some a weight of 22.
This act was performed by the nearest relative present, and completed the ceremony.
The Egyptians, on the death of a relative or sacred animal (the cat, for instance), attired themselves in yellow garments and shaved off their eyebrows.
When it was clear this hadnt happened, I continued to stare hard, thinking, since my highschool physics was so hazy, I had somehow reversed the relativespeed of sight and sound and we had heard the noise before seeing the destruction.
The two parallel lines marked a, represent two seams of coal, variously heaved up and down by the faults; whereas the dykes are seen to pass through the strata without altering their relative position.
The following analyses show the affinity in composition of the most precious bodies with others in little relative estimation.
The relative cost of light from coal gas and oil gas may be estimated as one to six, at least.
Clement-Desormes demonstrated the proposition relative to the influence of temperature by a decisive experiment.
Each district or panel has a particular name; so that any circumstance relative to the details of the colliery, casualties as to falls and crushes, ventilation, and the safety of the workmen, can be referred to a specific place.
This kind of glass is best adapted to receive polished facets, both on account of its relative softness, and its higher refractive power, which gives lustre to its surface.
These noxious gases are disengaged from the cutters, fissures, and minute pores of the coal; and if the quantity be considerable, relative to the orifice, a hissing noise is heard.
The distance from the tips at which these ligatures are placed, is of course relative to the nature of the hair, and the desired length of the pencil.
It is generally affirmed, that a thick metallic boiler obstructs the passage of the heat through it so much more than a thin one, as to make a considerable difference in their relative powers of evaporating liquids.
Hence the narrower and taller the alembic is, within certain limits, the greater will be the proportion of oil relative to that of the aromatic water, from like proportions of aqueous and vegetable matter employed.
But here the difficulty starts anew owing to the relative size, and therefore the relative importance of the different states constituting the union.
It is not enough that after tremendous efforts the relative balance of forces between great states should, on the whole, dissuade them from war.
Relative to this meeting there occurs the following dialogue on page 508 of the report on the Senate Committee's Hearings on the Steel Strike: Senator Sterling.
Their only relativetried what the law would do to redress the grievances of the orphans.
This nephew was a plain, every-day farmer, and thought everything of his uncle, whose greatness he quite thoroughly appreciated, although he did not pose to any extreme as the relative of a President of the United States.
When they built it, however, they made one serious mistake, this error being in the relative sizes of the boiler and the whistle.
Neither are they so precise as to enable us to give any opinion regarding the relative values of several samples where all are genuine.
The Relative Proportions of Ash in the Different Parts of Plants .
But the employment of a special manure opens up nice questions as to the relative importance of the different elements of plants which have given rise to much controversy and difference of opinion.
Many plants have been employed as green manure, and different opinions have been expressed as to their relative values.
Resolutions relative to those who fell in battle on the 4th inst.
The same relativeproportion is found in the Atlantic City specimen, but, as the latter is a younger individual, one would expect the symphysis to be shorter.
In this respect it differs widely from bidens and other species (as far as can be ascertained from the figures available), except europaeus, in which the relative size is about the same.
The leading monster of these executions was Thomas Dixon, a relative of the priest, and he may well be described as a fiend in human form.
The spy preserved the same relative distance between them, and followed: with his eye upon her.
In Luther's day the Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights, who happened to be a relative of the electors of Brandenburg, concluded to abolish the order and become duke of Prussia.
In 1869 Spain was without a king, and the crown was tendered to Leopold of Hohenzollern, a very distant relative of William I of Prussia.
Consequently I have endeavored not only to state matters truly and clearly but also to bring the narrative into harmony with the most recent conceptions of the relative importance of past events and institutions.
Marine climatic types are carried by the prevailing westerlies on to the western coasts of the continents, giving them mild winters and cool summers, abundant rainfall, and a high degree of cloudiness and relative humidity.
The relative advantages of the different methods may be generally stated as follows.
No general law governs the variations of relative humidity with altitude, but on the mountains of Europe the winter is the driest season, and the summer the dampest.
The diurnal ascending air currents of summer usually give mountains their maximum cloudiness and highest relative humidity in the warmer months, while winter is the drier and clearer season.
Even in the older days discussion had arisen freely on the relative merits of barbette and casemate mounting.
Generally speaking, the relative purity of the air--i.
Relative humidity varies greatly, and very low readings have often been recorded.
But the relative merits of the two systems have never been properly tested for clock work.
Shortly afterwards she married George Clive, a barrister and a relative of the 1st Lord Clive, but husband and wife soon separated by mutual consent.
The relative amounts of insolation received at different latitudes and at different times have been carefully determined.
Tropical heat is associated with highrelative humidity except over deserts and in dry seasons.
Characteristic, also, of marine climates is a prevailingly higher relative humidity, a larger amount of cloudiness, and a heavier rainfall than is found over continental interiors.
In all his conversations relative to Lady Byron, and they are frequent, he declares that he is totally unconscious of the cause of her leaving him, but suspects that the illnatured interposition of Mrs. Charlemont led to it.
Now this relative weight or index of weight, the ponderal index, gives us precisely this idea of relative embonpoint, of the more or less flourishing state of nutrition that any given individual is enjoying.
Thus we see how widely the sections of hair differ according to the relative degree of curliness; and conversely, how identical the two sections, Nos.
The relative distribution of other ethnical data should be noted, such as the stature and the cephalic index, in the corresponding charts.
In this same way we may explain the enormous difference in relative brain volume between the extremely active, sensitive and intelligent little beast which we call the rat, and the sluggish and stupid animal which we call the ox.
All anthropometric figures have a relative value dependent upon the extent of this education in the individual investigator.
In the studies which have been made relative to the correspondence between physical and intellectual development, the measurement of the cranial volume comes first in order.
New-born child and adult man reduced to the same height and preserving their relative bodily proportions.
Are the general ideas of time, space, conventional measurements, relative value, intrinsic or arbitrary, understood and applied in actual daily life?
After the pomp and glow of learned allusion, the second chief technical note of Milton's style is his partiality for a Latin use of the relative pronoun and the double negative, and for scholarly Latin turns and constructions generally.
She came and stood by his side, and one by one he took up the little canvasses, explaining his tones and masses and relative values.
Yet he had the discernment to recognise that the dying-down had been really inevitable; that his present relative poverty had little or nothing to do with it.
It is a great thing to know the relative importance of things, and those who do, get the most out of life.
Two men were disputing about the relative merits of the salve they had for sale.
What is your opinion of the relative merits of the pulpit and the stage, preachers and actors?
Report of the Transport Board to the House of Commons 1798, being correspondence with the French Government relative to Prisoners of War.
Correspondence with the French Government relative to Prisoners of War Supplement, 1801, to Appendix No.
They have caused all the papers relative to the Adoption of this system to be carefully examined and a report having been made to them in this subject they perceive.
Brown, who is keenly interested in the subject of this narrative, has ascertained from a relative of the Rev.
No evidence has been procured, beyond the statement of the relative of the Rev.
IX We have now completed our comparison of the fragment with the canonical Gospels, and are able to form some opinion of its relative antiquity and relationship to our Gospels.
To appreciate the relative importance of the similarity in this detail it should be remembered that the same words are used with slight grammatical changes in the other two Synoptics: Matt.
We could illustrate the theory of the reverend gentleman, by an honest matter of fact story, which we can vouch for, as it happened to a near relative of ours.
In it the students are necessarily interrogated on different subjects, so that it becomes a matter of difficulty, nay of impracticability, to determine, with any accuracy, their relative standing.
On what other ground can this circumstance be accounted for, than that she is regarded as a sister-in-law by the sovereign, and as a reputable relative by his family?
With them, the relative proportion between the remuneration of toil, and the means of living is nothing.
In the proceedings of the lower house relative to this subject, we find a sententious description of political liberty, which might serve as the motto of all Constitutionalists.
Europe and America; or, therelative state of the Civilized World at a future period.
The circumstance related by Moses, that no one escaped, there remained not so much as one of them, proves nothing relative to the supposed disaster of Pharaoh.
Gilly's "Narrative," and what he read excited so lively an interest in his mind that he went direct to his bookseller and ordered all the publicationsrelative to the Vaudois Church that could be procured.
The words in which Campbell describes Captain Riou in his noble ode are nearly identical with those used by Lord Nelson himself when alluding to his death in the famous despatch relative to the battle of Copenhagen.
With respect to the French Catholic Church, its relativeposition to the Protestants remains the same as before.