As a final illustration, the Egyptian kneph has the alternative meanings of "life" and "breath.
According to the German legend he was a scoffer who did the same heinous offence on a Sunday, and was given the alternative of being scorched in the sun or frozen in the moon.
What is fifteen thousand a year to a man like me, who must support his rank, or be driven to the purgatorial alternative of being imprisoned on his own estate?
She wept as much from gratitude as the gloomy alternative involved in Katty's benevolent offer.
Hence in the absence of an alternative interpretation, his belief, and that of those to whom he tells his adventures, is that his OTHER SELF has been away and came back when he awoke.
Thus the savage has a priori no alternative but to regard fire-soul as something akin to human-soul; and in point of fact we find that savage philosophy makes no distinction between the human ghost and the elemental demon or deity.
His ambition and his pride could not endure the alternative of no longer being prominent or of accepting a post which, however eminent, would have always subjected him to the orders of the Directory.
To arrive at the best compromise in any case, implies correct conceptions of the alternative results of this or that course.
Let us consider thealternative interpretations which may be given to this statement.
Let us glance at these alternative states and the alternative implications.
Luckily he placed some money in our (English) government funds, and his only alternative was to proceed to England.
Deiters held that the point was well taken; as if there was no alternative for the young count between "idyllic solitude" at Dux and a sojourn at Bonn!
So the second alternativeof the Austrian Chancellor was the last remaining chance of Austria and the Allies agreeing upon the terms to be offered to Russia.
On the other hand here is a metre,(62) for the irregularities of which no remedy is offered by alternative readings in the Versions, but Duhm and others reduce these only by padding the text with particles and other terms.
In the light of his later experience the second alternative is not impossible.
The Neapolitan government had no alternative but to submit, and thank the chief of the Shereefs for his extreme condescension in accepting two ship-loads of sulphur instead of one.
Those behind the scenes had been as much astonished as those in front, and the stage manager, as soon as he had collected his wits, had adopted the only sensible alternative the situation afforded.
Morgan, who had no alternative suggestion to offer, readily fell in with this one, remarking that the dinner for him would be a rather magnificent kind of supper.
I have written to Mrs Lawrence demanding a letter from her, clearing my personal character, or giving her the alternative of appearing in court to answer the charge of defamation of character.
Two minutes later the old-man found himself facing a quite precipitous rocky ascent at the gully's end, and so, there being no alternative that he could see, he turned at bay to face his pursuers.
An alternative site for the terminus has been suggested in Um Khasa, at the head of the Khor `Abdallah, where a branch of the Shat el Arab formerly entered the sea; it lies some 20 m.
Ropemaker's Eye, which also has alternative names, is formed by taking out of a rope one strand longer by 6 in.
When the downfall of Burgers was assured and annexation offered itself as the alternative resulting from his downfall, it is true that Kruger opposed it.
To this alternativehe was in a manner compelled, rather than lose both prisoner and scalp, as the rangers and men at Campus Martius had commenced firing at him from the opposite shore.
In this deed of annexation, and in others anterior to it, from 1318 onwards, the alternative appellation "May or Pittenweem" occurs.
The "Bowden wire" recently introduced is in some cases a convenient and light alternative to the long bar connecting the handle with the hind cross levers, and has the advantage of passing out of sight through the interior of the body.
The solution of the antinomy is that neither alternative is true.
But the alternative was pressing, and he had probably some lurking hope of regaining the affections of the woman who had loved him so long.
But there is a fourth alternative you did not think of.
This will be easily done--we have but to hint the alternative of surrendering them to Burgundy.
Quentin Durward sighed, but what other alternative remained, and how happy would he have been but an instant before, to have been certain of the escape of Isabelle, even under worse terms?
On the right of the ascending party will be permanent snow on various sloping ledges, an easy alternative to rocks if the snow is found in good condition, and always offering a detour by which to avoid an obstacle.
We declined the alternative of retracing our steps and without further delay set about to cross the glacier.
The only remaining alternative is to leave our existing fiscal system intact, but to make an annual grant from the exchequer for Irish uses, as compensation for excessive taxation; this has the support of the Childers Commission.
Then they told him of the alternative of life or death.