Having determinately settled these things, he left among the Menapii, Commius the Atrebatian with some cavalry as a guard; he himself proceeds toward the Treviri.
When he had said this with a loud voice, he leaped from the ship and proceeded to bear the eagle toward the enemy.
The two were silent, and Laura walked toward the door.
He went with hurried purpose, in the face of them all, toward the region, badly lighted and imperfectly closed, which led to the rear of the stage.
She makes light of everything," Miss Filbert said, smiling toward Alicia, who stood silent, the prey of her impression.
It works out better than you--than one might suppose," Hilda returned, moving towardthe door.
He seemed to be a circumstance that brought her reminiscences of how one behaved sentimentally toward a young man with whom there was no serious entanglement.
While the Coromandel was throbbing out her regulation number of knots toward Colombo, October was passing over Bengal.
Then she sprang up and made a step toward him as if toward victory and reward, but checked herself in time.
She would not search to-morrow; but she took toward it one of those steps of vague intention, at the end of which we beckon to possibilities.
Miss Livingstone handed her brother his tea as she spoke, but turned her eyes and her delicate chin toward Duff Lindsay with the protest.
I wish I could deny it," he said with frankness, "but there is no doubt that for the present your first duty is toward your gentleman, toward him who placed that ring upon your finger.
There was an instant's perceptible pause, and then he merely bowed toward Alicia as if vaguely to acknowledge the kindness of her recollection.
Alicia, with a face of astonishment, made a half-movement toward the window before she understood.
She was quite unaware of it, but she entertained toward the Simpsons an attitude of misgiving in this regard.
In turn, the man waved his hand toward where East, West, and North Plains City were locating or would be located.
Seeing her, the big fish swam frantically toward the creek.
Alec, running toward the picket line to get Pete Brent's sorrel pony, would of course try to find Cindy and bring her back.
Illustration] They drifted back toward their wagons, which were side by side.
The grazing horses raised their heads and stared hard towardsomething which only they knew was coming.
They made their way toward the American flag that rose over a small land office, and stopped in their tracks.
But with farmers who know the right farming methods, that land will go a long way toward helping feed a hungry world.
Illustration] Cindy measured the shoulder-high rope with her eye as she rushed toward it.
Cindy leading, Alec following, they crawled among the closely spaced trees toward the arroyo.
The horseman wheeled and rode back toward the border to find soldiers.
A moment later two horsemen appeared on top of a hillock and started toward them.
Then he shouted his intentions to his mother and whirled Carrots toward Oklahoma.
She prepared a cold lunch, then saddled and bridled Sparkle and rode toward a distant hill that rose to the west.
As a rule the discharge is more frequent and more profuse toward the end of pregnancy.
The tendency of all children of alcoholics is toward nervous disorders of a grave type.
When the breasts are massaged for any reason, the rubbing should be toward the nipple and it should be done gently.
Cramps of the limbs may be relieved by forcibly stretching the leg and pulling the foot up toward the knee.
Here again the imperative necessity arises to warn the young wife against certain individuals who seem to have a predilection toward recounting all the terrible experiences they have heard regarding confinements.
Each child is born with a great potential promise, and endowed with a reasonably good heredity, the whole effort of that child will be toward a higher moral attainment.
These children usually exhibit absolutely no sign of affection for their parents, no sympathy, and are notably cruel toward animals.
A pregnant woman must keep her muscles strong and in good tone if she hopes to do her share toward having a short and easy confinement.
Nausea frequently does not occur until towardthe end of pregnancy.
The propaganda against infant mortality is directed only toward the provision of a good environment,--so that children, when born, may survive and attain the maximum of their hereditary promise.
Both began with acceptance of a nature whose irregularities displayed the meaningless variability of foolish wants held within the limits of order and uniformity by an underlying movement toward a final and stable purpose.
This doctrine sets forth in detail, and in verified detail, as a genuine characteristic of existence, the tendency toward cumulative results, the definite trend of things toward culmination and achievement.
Meantime, I prefer to be tender-minded in my attitudetoward Reality, and to make that attitude more reasonable by a tough-minded logic.
Did purpose ride in a cosmic automobile toward a predestined goal, it would not cease to be physical and mechanical in quality because labeled Divine Idea, or Perfect Reason.
Thereupon the strangers rowed toward them, and went upon the land, marvelling at those whom they saw before them.
The ship which we had the greatest fear for, had put out to sea to escape [being blown] toward the island.
More exactly, "He sailed this day toward the West a quarter northwest and half the division [i.
The following summer Thorvald set out toward the east with the ship, and along the northern coast.
Oueste, á la parte del Sudueste, at the quarter from the west toward the southwest, i.
She hurries towardthe door, drawing Everet with her.
He seemed to be making use of me, and the sense of being made use of in that way was degrading, especially as it involved insincerity in my manner toward these women.
He steps back, and says coldly: "I beg your pardon," and turns toward the door.
She leans toward him, and makes an attempt to reach the scarf she threw with careful carelessness on the chair when she entered the room a while ago.
Braine staggers toward her, and drops on his knees.
And so Edgar Braine's heart sang merrily within him as he strode through the cottonwood-bordered streets toward his editorial work-shop.
He turns toward the house, stooping over the sweet-williams to gather the accustomed bunch.
But howe great abhomination is this, that a Gentlewoman of sutch a house as ours is, hath forgotten hir estate, and the greatnesse of hir deceased husband, with the hope of the toward youthe of the Duke hir sonne and our Nephew.
From which hauinge turned his facetoward that parte of the worlde where he thought the lodging was of that Saynct, whereunto he addressed his deuotions, Dom Diego hearinge the Noyse of the horsse, was retired because hee woulde not bee seene.
A soul which lacks ethical authority for self-control, in its helplessness must turn with accusation and pleading toward others, toward something outside of the self.
Everything in him is force, over-abundant, wild, exceptional virility, without aim and turned toward the infinite.
As all his thought began to tend toward senile mistiness, his emotions also slowly deteriorated in indifference and drunkenness.
The eternal element of great works of poetry reaches back toward eternity.
The man of letters, let us say rather, if you prefer, the poet was born in me precisely toward that so critical fourteenth year, so that I can say proportionately as my puberty developed my character too was formed.
It is a need for explanation, a marvellous deception, a means to tame forces by trust, a trust which is not felt toward one's self.
The latter hardly pleased Rimbaud, who was at that time cold and indifferenttoward everything except that he was filled with a thirst for something unique and infinite and looking forward to new adventures.
His tendency toward strong, cynical and lascivious conversation met a genial match in Rimbaud.
These three creative impulses rise up toward God, who concentrates in himself all earthly emotions.
The leitmotiv of Verlaine's poetry was his yearning and the infinitely beautiful and persistent impulse of the unhappy toward childhood and the magic of a primitively reverent life close to God.
This unrest, somewhat veiled and turning toward melancholy, trembles through these early poems and lends them the unique beauty of sad women.
She had the unique beauty of early illness, and on that account perhaps turned more toward the absorbed but not melancholy child, excusing his escapades.
Even late, very late, when his poor life had already become barren and over-clouded, this yearning still rises and trembles toward these days of youth like a white dove.
No one, who looked upon him, would have judged him to be younger than thirty-five or forty years, when he was in truth little more than half way on life’s journeytoward the second period.
Catching her from the arms of Lucia, the robust legionary cast the fainting girl across his shoulder as though she had been a feather; and rushed back with her toward his comrades, crying aloud in haste alarm— "Quick!
Come, my friends, come; we must toward the consul.
As they ascended the first little hillock, they saw the troopers of Catiline pouring out of the watch-tower gate, and thundering down the slope toward the bridge, with furious shouts, at a rate scarcely inferior to their own.
And, with the words he mounted, and cantered away through the gloom of the woodland night, on the road toward Bolsena, well assured of the route taken by Caius Crispus and his infernal crew.
He waved his hand toward the trumpeters, and nodded his high crested helmet; and instant there pealed forth that thrilling brazen clangor, "that bids the Romans close.
Perry said this hastily because he had thought at first the thing coming toward them was a motor truck, but before he could say so his quick eyes had made out four moving legs.
The tall old gentleman coming towardthem saw Sunny Boy, and smiled.
As the skaters heard him they began to move toward him, and in a minute there was a pushing, hurrying throng, some skating, some trying to run.
Something big and black was coming toward them out of the snowstorm.
I'll just put him back," whispered Sunny Boy, putting out a cautious hand toward the soldier.
Grandpa Horton thanked the old gentleman for taking care of Sunny Boy and then they shook hands again and Sunny Boy and his grandpa hurriedtoward the Park gates.
But when they came rushing toward her, pellmell, she seemed to remember what she ought to do.
He showed Sunny Boy how he wanted him to put his arms, and then he lifted him up and carried him toward the bank.
Even Nelson could not scold his sister when the sleds were so easily found, and as they went back toward the hill he and Ruth and Sunny Boy took turns riding.
The other boy had pushed on toward the shore and he did not hear any of this talk.
Wine was brought in, and Aunt Marit of Bruseth lifted a congratulatory glass toward the pair with the following words: "You'll fight, of course.
The steel has brought forth, and its descendants again in turn, advancing always toward something finer, stronger, more efficient.
You know what is common knowledge about the progress of humanity; its struggle towards higher forms, its gropings up by many waystoward the infinite which it calls God.
The dairy-maid was down by the waterside now, calling across toward the boat.
The reverse of this is equally true and important: that faith as a strength to endure the gainsaying of men is the faith that presses on toward the goal unto the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
Her lips thinned, and there was a hint of formality in her greeting as she offered her hand to the tall, gray-haired man who advanced toward her.
He nodded toward the elderly gentleman, who was now keenly interested, and reached under the table.
Appleton had no son, and he felt strangely drawn toward the young man whose eyes had held him from the time of their first meeting.
Neither ever referred to the incident of the bunk-house, nor did either show hint of ill-feeling toward the other.
She shuddered as she drew her skirts away where they brushed lightly against the blankets of his bunk, and turned toward the door.
The young man reëntered the coach through a window and made his way slowly toward the smoking compartment, pushing his lantern before him.
Stealthily he slipped into the dense shadows of the scrub and made his way toward the shack where a thin banner of smoke, shot with an occasional yellow spark, floated from the dilapidated stovepipe that protruded from the roof.
Looks kind of funny," thought the boy, and glanced toward the river.
As the gay calendar of society's romp and rout drew toward its close, the names of these two became more and more intimately associated.
Fallon finished drying his face upon the coarse roller-towel and turned toward the group who waited expectantly.
Again he stared--puzzled; they were moving farther and farther toward the left--away from the bullets.
His eyes closed, and he turned his face toward the wall.
At the words a half-dozen men rushed toward the cook-shack, returning a few minutes later laden as to victual a regiment.
There was a confused scuffling of feet and a scraping of heavy benches as the men craned their necks toward the entrance.
As he walked back toward his room in the dusk of early evening, Browning began to feel sorry that he had learned the trick at all.
At the door," faintly replied Rattleton as he reached for a mug of beer which some one held toward him.
The tapping blows started his blood, and he sprang toward his foe, striking out with his left and then with his right.
Frank and Harry dressed quickly, and away they went with Robinson and his companion toward Billy's.
Drop this persiflage and come down to business," said Browning, winking at the others and nodding toward Hartwick, who did not seem to be taking any interest in what was going on.
The report of this brush spread abroad, and the men on the regular crew were rather complimentary toward the freshmen.
At the same time the sophomores moved toward the freshmen, and then there were shouts, taunts and jeers.
He whooped like a wild Indian and pranced right up toward the house.
Then the passionate Southerner turned over with his face toward the wall.
Just how he did it no one could tell, but he broke straight through the crowd and in another moment was rushing back toward Billy's, shouting: "Lambda Chi!
A moment later the sophs appeared, hurrying along the street toward the scene of the encounter.
In an instant Diamond sprang toward this person and snatched the mask from his face.
It twisted intoward him and passed within two inches of his fingers.
Diamond looked up insolently, inhaled a whiff of his cigarette, and then deliberately blew the smoke toward Frank.
He moved toward the door of the control building once more.
The sun shone brightly, though now it was low, toward the horizon.
The same cold-bloodedness was practised towardthe human employees who ran the place.
But they considered that they knew it began to the westward of Maya City, and moved toward the east at such-and-such a speed, and it went so far and no farther.
If the dark room is lighted by a window, it should be glazed with dark red orange glass, and if the exposure is toward the sun, it should be shaded with a green or ruby colored shade on a spring roller.
The bleached gelatine plate (which of course must be of proper size to fit the holder) is to be placed therein with the film side [p230] toward the microscope.
The cone front extends toward the platform, upon which the microscope (inclined horizontally) is secured at such a height that its tube precisely enters the middle of the cone.
When a suitable positive has been secured it should [p191] be dried and set up in the place occupied by the negative from which it was made, and with the film side toward the lens.
In the course of the session it is my hope to be able to announce some further degree of progress toward the accomplishment of this highly desirable end.
Were it capable of proof beyond all possibility of denial that the limit of the grant to Sir William Alexander was intended to be a line drawn toward the northwest instead of the north it would not affect the question.
The tendency of public sentiment, I am pleased to believe, istoward the adoption, in a spirit of union and harmony, of such measures as will fortify the public interests.
Thence was had the view of a wide, open valley extending toward the southeast to the Bay of Chaleurs and bounded on the northeast and southwest by highlands.
Renwick, leaving the assistant commissary with only one man in the stationary camp, set off toward the head of Rimouski.
The first party was directed to operate in the first place toward the west, the second toward the east, upon the height of land until they should meet each other's marks.
I should say that his call was rather toward tragedy than toward comedy; that his mastery of severe and serious emotion was more genuine and more natural than his command of satirical or grotesque realism.
Disfigured as it is toward the close by indulgence in mere horror and brutality after the fashion of Andronicus or Jeronimo, it has more beauty and power and pathos in its best scenes than a reader of his comedies would have expected.
Alike as poet and as dramatist, he rises far higher and enjoys his work far more when the aim of his flight is toward the effects of imaginative terror and pity than when it is confined to the effects of humorous or pathetic realism.
The younger thought the suggestion a good one and they turned toward the house of old Sanders.
Perkins took his hat and cane and moved towardthe door.
Perkins jumped like one shot from a catapult, and rushing toward the silent figure in the doorway exclaimed: "Bless my soul, are you a ghost?
He went toward her and lovingly taking her hands, bent low and pressed his lips to them; they were cold as marble.
He staggered from the chair and went toward it; opening the lid softly, he lifted the silken coverlet placed over the instrument and examined the strings intently.
As Diotti ceased playing, Sanders applauded vociferously, and moving toward the violinist, said: "Magnificent!
The old man arose with some effort, walked toward the window and, shading his eyes, looked out.
He went toward the chair, took the instrument from old Sanders' hands and laid it on the table.
After changing his heavy shoes for a pair of old slippers and wrapping a dressing gown around him, the old man stretched his legs toward the fire and sipped his toddy.
I do not mean that when it takes a turn toward ultimate extinction it will be in a day, nor in a year, nor in two years.
In the clause of Judge Douglas's speech upon this subject he uses this language toward Judge Trumbull.
As soon as he crosses or approaches a metallic vein or aqueous spring the twig turns toward it with a slow, rotary motion.
Pyrites produced the same rotation as sulphur, and a slight tendency of the electric sphere toward the west.
Walking along toward A B the switch begins to move at A, and turns down at B; the angles B A C and B C A being equal, the distance from A to B is equal to B C.
Grace Darling rowing out into the storm toward the wreck.
And the arch sank lower; and the rafters grew more horizontal; and the likeness to the old tree, content to grow no more, took the place of the likeness to the young tree struggling toward the sky.
Fresh and bright under the fresh bright heaven, they will race with us toward our home, to gain new heat, new life, new power, and set forth about their work once more.
All these four knights Sir Palomides smote down with divers spears And then Sir Tristram departed toward Lonazep.
Sir, said Melion, I am in the way toward the court of King Arthur.
So they went toward the bed to behold all about it, and above the head there hung two swords.
Then he cried him mercy and said: Fair knight, for God's love slay me not, and I shall ensure thee never to war against thy lady, but be alway toward her.
When Sir Tristram heard him say so he came a soft trotting pacetoward them.
Therewith the king and all espied where came riding down the river a lady on a white palfrey toward them.
And when he saw the errant knights he came toward them and saluted them, and they him again.
But at the last Sir Bliant was sore wounded, and felt himself faint; and then he fled on horseback toward his castle.
O Jesu, said Launcelot, what misadventure is befallen him that he is thus led toward his death?
And on the morn he rode to a castle in a valley, and there he met with a yeoman going a great pace toward a forest.
Then was Sir Percivale ware in the sea, and saw a ship come sailing toward him; and Sir Percivale went unto the ship and found it covered within and without with white samite.
And then anon Sir Tristram was armed and took his horse and two squires with him, and rode a great pace toward the castle of Pelownes where Sir Palomides was judged to death.
Thus, as they stood and spake of many things, there was espied Sir Launcelot that came riding toward them, and told the king.
And every day once, for any mirths that all the ladies might make him, he would once every day look toward the realm of Logris, where King Arthur and Queen Guenever was.
NOW, saith the tale, after Sir Gawaine departed, he rode many journeys, both toward and froward.