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Example sentences for "different districts"

  • The quantity of tégal land, or land fit for maize, as compared with that of sáwah land, varies in different districts.

  • The quality of the clay varies greatly in different districts.

  • The kind of husbandry in different districts (as shall be mentioned afterwards more particularly) depends upon the nature and elevation of the ground, and the facilities for natural or artificial irrigation.

  • The word jung is now used by the Javans for a certain measure of land; but this differs so much in different districts, that it is impossible to ascertain how many square roods of land a jung ought to contain.

  • We see the same fact in the difference between hounds bred for hunting in different districts,[573] and in many other such cases.

  • It is well known that the shells of land-mollusca are affected by the abundance of lime in different districts.

  • In quarrels between kadangyang (for their dignity is very dear to them) and between persons of different districts or contrary parties, it is more frequently than not the case that the thing seized is not returned.

  • In the case of altercations between individuals of different districts, seizure of animals was generally practiced by persons of those districts through which the road led to the region from which the animals were imported.

  • In feuds between families of different districts, heads might or might not be taken.

  • For that reason, they are abandoned after a period that varies in different districts of Ifugao according as camotes are a more or less important factor in the subsistence of the people.

  • The climate varies in different districts, but is mostly warm.

  • I have no doubt that this species varies greatly in its habits in different districts, and probably also in the number of eggs it lays.

  • The song varies greatly in different districts; thus, in Bahia Blanca it is without the long trill at the end, and in other localities I have found it vary in other ways.

  • The size and form of colliery shafts vary in different districts.

  • The terms pike, pick, mandril and slitter are applied to the collier's pick in different districts, the men being known as pikemen or hewers.

  • Deviations of a constant character are found in different parts of the group, and often in different districts of the same island.

  • In some cases it can be shown that widely-different checks act on the same species in different districts.

  • In Northern Siberia, among the Ostyaks, the dogs vary in markings in different districts, but in each place they are spotted black and white in a remarkably uniform manner (20/56.

  • We see the same fact in the difference between hounds bred for hunting in different districts (21/40.

  • They vary in different seasons, in different districts, and in nature and extent--the success of one species leads to the failure of another, and the multiplication of the Jay or of the Magpie robs us of many a songster.

  • There is one other fact to which attention must be drawn--the variation in the song of the same species in different districts.

  • The Spanish Americans call them pinon trees, but there are several species of them in different districts.

  • The climate of British Columbia, though having considerable variety in different districts, may appeal to some intending immigrants who dread cold.

  • In allotting the farms, preference is given to men with families, and to help the newcomers to make the best of things under the unfamiliar conditions, the company has established “demonstration farms” in different districts.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "different districts" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    about right; different climates; different color; different colour; different conditions; different degrees; different denominations; different depths; different directions; different districts; different families; different individuals; different lights; different line; different nations; different orders; different parts; different periods; different point; different points; different positions; different senses; different shades; different years; military strength; muscular contraction