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Example sentences for "sons"

Lexicographically close words:
sonority; sonorous; sonorously; sonorousness; sonr; sonship; sonsie; sonst; sonsy; sont
  1. When Wash's father learned this, he overtook his sons before they reached Texas and put himself back in bondage, so he could be with his children.

  2. Marse Jones never 'low dat fire go out from October till May, and in de fall Marse or one he sons lights de fire with a flint rock and some powder.

  3. One of the sons am the outer door guard of the lodge here in Beaumont.

  4. He have two sons and Willie am 'bout 18 and Dave am 'bout 17.

  5. When his and Aunt Phyllis'es sons was grown they went to live in the quarters, which was what the place the niggers lived was called.

  6. By permission of Charles Scribner's Sons "What was it the aeronaut said when he fell out of his balloon and struck the earth with his usual dull thud?

  7. By permission of Charles Scribner's Sons Secretary Chase was not originally a profane man.

  8. Concerning the prayer of the sons of Zebedee.

  9. Peterhouse is at late-last doing honour to some of her sons thus.

  10. Concerning the prayer of the sons of Zebedee CL.

  11. And it might also occasionally occur in times of war or invasion that a man’s sons and grandsons might go out to serve as soldiers, leaving the old man and his young great-grandchildren at home.

  12. Elimelech and his two sons dying in Moab, Naomi and both her daughters-in-law are left widows in a strange land.

  13. Whereas Leonidas, in choosing the 300 men to make their famous and fatal stand at Thermopylae, is stated to have selected all fathers with sons living.

  14. The State at Sparta undertook to educate all her sons after a certain age, and gave the parent no further rights over the child.

  15. A woman’s sons might always be called upon under certain circumstances to take inheritance from her father or next of kin.

  16. And all these sons of Bouselos became men, and their father divided his substance amongst them all, with perfect justice.

  17. It was considered sufficient if she set apart one of her sons to be heir to her father’s house.

  18. He remembered other old men whose sons had not waited after the tribe.

  19. I was the last of his sons to be alive, and through me, only, could he look to see his blood go down among those to come after and as yet unborn.

  20. Here come the sons of scandal and of news, But find no sense -- for they had none to lose.

  21. Have we not seen, round Britain's peopled shore, Her useful sons exchang'd for useless ore?

  22. To see profusion that he must not share/ 310 To see ten thousand baneful arts combin'd To pamper luxury, and thin mankind; To see those joys the sons of pleasure know Extorted from his fellow creature's woe.

  23. Oliver was the fifth of a family of five sons and three daughters.

  24. Methinks her patient sons before me stand, Where the broad ocean leans against the land, And, sedulous to stop the coming tide, 285 Lift the tall rampire's artificial pride.

  25. Haste, ye sprightly sons of pleasure; 65 Love presents the fairest treasure, Leave all other joys for me.

  26. Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God!

  27. Little Emma quickly turned up her Bible, and read as follows:—“Beloved, now are we the sons of God!

  28. I will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters.

  29. The workingman is not looking for fat jobs for his sons and nephews and cousins.

  30. What's the world coming to when sons speaks that way to their fathers?

  31. It was she who had chosen the name of her sons for she was very sensible of the dignity of family life.

  32. My sons are under the wind-vanes, all three.

  33. United States, who had lost two sons in a boat accident, followed that up with another great bequest.

  34. I engaged the services of a bear hunter who had three strapping sons as reserved and strange and aloof as he was.

  35. My other sons an' Ann have never heard it.

  36. Gaston Isbel's sons were now the only men left to ride the range.

  37. Then James and John, the sons of Zabdi, came up to Him and said, "Rabbi, we wish you would grant us whatever request we make of you.

  38. It was among the descendants of these sons that the celebrated wars between the houses of York and Lancaster, called the wars of the roses, arose.

  39. In a line below are the names of those four of his sons whose descendants figure in English history.

  40. This Henry Beaufort was Henry's great-uncle, being one of the sons of John of Gaunt.

  41. But the first and second sons and their descendants were soon set aside, as it were, from the competition, in the following manner.

  42. Prince John, the third of the sons of old King Edward, is commonly known in history as John of Gaunt.

  43. Sons are afraid of their fathers, run into debt without their knowledge, deceive them in every possible way, occasionally express a wish that their death might enable them to treat their mistresses more generously.

  44. But the time was now approaching when the matchless "thin red line" taught Europe to beware; for all the brave sons of Albion and Erin's Isle were not yet afloat.

  45. In many cases their sons are off, only too happy to take their fathers' places.

  46. We would here remark that so long as Britain can produce such heroic mothers her sons will ever uphold her flag.

  47. The so-called "invincible" sons of France had to yield the palm to the sons of Albion, and in struggle after struggle their much-vaunted battalions had to give way before our irresistible wall of steel.

  48. The sons of Albion, side by side with the undaunted sons of the Emerald Isle, set an example to Europe.

  49. Some of the noblest sons of Albion and Erin's Isle have served in its ranks, and the haughtiest sons of Adam's race have had to bow before them, and give up the palm to the matchless Fusiliers.

  50. Never shall Israel be vanquished so long as all her sons share these thoughts.

  51. The dead bodies of the sons Lie like dung in the streets Where they have perished by the sword; The daughters have been strangled with their own hair, And the women with child have been ripped up.

  52. Did you beget your sons for slaughter, and your daughters for shame?

  53. Think you that he, more than another, can keep that which he now hath, or that he can find an issue from the doom which awaits all the sons of men?

  54. The sons of Reuben always want to be first.

  55. Before his eyes, one by one, his sons were put to the sword.

  56. Jacob's blessing of his sons marks the close of the patriarchal dispensation.

  57. When he brings his two sons to get their grandfather's blessing, Jacob sees what Joseph has no inkling of, and peremptorily declines to follow the advice of his wise son.

  58. Born the sons of God, made in His image, introduced to a birthright angels might covet, we yet prefer to rank with the beasts of the field, and let our souls starve if only our bodies be well tended and cared for.

  59. The massacre of the Shechemites was not an accidental outrage that any other of the sons of Jacob might equally have perpetrated, but the most glaring of a number of expressions of a fierce and cruel disposition in these two men.

  60. You will observe that Ephraim and Manasseh were adopted as sons of Jacob.

  61. Jacob has studied these sons of his for fifty years, and has had his acute perception of character painfully enough called to exercise itself on them.

  62. Lamech has no need of God for any purpose; what his sons can make and his own right hand do is enough for him.

  63. The sons of outstanding fathers are much tempted to follow in the wake of their success, and be too much controlled and limited by the example therein set to them.

  64. To no better school could the barbarous sons of Bilhah and Zilpah have been sent; to no more fitting discipline could the lawless spirits of Reuben, Simeon, and Levi have been subjected.

  65. For what could Barabbas and the sons of Judas do, in comparison with the true Redemption which had been prophesied by the Prophet; or how could they avail to bring about the day of that Redemption?

  66. There were present also from the region of Gaulonitis James and John and Manahem, sons of the famous Judas of Galilee.

  67. Afterwards they all slumbered and slept, even the sons of Zebedee and Peter also; and perchance this thing was from the Lord, to the intent that Jesus might bear all his burden alone.

  68. For thou, and I, and all men, are not we all sons of men?

  69. Therefore he bade the mother of John go with her two sons to Jesus and ask of him a certain favour; and if Jesus granted it, then she was to ask that her two sons might be next to Jesus in the place of honour in the New Kingdom.

  70. But by this time our ship was come to Gamala; where we were courteously entertained by James and John the sons of Judas; and we abode with them three days.

  71. Might it not be indeed that he was, and knew that he was, naught more than one of the common sons of man?

  72. There were also living among us James and John, the two eldest sons of Judas of Galilee, and their youngest brother Manahem.

  73. For our intent was there to join ourselves to James and John, the sons of Judas, and so to continue our journey with them till we came to Bethany in Peraea where John was baptizing.

  74. Then he set to work reckoning up the grooms, the younger tenants, and the sons of the older ones, and jotted down the names of twenty-seven who he thought might join in the attempt.

  75. I know that your fathers have always been faithful to our house, and I hope that their sons will, ere long, do as good service for me as they have done for a foreign prince.

  76. Certainly, of the twelve boys who go over to learn what the Rector of Apsley can teach them, more than half are sons of gentlemen whose opinions are similar to my own.

  77. No sooner did the landlord of the inn learn the name of his guest, than he, his wife, and sons bustled about in the greatest haste to make things comfortable for them.

  78. Disown sons and daughters, senor, who don't do what deserves that compliments of this sort should be paid to their parents.

  79. If we squires were the sons of the knights we serve, or their very near relations, it would be no wonder if the penalty of their misdeeds overtook us, even to the fourth generation.

  80. King, who, after all, is but a name, for his villanous sons are the real leaders.

  81. In all her long and stern history, England can point to no nobler sons than these, the heroes of India in 1857.

  82. But the two sons of the North Wind drew their swords, spread their pinions and set off through the air in pursuit of the thieves, whom they at last overtook among some islands, after a chase of hundreds of miles.

  83. Crazed with grief she rushed out to the field where her sons had been stricken, threw herself on their dead bodies, kissing now this one and now that.

  84. Why, if you will believe me, they were the sons of that very Phrixus, who in his childhood had been carried to Colchis on the back of the golden-fleeced ram.

  85. Wherefore slay me and doubtless ye will do a pleasure to Ulysses and the sons of Atreus.

  86. Perhaps I can manage the quarrelsome sons of the dragon's teeth as well as Cadmus did.

  87. Espying the two winged sons of the North Wind (who were disporting themselves in the moonlight a few hundred feet aloft), Jason bade them tell the rest of the Argonauts to embark as speedily as possible.

  88. They were the sons of those Titans who had fought against Jupiter and been sent in chains to the great prison-house of the lower world, but for some reason had escaped punishment.

  89. Here he found the three sons of Gold-Sword with three great armies camping near each other; but he killed all the leaders and plundered the land.

  90. In a moment all the sons of the dragon's teeth appeared to take Jason for an enemy; and crying with one voice, "Guard the Golden Fleece!

  91. The oldest son, Otvin, was away from court, guarding the outposts of the country; the other two sons were still children.

  92. Then, as a river bursts its banks and overflows the plain, so did the sons of Greece rush into the palace.

  93. But Jupiter did not wish that his sons should shed blood, and sent his lightning bolt to separate the two.

  94. But even while she prayed the child fell lifeless from her lap, and Niobe sat alone among the dead bodies of her husband, her sons and her daughters.

  95. I was indeed on intimate terms with your sons six years ago,--yes, we entertained the project which is mentioned in the letter.

  96. Their fathers had been friends, and the sons had often played at bat and ball together; had quarrelled a hundred times, and as often made it up again.

  97. The sons died a calm and happy death, at a late old age, after they had once more sung the "Gloria in excelsis" as usual.

  98. But who can describe the poor lady's horror, when, on entering the door, she recognised her sons at the very first glance.

  99. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sons" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    breed; brood; children; descendant; descent; family; fruit; heir; inheritor; issue; kid; lineage; offspring; progeny; seed; succession; youngster