He caught dreadful hints now and then of new, unheard-of forms and colors, of unstable geometries as far beyond Einstein's as his were beyond Euclid's.
And upon the popular assemblies the presence of this unstable element had an unwholesome effect.
Morphologically men are the more unstable element of society, and this instability expresses itself in the two extremes of genius and idiocy.
It was necessary that primitive society, in the absence of elaborate machinery for doing things, in unstable and precarious food conditions, and without resources accumulated from preceding generations, should utilize all its forces.
In the quest of unstable lines and expressions, instead of feeling reality in all its charming grace, he came to behold it only in its degeneration.
Above the bench there stands an old statue casting a clearly defined shadow upon the gravel path, as if to point to the contrast between imperishable stone and the unstable race of men, fading away like the autumn leaves.
The economy was unstable and racing toward the worst recession in 40 years.
Nuclear proliferation would raise the spectre of the use of nuclear explosives in crucial, unstable regions of the world endangering not only our security and that of our Allies, but that of the whole world.
Worst of all, inflation holds the threat of another depression, just as we had a depression after the unstable boom following the First World War.
I know that the Union is stronger a thousand times than all the wild and chimerical schemes of social change which are generated one after another in the unstable minds of visionary sophists and interested agitators.
Suffer not yourselves to be cheated of your birthright, the Bible, either by the novel fictions of unstable men, or by the exploded heresies of a bygone age, revived and recommended by living unbelievers.
There are many foolish and unstable men who say, "See what a prosperous life that man hath, how rich and how great he is, how powerful, how exalted.
In Thee, therefore, O Lord God, I put all my hope and my refuge, on Thee I lay all my tribulation and anguish; because I find all to be weak and unstable whatsoever I behold out of Thee.
Draw me and deliver me from every unstable comfort of creatures, for no created thing is able to satisfy my desire and to give me comfort.
But they that are perfect, do not give ready heed to every news-bearer, for they know man's weakness that it is prone to evil and unstable in words.
It is also a fatal objection to these long loans, that before the whole term of years elapses, it is morally certain that something will occur to disturb the very unstable financial equilibrium of the members.
As for ArĂșna--while pain anchored her body to earth, her unstable heart swayed disconcertingly from heights of rarefied content, to depths of shyness.
The process is of especial value in rendering stable and inert the traces of unstable compounds which always remain in cellulose nitrate after the ordinary boiling and washing process.
Even the most perfectly purified nitrocellulose will slowly decompose with formation of unstable acid products by boiling for a long time in water.
Not because the earth is in the middle, as if suspended on even balance, but because the majesty of God constrains it by the law of His will, does it endure stable upon the unstable and the void.
There is the same custom of fighting from chariots, the same tried charioteer, the hero's closest friend, and the same unstable relationship between the chieftains and the king.
With the moderns they have been for the most part released from this unstable duty, and accordingly, with untrammelled energy and ungovernable vigour, they have entered upon a system of privateering upon their own account.
I have not much confidence in an ornamental top-dressing of philosophy, theology, and classic learning upon the foundation of an unformed and unstable mental and moral condition.
It still keeps its strong fortifications drawn around it, to which the broad and deep Scheldt is like a string to a bow, mindful of the unstable state of Europe.
The cliffs around from time to time discharged their unstable snows in avalanches that threw clouds of snow almost across the wide glacier.
One result has been over three centuries of unstable political and social relations, ending in the occupation of the archipelago by the United States (1898).
When sulphur dioxide dissolves in water it combines chemically with it to form sulphurous acid, an unstable substance having the formula H{3}SO{3}.
The acid is, however, very unstable and cannot be isolated.
The ammonium hydroxide (NH{4}OH) so formed is unstableand breaks down into water and ammonia.
Investigation of these strange properties has suggested that the radium atoms are unstable and undergo a decomposition.
This is the unstable form and tends to go over into the other variety.
When carbon dioxide is passed through a solution of a manganate a part of the manganese is changed into manganese dioxide, while the remainder forms a salt of the unstable acid HMnO{4}, called permanganic acid.
Nevertheless each element tends to exert some normal valence, and the compounds in which it has a valence different from this are apt to be unstable and easily changed into compounds in which the valence of the element is normal.
Like manganese, chromium forms two unstable acids, namely, chromic acid and dichromic acid.
In a few cases, as in radium and uranium, it would appear that this unit is unstable and undergoes transformation into more stable combinations.
That this condition is unstablecan be shown by adding a crystal of the solid to the solution.
With some appearance of caution he balanced hisunstable footing into absolute immobility.
Between times they stood upright on single, unstable logs and pushed mightily with poles, while the ice-water sucked in and out of their spiked river shoes.
This has left Armenia with chronic energy shortages because of a lack of capacity and frequent disruptions of natural gas deliveries through unstable Georgia, as well as difficulties in obtaining other types of fuel.
But when a being is thus the object of mixed and implicitly contradictory feelings, he may be said to occupy a position of unstable equilibrium.
The rites of the husbandman were stable because they rested on direct observation of nature: the rites of the priest were unstable because they were based on a false calculation.
Such a man, by the rule of physiognomy is vain, unwise, unchaste, a detractor, unstable and unfaithful.
He whose legs do much abound with hair, shows he has great store in another place, and that he is lustful and luxurious, strong, but unstable in his resolution, and abounding with ill humours.
Every instant we expected to be hurled off from our unstable resting-place, as the seas dashed with redoubled fury against the wreck.
But the death of this great and wise sovereign showed on what unstable foundations a barbaric power is built.
It was seen already that a great spiritual empire might be founded upon the ruins of the old Roman world, and spread itself over the perplexed and unstable politics of the barbaric tribes.
Mighty peaks and walls exist which must one day be thrown down, so unstable is their form; deep ravines can be seen which must one day be the scene of tremendous landslips, so steep and precipitous are their sides.
This fellow "flits and circles around moreunstable than dry leaves in the wind.
And I have heard curses launched at the unstable element itself, whose fascination, outlasting the accumulated experience of ages, had captured him as it had captured the generations of his forebears.
Both men and ships live in an unstable element, are subject to subtle and powerful influences, and want to have their merits understood rather than their faults found out.