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Example sentences for "different breeds"

  • The tendency to fatten, to yield much milk, to produce many young or eggs at a birth or during life, differs in different breeds.

  • In black and tan dogs of different breeds, tan-coloured spots over the eyes and tan-coloured feet almost invariably go together.

  • From this central stalk there springs, at different distances, on different breeds of sheep, a circlet of leaf-shaped projections.

  • It differs in quantity in different breeds.

  • The same remark may be made with respect to different breeds of sheep, of which, according to Youatt (24/45.

  • Every one knows how the ears vary in size in different breeds, and with their great development their muscles become atrophied.

  • Burt Wilder's observations on the brains of different breeds of the Dog.

  • Different breeds of dogs are subject in different degrees to various diseases.

  • The liability to distemper (page 232) is extremely different in different breeds.

  • With respect to the sternum, I have carefully measured its extreme length in twelve birds of different breeds, and in two wild rock-pigeons from the Shetland Islands.

  • Not only does it thus differ in different species of dogs, but in different breeds of the same species.

  • Among the many tastes and fancies that the Americans have inherited from their ancestors, the English, may be enumerated the absurd practice of fashioning the ears of different breeds of dogs to a certain standard of beauty.

  • They commence, indeed, as high up in the face as those of the horse, their superior extremities being opposite to the lachrymal gland; but that commencement is an apex or point varying materially in different breeds.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "different breeds" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    different authors; different circumstances; different class; different colours; different countries; different densities; different direction; different from; different groups; different heights; different individuals; different kind; different language; different languages; different nations; different opinion; different parts; different portions; different positions; different sections; different species; different thing; different tone; different ways; great commotion; life freely