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Example sentences for "disagreeing"

Lexicographically close words:
disagreeable; disagreeableness; disagreeables; disagreeably; disagreed; disagreement; disagreements; disagrees; disaient; disais
  1. This I dare say, that belief and assent can be sooner procured by disagreeing arguments, than concoction by various and different qualities.

  2. Yet the Spanish writers have no hesitation in fixing the direction, although disagreeing somewhat about the locality.

  3. Side-note: Reliance of Sokrates on his own individual reason, whether agreeing or disagreeing with others.

  4. What is said of adjectives as agreeing or disagreeing with their nouns in number?

  5. The verb after a relative sometimes has the appearance of disagreeing with its nominative, because the writer and his reader disagree in their conceptions of its mood.

  6. Not proper, because the verb have built, which extends the subjunctive mood into the perfect tense, has the appearance of disagreeing with its nominative man.

  7. The States were disagreeing at home, and the American name was disgraced abroad.

  8. The standing rule of the House declared, that, in case of disagreeing votes, a Committee of Conference should be appointed.

  9. Disagreeing elsewhere, they agreed in disowning her, and in keeping the administration of the millionaire's money in their own hands.

  10. It must be understood with regard to these axioms that, when we speak of terms agreeing or disagreeing with the same third term, we mean that they agree or disagree with the same part of it.

  11. Disagreeing with Jackson on the removal of the deposits, Bell was elected Speaker of the House over Jackson's protege, James K.

  12. All interpretation disagreeing from the principles of our faith, repugnant to charity, or standing in plain contradiction to any other manifest place of Scripture, is to be rejected.

  13. A large majority of gentlemen who attend church take the liberty of disagreeing with the preacher.

  14. It is impossible to convey the same thoughts to all minds by the same language, and it is for that reason that the Bible has produced so many sects, not only disagreeing with each other, but disagreeing among themselves.

  15. It had never been seen that different Counties in the same State, conformable in extent, but disagreeing in other circumstances, betrayed a propensity to such combinations.

  16. I beg pardon for disagreeing with you, but I don't see why I shouldn't entertain the idea I mention.

  17. The reason is that hatred arises from our considering a quality as disagreeing with our disposition; and this may refer to a thing in general or in particular.

  18. And lastly, as concerning the picture, if naturally examined, and not Hierogliphically conceived, it containeth many improprieties, disagreeing almost in all things from the true and proper description.

  19. I am not of their opinion; and when I speak of Catalytics, I shall give my reasons for disagreeing with them.

  20. Either facts essentially opposed and incompatible have been adduced by the disagreeing parties; or, which is nearly as common, the same fact has received two distinct and opposite interpretations.

  21. And above these disagreeing parties the General Elder sat supreme.

  22. Indeed I am afraid you must reconcile yourself to the dismal prospect of my being more or less like what I was before; and any resumption of my ordinary habits must necessarily include the habit of disagreeing with you.

  23. Finally, let our authors, among whom the canon of the sacred books is fixed and bounded, be far from disagreeing in any respect.

  24. But knowledge and probability are of such contrary and disagreeing natures, that they cannot well run insensibly into each other, and that because they will not divide, but must be either entirely present, or entirely absent.

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disagreeing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.