As for Sheeta--the great cat understood even less than the apes; but yet Tarzan could not but marvel at the remarkable characteristics this beast had evidenced.
It was not until they reached London that they learned the details of the remarkable chain of circumstances that had preserved the infant unharmed.
So his racing record must be indeed a remarkable one.
Frank Kent had managed in some remarkable fashion to get in front of Jack and strike down the huge brute with his stick.
The train was moving slowly, still it was remarkable how the rider kept up with the passenger coach.
And there is nothing so remarkable in our wanting to have you.
Her hat had fallen on the ground and her face was white, yet it held a look of quiet power and strength remarkable in a girl so young.
I'm curious to know more about the owner of this remarkable place.
One portion was covered by a withered bush, a circumstance that aroused the investigator's curiosity, since it seemed remarkable that vegetation could grow on the face of a granite cliff.
In India I had been struck by the remarkable whiteness of an Englishman's skin: in London I thought I knew every second man I met.
And that this progress has been entirely due to theremarkable Prince who is now occupying the throne of Afghanistan--Amir Abdurrahman--requires but little proof.
His Highness's hair and beard were very grey when he was ill, but were blue-black afterwards, and I could not help connecting this remarkable fact with the many bottles of hair-dye I saw in the stores.
To the simple manners and free hospitality of Dost Mahomed, he adds a dignity and kindly courtesy of manner most remarkable in a man of his strong passions, and in one who is constantly surrounded with adulation and flattery.
He told me there was a remarkable ancient monument near Haibuk, and some ancient caves of considerable interest.
He told me he had a black horse, a remarkable animal, whose speed was like that of a steam-engine.
What other remarkable development might I not detect!
It was remarkable to see the Prince's look of indignation and anger, it so exactly resembled the Amir's.
This remarkable historical work, initiated by Bollandus at the time, endeavoured to weed out from the lives of the saints most of the popular anecdotes which had inspired mediƦval artists.
The considerable number of public buildings erected and the more or less successful efforts of their builders are by themselves a remarkable testimony.
In the Middle Ages, Flemish and French letters in Belgium had produced some remarkable works.
Ostend, which had been bombarded by the British in 1798, was restored, and after the peace of Amiens Antwerp enjoyed a few years of remarkable prosperity.
The Belgian people have acquired a remarkable reputation for their sturdiness and their power of recovery.
Just as Flemish Art is remarkable for the religious work of the fifteenth century and the sensuous productions of the seventeenth, so Belgian writing in the nineteenth oscillates between the spirit of Jordaens and that of Memling.
The nose, the left leg from the knee down, an ear, and also the toes of the right foot and two fingers of one of the hands were gone, but otherwise the noble figure was in a remarkable state of preservation.
Four weeks ago, while making some necessary excavations upon the property, Signor Smitthe unearthed the most remarkable ancient statue that has ever bees added to the opulent art treasures of Rome.
It is very remarkable that such a strong rod should grow out of a weak vine; but so it had been in Israel, through God's extraordinary blessing, in times past.
This acceptable year of the Lord that is a day of such great favor to some will doubtless be a day of as remarkable vengeance to others.
The manuscript is dated June, 1741, which suggests that it may have been preached in Northampton, or elsewhere, the month before it was attended with such remarkable impressions on the hearers in Enfield.
The remarkableconduct and behavior of Ruth on this occasion; with what inflexible resolution she cleaves to Naomi and follows her.
At a time of great Awakenings; and attended with remarkable Impressions on many of the Hearers.
Though he was a man of a great spirit, yet he had a remarkable government of his spirit; and excelled in the government of his tongue.
The calmness and steadiness of his behavior in private, particularly in his family, appeared remarkable and exemplary to those who had most opportunity to observe it.
Don't you see how generally persons of your years are passed over and left in the present remarkable and wonderful dispensation of God's mercy?
It is a remarkable fact that the Government of the United States, in no one instance, from the opening to the close of the war, formally spoke of the Confederate Government or States as belligerents.
But what is astonishingly remarkable is the stultification of requiring the one tenth of the people to "reestablish a State government, which shall be republican and in no wise contravening said oath.
It is remarkable how much the orders of the commanding General now contained relative to disorderly persons.
It was the sunset of ambition, and the remarkable events that followed are all so recent that to give details seems like telling news of general knowledge.
There was a remarkable increase of half-caste children without the formality of marriage with the Paraguayians.
We simply called her "Madame"; but her power of organising was remarkable and recalled to my mind the similar success of Wilbrid in Germany.
It was not strange that her constitution collapsed under the remarkable strain, and that for a while death hovered round the sick room.
I write at length on this remarkable sequel to the war on the part of Belgium, as other nations did not rise to the occasion like it did.
I don't see what's so remarkable in her comin' back and walkin' up-street with Joe Louden.
One item of his recital, while sufficiently startling to his wife, had a remarkable effect upon his grandson.
A change in a very small particular, but one so remarkable that it instantly struck the eyes of Lieberg, surprised and puzzled him.
Indeed, it is as true as it is remarkable that Tom was the first to observe the new development.
It came over with remarkable docility, and suddenly the wings seemed to give way in the middle.
Well, have you noticed what one might call the remarkable case of the disappearing inventor--the inventor who turns up in a blaze of publicity, fires off a few successful experiments, and vanishes?
Beyond the seats of the Elders was assembled the great mass of those who were to profit by the exhortation, remarkable for their long unkempt beards, their glittering eyes and their peculiar physiognomies.
Men said he bore a charmed existence, and indeed his counsels showed the forethought and caution of the skilled leader, while his personal conduct wasremarkable for a reckless disregard of danger.
It was one of the most remarkableoccurrences of risk and danger ever known in the history of the Great Northern.
The morning papers here have a full account of his remarkable adventures at the switch tower.
Your Majesty may be assured that I shall loyally bear in mind your desire to be informed of any remarkable enterprise of this Observatory, or of any principal step in the preparations for the Transit of Venus and of its results.
Several of his daughters wereremarkable both for their beauty and accomplishments.
This cheerful readiness to help, combined with his great ability and punctuality in business matters, made him a very valuable servant, and speaking generally he had the confidence of the Admiralty in a remarkable degree.
Attached to the Report to the Visitors is a copy of the Instructions to Observers engaged in the Transit of Venus Expeditions, prepared with great care and in remarkable detail.
On theremarkable conjunction of The Observatory the Planets Mars and Saturn which (No.
Up to this time the country of greatest interest was the region of the fens about Ramsay (a most remarkable district), but now began beauty of scenery.
The eggs of toads and frogs may be collected in the spring in ponds, and this remarkable change from the egg through the tadpole stage to the adult form may be observed in a simple home aquarium.
They are very much like harmless snakes in shape, but are easily distinguished by their remarkable colors, "broad alternating rings of red and black, the latter bordered with very narrow rings of yellow.
The notion that bran has remarkable food value is a delusion; it actually makes the protein of the grain less digestible.
The Autumn of that year was remarkable for the beauty and clemency of the weather.
Mrs. Winslow would have been a remarkablecharacter under any circumstances, and in any situation.
The chase was remarkable enough to have left a lasting impression on the spectators; for it was several years after (in 1773) that Dr.
This was a piece in the allegoric-satirical style, which, though not very remarkable in itself, may not improbably have helped to determine its author's thoughts in the direction of more elaborate literary efforts.
It was a remarkable thing to see the small, elderly creature angry, but this remarkable thing had happened.
She was a remarkable old person who found a certain agreeable excitement in dabbling in stocks.
In private conference, Palford and Grimby frankly admitted to each other that they would almost have preferred that Captain Palliser should have kept his remarkable suspicions to himself, for the time being at least.
Tembarom; but the remarkable exclamation was one of genuine horror, and he turned pale, got up from his seat, and took two or three strides across the room, as though he could not sit still.
He told me a remarkable story," Captain Palliser went on.
Much curiosity prevails in literary circles respecting the authorship of that very remarkable Novel, 'Flat as a Pancake.
The remarkable history of the family of O'Higgins, however, does not end even here.
The history of this war, which lasted for four years, is one of the most remarkable in the whole category of struggles of the kind.
Those were certainly remarkable men who swam their horses into the river where the flotilla was anchored, and succeeded in this most extraordinary onslaught!
Here he had plunged himself into Latin classics and the French philosophy, and his remarkable personality is said to have created no small impression upon those with whom he came into contact.
Hernandarias, it must be said, makes one of the most remarkable figures of all the high officials of the River Plate.
But if it will give you any pleasure that we should believe theseremarkable statements--" "I have assured you that it will.
And if Jerry won from the Solomons to California, then is there anything more remarkablein Michael so winning?
And so, knowing his captain's speech, swollen with pride in his own prowess, Dag Daughtry would continue his ship-work with extra vigour and punish a seventh quart for the day in advertisement of his remarkable constitution.
I wish to enlist your services in ferreting out a very remarkable affair--in fact, one of the most unbelievable mysteries which even the fictionists could possibly evolve.
Strangely enough, too, by reason of his very energetic admiration for the arts of the dead peoples of the earth, he was able to bring to Cleek's notice a remarkable case.
You are not, sir, I take it, inclined to share the general belief obtaining in the village, and to attribute these remarkable doings to any supernatural agency?
A narrow, dark corridor led to the vault itself, which was by no means a large chamber, but remarkable for the extreme solidity of its building.
Will his call upon us have something to do with guarding that gold plate and the very remarkable array of wedding presents which is sure to be an accompaniment to the marriage of his only child, Lady Adela Fulgarney?
It was evident that this hitherto unthought-of explanation had a remarkable effect upon Mr. Overton.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "remarkable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.