The colony of Massachusetts mustered its forces for a great and unusual exploit.
Laval found on his return that Frontenac had exacted from the clergy unusual and excessive honours during church services.
This tree had previously assumed an unusual appearance; that of a tall slender pole, covered from the ground with short, drooping, dark branches; a gloomy object in these desolate forests!
In the land belonging to the clergyman of Kimi, I found the (Lythrum) Salicaria with a very unusual aspect, having alternate leaves, and a solitary flower in the bosom of each.
They are a complete picture, drawn by a masterly hand, not only to the adept in Natural History, but to every one who has the least taste for beholding the face of Nature, under its most striking and unusual aspects.
He is describing the expected return of his father:--'It was a summer evening of unusual solemnity.
The remuneration for both officers and men was small, as it remains comparatively speaking to this day, when we remember that the work has always called for an unusual degree of endurance, initiative, reliability and courage.
On the whole we repeat that, though he had a task of unusual difficulty, French laid the foundation of the Force, and gave the superstructure a trend that affected for good the after history of the famous corps.
He has unusual power for getting to the heart of a situation by a sort of intuitive insight.
Colonel Walker says: "The horses did not get over their fright all the summer, and had to be watched closely as any unusual noise would stampede them.
But to venture into the air with a semi-wild horse, which by any movement of fright at the unusualexperience might upset the whole outfit into the river, was about as daring an experiment as anyone could try.
And I find that Inspector Constantine, a man of quiteunusual gifts and powers, as we shall see later, makes a striking recommendation in his report from Moosomin in 1893.
This was unusual in such a place, and on investigation he found that trees had been cut down so that a look-out could be kept.
Colonel McLeod came into the command when the Indians, under changing conditions at home and amidst perplexing problems born of the Indian situation south of the boundary, had to be handled with unusual discreetness and care.
Both were in the 'expectancy' of seeing no marvels, were under 'the dominant idea' that nothing unusual would occur.
Looking in the direction whence it came they saw Chingatok striding over the rocks towards them with unusual haste.
Thereafter he fell into a mood of unusual silence, and pondered the matter for a long time.
He gave vent to his feelings in a wild cheer or yell, and, just then, beheld an iceberg of unusual size, looming up on the horizon before him.
They had been closely observing their chief and the stranger during the conference, but remained at a respectful distance until they saw something unusual going on.
He was a sworn foe to the unusualand the conspicuous, a praiser of the golden mean, a kind of city uncle modified by Cheeryble.
Any business venture in involving unusual risks, with a chance for large profits.
Deep massage is very laborious work, and cannot be carried on for an hour, or even half an hour, without unusual muscular power.
An unusual proportion of teachers in the public schools are graduates of the state normal schools, of which the first were founded in 1839 at Lexington and Barre, the former being the first normal school of the United States.
An unusual density of urban settlement, furnishing excellent home markets and transportation facilities, are the main props of this new interest.
By that time he had fully established his position as an artist of unusual power and individuality.
But, as Darwin remarks, profuse expenditure is nothing unusualin nature, and it appears to be more profitable for a plant to yield a few cross-fertilised than many self-fertilised seeds.
At the same time the ponys seemed filled with an unusual activity, and were clattering along at a pace more exhilarating than they had ever shown under his guidance.
It was so unusual to see a nearly tailless monkey from America, that naturalists thought, when the first specimens arrived in Europe, that the member had been shortened artificially.
One morning I was awakened before sunrise by an unusual sound resembling the roar of artillery.
In early morning, the woods near my house were quite animated with their songs--an unusual thing in this country.
At those times the Estrada das Mongubeiras has an appearance quite unusual in a tropical country.
In a short time, others left their work, and I then had a crowd of women and children around me, who all displayed unusual curiosity for Indians.
During this last night on the Para river, a crowd of unusual thoughts occupied my mind.
Not long after these events, returning one day from an excursion, I found the camp almost deserted, and an unusual silence pervading all around.
The tundra was beautiful with mosses, birds were singing, and the rushing and roaring of the creek waters fairly made my head swim, they were such unusual sounds.
To clean one's teeth over the deck rail might seem to some an unusual undertaking, but I soon learned to do this with complacency, it being something of gain not to lose sight of passing scenery while performing the operation.
He was dazzled by the unusual brilliancy of her face, the strange light in her eyes.
This, to anyone accustomed to this peculiar young man's habits, had nothing unusual in it.
There was such unusual feeling in his voice, a feeling that none had ever suspected him capable of before, that Miss Halliday regarded him with astonishment and quite forgot to indulge in her usual banter.
He had no difficulty in climbing the steep companion, though, by reason of the present position of all that was left of the Andromeda, its pitch was thrown back to an unusual angle.
The frightened horse, finding himself at liberty, galloped to the camp, where already there was an unusual commotion.
Certainly these hardy mariners had selected an unusual topic for discussion at a critical moment.
He has written, indeed, in a strain most unusual with him and as unlike as possible to his normal radiance of content.
Without unusual ability and great strength of will it is impossible to rise high if one lacks capital or influential friends, but with the help of any two of these it is quite possible to gain success.
In contrast to these pictures, has been set the life story of families who have won renown in successive generations because of unusual ability.
Any unusual event like a fire or a circus will draw scores and hundreds together, and the crowd is always liable to fall into disorder unless officers of the law are in attendance.
In the villages of India it is not unusual to occupy one house until it becomes so unsanitary as to be uninhabitable, and then to move elsewhere.
Even the abnormal type of the passionate crowd is notunusual in its milder form.
Any consideration exacted from the beneficiary, or any duty imposed on him, unless it is spread over a very unusual period of time, is a condition precedent.
The court deemed it "an unusual and extraordinary provision"; and as the period of suspension was measured by time alone, and not by life, this of itself rendered the provision nugatory.
But they feared that if Mr. Montgomery escaped and recovered there would be a regular hue and cry, and a close watch kept for any one who was spending gold pieces, which is rather an unusual thing to do in these days of paper money.
Aaron Rushton himself was somewhat startled at the unusual occurrence.
It was an unusual thing for Aaron Rushton to let himself go in this manner.
He dressed with unusual care and took a walk down town.
It was with unusual interest that he set about qualifying himself for his new position.
During their conversation, Reinhold had many opportunities of observing the unusual extent and depth of his uncle's knowledge.
I can hardly call myself a sportsman, though I have had opportunities of joining in very unusual sport.
We had now reached July, and the dog-days were beginning, when one afternoon Bastel made his appearance at the usual hour, but in very unusual mood.
Possessing the French quality of frankness to an unusual degree, it was difficult for Diane to act a part at any time.
With the finality of this reply the brief conversation dropped, though the perception on Derek's part that it was not from her inability to carry it on stirred him to an unusual feeling of pique.
Alarmed by his reply, she begged him to keep a certain number of the servants up, and the hotel in readiness to cope with any emergency or accident, promising liberal remuneration for allunusual work.
There had been nothing unusual about the day, except that she had seen little of Diane, while George had remained shut up in his room, writing letters and arranging or destroying papers.
There followed a few minutes of silent reflection, during which Mrs. Wappinger gazed at Diane, in the half-tearful helplessness of one not used to coping with unusual situations.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unusual" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.