I have got an idea between eyebrow and eyebrow," continued Pedrillo, as unruffled as if Tia Marta had paid him a compliment.
Junius does not say it, but clearly implies that, in this way, Coster came to the idea of the movability of the characters, the first step in the invention of typography.
Spencer then conceived the idea of applying this principle to the arts by coating a piece of copper with varnish or wax and engraving a design in the coating, thus exposing the copper strip in the engraved lines.
However, this idea of movability, and the accidental way in which it was discovered, form together the pith of the Haarlem tradition as told by Junius.
There were many and varied experiments made in the earlier development of this idea of producing a duplicate printing form in a single piece.
This beautiful genus of shells is so clearly defined by the regular, longitudinal ribs that adorn the external surface, suggesting the idea of a stringed instrument, that there is no danger of confounding it with any other.
A term applied to those shells, which, being attached by the whole length of their shell, give the idea of creeping or crawling.
To give any idea of the distracted condition of my mind at the time when I was forming it, is simply impossible.
If I had ever had any idea of following the example of other runaway lovers, and going to Gretna Green, I should now have abandoned it.
The old gentleman had consented to the question of its genuineness being tried, but had far too high an idea of his own knowledge as a connoisseur to incline to the opinion that he had been taken in.
But now, as old Captain Phillips, at the head of the table, cuts a slice and a joke alternately, and the Tiger at the bottom begins to let out his carnivorous propensities, one gets to have an idea what breakfast means.
But let that idea once give way, let the present hope languish, let it be thrown back to a period distant or unassigned--and the ruin of the cause is sealed.
Yet the evening which I thus spent, gave me the first genuine ideaof domestic happiness which I had ever received.
The idea was fully approved of by my energetic hearer.
I had never heard of such a place as Glyndewi, nor had I an idea how to get there.
They expected a cargo from Calais that right, and the ideaof losing so favourable an opportunity as the tempest offered, rendered them especially indignant.
At last, the idea struck us of employing the five or six yards of gold cord that had so puzzled us, in securing shako and plume in a perpendicular position.
We have not the slightest idea what Constable meant when he painted the "Opening of Waterloo Bridge.
It is strange how an idea will seize us and master us, and an inconspicuous possibility suddenly stand out with huge distinctness.
The idea was put away from me, and yet it was a fresh accent of Doltaire's character that he tempted me in this way.
You have no idea what a kind nurse he has been to me, at a time when I was helpless with fever.
She had also some idea of what it is to follow a trail, for she had often heard the king's chief hunter refer to the process.
Poor Branwen became, and looked, very miserable on hearing this, for the idea of hunters and footprints had not once occurred to her.
I mean that there is an idea come into my head which I shall carry out--if you will allow me.
It first burst upon their senses as a new and grand idea when Bladud and Dromas, at the urgent request of their friends, stepped into the arena and gave a specimen of the manner in which the art was practised in Hellas.
Again there was a laugh at the idea that there were other robbers about besides themselves, but the chief checked them.
Bladud's idea of a palace worthy of a prince was not extravagant.
It will be seen from this speech that the Phoenician captain included the southern shore of England in his idea of the Cassiterides.
Yes--I shall tell you all about my adventures presently--and you have noidea what difficulty I had in cutting it, for the knife was so blunt that I had to cut and pull at it a whole afternoon.
Konar agreed at once, for a new light burst upon him, and the idea of living to serve other people, and not merely to feed himself, seemed to put new life into him.
We pause here to deprecate the idea that this fine animal's affection was gained through its stomach.
Then the ideaof being an old woman came into my head, and--you can speak to my success.
But they did not sleep; for though one of the bears was killed, the second of the almost invariable couple was probably near, and the idea of such vicinity was anything but agreeable.
Such anidea is simply ridiculous, and will be tolerated only by the ignorant, the feeble-minded, or the insane.
She wore a bib and tucker, and pinafore, with a bouncing propriety, fit to make the boldest spectator alarmed at the idea of bringing such a household responsibility on his shoulders.
My father knew all about those concessions, and he has a pretty good idea of the value of them.
The idea of your being the wife of that man--but I will not think of it.
These people had really got the best of him, for they had spirited away that mysterious parcel, and what was more to the point, he had betrayed the fact that he had a pretty good idea of what that parcel was.
A sudden idea occurred to him, accustomed as he was to think matters out quickly and in all kinds of startling surroundings.
Mary said nothing, but she had a pretty shrewd idea who the clergyman was.
He turned down a side passage, without the remotest idea where he was going, and came at length to a lighted room, at the end of which was a conservatory full of flowers.
A sudden idea thrilled Mark, an idea that he was ashamed of almost before it had come into his mind.
Fact is, I had not the least idea that I was being treated in a really scandalous manner.
If he had thought of concealing anything, he abandoned the idea now.
I had not the remotest idea that she and Sir Charles had anything in common; little did I dream that she was here in this hotel last night.
She had her own idea as to what she was going to do, and that certainly was not to invite Beatrice to go to Wandsworth.
Don't be deceived with the idea that you are on the track of an Anarchist society or anything of that kind.
Navy, mediƦval idea of its origin and use, 75; planned by Henry V.
Entries in the town accounts of Lydd give some idea of the constant visits of these wandering troops, and of the charges which they made upon the town treasure.
As against the idea of Merewether and Stephens, that charters of municipal incorporation only began in 1439, Dr.
What it was, he did not know, and some moments passed before he had recovered sufficiently to form an intelligent idea of what had happened.
They're out here with some crazy idea in their tops.
He did not relish the idea of spending another night alone in the mountains.
Suppose you have no idea where it was that these men found you, or where you found them?
It was the head of the bear that was resting on him, and he had no idea whether the animal were dead or asleep, awaiting the moment when the lad should stir again to fasten its cruel teeth into his body.
The idea of "obligatory service" itself includes the element of compulsion.
The creation of the Committee of Public Safety was dictated, in the case of many of its supporters, by the idea of the Red Terror.
It is absolutely false that our party had the idea of managing without the intelligentsia, not realizing to the full its importance for the economic and cultural work that lay before us.
Heavy guns are knocking into his head the idea that, in cases where it is impossible to avoid an obstacle, there remains the possibility of destroying it.
The bourgeoisie itself must abandon the idea of using its Noskes and Lieutenant Vogels to defend its privileges to the last breath.
But Kautsky has not the least idea of what a revolution is in practice.
The late Lavrov expresses the latter idea splendidly in his book on the Commune.
And the idea of insuring victory by means of terrorist domination had completely disappeared from its ranks.
Menshevik majority on the Cadet minority itself represented a very thinly-veiled insult to the idea of "democracy.
Finally, the proletariat must once and for all reject the idea of overthrowing the bourgeoisie by means other than those laid down in the Constitution.
Secondly: If the first Constituent Assembly which we summoned proved backward and not in harmony with the interests of the revolution, why did we reject the idea of a new Assembly?
Stealing unperceived along the corridors, anidea struck him.
I had a vague idea of despatching some sort of report to Ellen that I had not been entirely washed away, and obtaining a similar comfort as to her own fate.
All the stories she had ever read rushed to her memory, and the only clear idea she had was the conviction that she must, if possible, humor his vagaries till help came.
And stay on she did, her one dominant idea as fixed as the polar star.
Soon afterwards he applied for payment to his employer, who seeing that the space allotted for the picture had only been daubed over with red, declared he had no idea of paying a painter when he had proceeded no farther than to lay his ground.
It is also seen that the shape of the contours gives an accurate idea of the form of the island.
These are merely examples for the purpose of giving a general idea of the arrangement of the men.
By map reading is meant the ability to get a clear idea of the ground represented by the map,--of being able to visualize the ground so represented.
The recruit should at once rid himself of the idea that saluting and other forms of military courtesy are un-American.
An excellent idea of what is meant by contours and contour-lines can be gotten from Figs.
The small circles, regularly placed, give the idea of trees planted in regular rows.
The predominant idea must be to close with the enemy as soon as possible without ruinous losses.
In other words, at the beginning, explain the main, governing idea of the subject, and then take pains to explain in a simple, conversational way each phase as you come to it.
Every once in a while a man is found who has the mistaken idea that he smothers the American spirit of freedom, that he sacrifices his independence, by saluting his officers.
The old idea of turning a human being into a machine, by means of discipline, and making him dread his captain more than the enemy, died long ago, especially with the American people.
The student should find out the slope of some hill or street and thus get a concrete idea of what the different degrees of slope mean.
The general idea of this system of instruction is to make the noncommissioned officers and the privates think, to make them use common sense and initiative in handling men in various situations, in getting out of difficulties.
Adjustments and their advantages will be taught with the idea of noninterference with quickness and freedom of action.
All of you should have caught the idea of the principal duties of the point and flankers of an advance guard.
Frederick the Great, expressed the same idea in fewer words: "Don't haggle.
And I've just got myself an idea that it wouldn't have made a particle of difference in the way they feel about you even if they didn't believe it.
It could be done faster and more smoothly with electric motors, but the idea was the same.
The very idea of saying such a thing, Katheryn Kittredge!
You must get some idea of the place where now for some years Grettir was to live.
He said the truth, but he had no idea when he spoke that it was the truth.
The half-tone illustration represents a sketch on grey paper, and must be considered merely as the first idea of a fan, to be materially modified in the working out.
Before and after Marriage' gives expression to an idea which also supplied a favourite motif for English and especially Staffordshire pottery.
It will be observed that in the fan, as in the pottery figure groups, the popular idea of the 'blacksmith' is perpetuated.
This, doubtless, with the idea of obtaining patronage and support for the home-made article.
We also obtain an excellent idea of the form these feather-fans assumed in Italy in the fifteenth century from the engraved design for a hand-screen by Agostino Carracci (illustrated facing p.
The Greek fable of Argus the hundred-eyed, the sleepless guardian of Io, serves to connect the idea of extreme vigilance with that of true kingship, i.
From the extremely naive and interesting 'fan-shop' fan belonging to Mr. Messel we are able to gather some idea of what these shops were like.
I'm quite bucked at the idea of living the simple life for a few days.
Each one must be made to tell its own story, and that story will be far from complete if we cannot form some idea of how it found its way into a watery grave, and so was added to Nature's museum.
The question therefore arises--Was this tortoise a creature of the imagination, or was the idea of it drawn from a living reality?
Buckland, Professor Owen, and Professor Phillips to form a very fair idea of its general structure.
In this way we get some idea of the vast changes that have taken place in the geography of the world during later geological periods.
Specimens of extinct animals thus set up, give one a much better ideathan when the bones are all lying huddled together on a slab of rock.
It was a bold, not to say preposterous, idea to conceive even antediluvian trees with branches strong enough to bear animals as large as elephants.
The size of some of these impressions, as well as the length of stride they indicate, is against the idea of their having been made by birds.
He gave to this fossil animal the name of "the Elephant of Ohio," but formed an exaggeratedidea of its size.
A man like Ryder keeps every scrap of paper, with the idea that it may prove useful some day.
And the more he thought of it the more the idea grew on him that Miss Green would be an ideal daughter- in-law, and at the same time snatch his son from the clutches of the Rossmore woman.
Yet it needed but a glance at her refined and modest demeanour to dispel that idea as absurd.
The idea was preposterous, and hard as the sacrifice would be, Jefferson must be made to see it in that light.
She thought bitterly how futile now were plans of marriage, even if she had ever entertained such an idea seriously.
Evidently he had not the slightest idea of her identity, for he had been able to reach her only through her publishers and no doubt he had exhausted every other means of discovering her address.
He, who had scoffed at the very idea of marriage only a few months before, now desired it ardently, anxiously!
It had been a pet scheme of his, this purchase for a song, when the land was cheap, of some thousand acres along the line, and it is true that at the time of the purchase there had been some idea of laying the land out as a park.
Yes, it was quite true, he thought, the American idea of life was all wrong.
All ideaof marriage was henceforth out of the question.
She would give up all idea of him and everything else.
The bigots had proved themselves unable to intimidate us, and as we were no longer at the mercy of printers they gave up the idea of molesting us.
Several of the jury, however, I am bound to admit, had no idea that Judge North would inflict upon us such infamous sentences, and they were quite shocked at the consequences of their verdict.
In order, also, that they might be disabused of the idea that we were being treated as first-class misdemeanants, I informed them of the discipline we were really subjected to; and I saw that this aroused their sympathy.
Her idea was that she would be able to shake hands; I, however, knew better, and for that reason I had forbidden my wife to visit me, preferring her letters to her company in such wretched circumstances.
I have met Germans and Austro-Hungarians who were able to grasp the idea that the government ought to be their servant instead of their master.
When the Turks have more generally embraced the idea that all there is worth while in life is labor, they will come to understand their non-Osmanli fellow-citizens better.
It is sentiment minus all sickly self-indulgence, and that is fortitude--the thing that will cause men to adhere to an idea or principle even in the face of the stake at the auto da fe.
I doubt whether without this happy idea the Central states would have been able to carry on the war.
The idea was to raise on the area all that could be raised, even if the net profit from a less thorough method of cultivation would have been just as big.
I am not so sure that it is a good idea to use this weapon for that purpose, seeing that the measures incident to its use would have to be sweeping.
After my first letter to him, he tells me that he relinquished the idea of coming to Torre Amiata, since if you had been staying here, I must have mentioned it.
I am in communication with the maid--though Alice has no idea of it.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "idea" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.