The plants attacked by the ants were found to be very numerous, and the ants seemed to be very capricious in this respect, one day stripping a plant and the next day leaving it untouched.
Rather capricious also, and desiring change of residence from time to time, it builds several of them; at least three or four, sometimes more.
He was "like the most capriciouspoet Ovid among the Goths.
Truly a capricious wind has carried away the old Mermaid sign into far and unknown regions, and to-day the scholars are disputing where really the famous house stood.
He concentrated his power upon the human form, attending to that alone, and neglecting all subsidiary things, as charm of colour, capricious inventions, delicate devices and novelties of fancy.
There was a Florentine physician in Rome, however, of capricious humour, who admired the arts, and felt a real affection for Buonarroti.
Arden, and only in the garden of poesy do the capricious little wild-flowers bloom whose perfumes make one oblivious of everything.
I readily find the sequel of the most capricious and most incomprehensible nightmare.
Dearest Blanche had been unusually capricious and wicked on this day.
It was not a capricious partiality to new faces; it was not a natural turn for low intrigue, nor was it the treacherous amusement of double and triple negotiations.
Does the law of parliament, which we are often told is the law of the land; does the right of every subject of the realm, depend upon an arbitrary, capricious vote of one branch of the legislature?
I am aware of the tenure upon which you retain your fortunes--of the cruel and unnatural conditions imposed on you by the capricious testator: neither can I require a sacrifice which I am unable to recompence.
How fantastic and howcapricious are these sentiments!
Nay, she began to seclude herself still more and to adopt an even more capricious mode of life.
Everything that the most capricious fancy can desire seems to be supplied, with the exception of what is to me a necessity of life.
Chance, however, is a capricious deity, and unexpectedly leaves its greatest favorites in the lurch.
Cunning old commerzienraths, stupid dead fishes, pretty capricious girls--it is all the same to you, if you can only burn your fingers or wet your feet for your trouble.
While he went to do what I had told him I cast a look of some curiosity round the room which three days before had been that of the beautiful capricious girl.
It was a jovial, virile theme which the violins took up after the wind instruments, plucked it to pieces in their capricious way, and gradually led it over into the realm of dreams.
The musical critic of the Herold was captivated by her capricious playing.
A princess by birth, closely related to three kings, and glowing with all the fiery instincts of her race, the Grand Mademoiselle curiously blended the courage of an Amazon with the weakness of a passionate and capricious woman.
In character the duchess wascapricious and passionate.
She never aspired to authorship, but she has left a voluminous correspondence in which one reads the varying phases of a singularly capricious character.
It was in the salon of his clever and rather capricious sister that the learned Prince de Conti met her and formed the intimacy that ended only with his life.
So much adoration could hardly fail to touch the mostcapricious and obdurate of hearts.
Her dainty and epicurean habits, her extraordinary anxiety about her health, and her capricioushumors were the subject of much light badinage among her friends.
Not the least of these abuses were capricious and questionable management of the Banca Espan[=o]l, the only bank in the island.
Utterly used up[A], he returned to Lavriki a weeping and capricious infant.
The Anglomaniac had played his son a cruel trick; his capricious education had borne its fruit.
There was an old lady of Turkey, Who wept when the weather was murky; When the day turned out fine, She ceased to repine, That capricious old lady of Turkey.
The troops professed the fondest attachment to the house of Caesar; but the attachments of the multitude are capricious and inconstant.
The emperors, if we except those tyrants whose capricious folly violated every law of nature and decency, disdained that pomp and ceremony which might offend their countrymen, but could add nothing to their real power.
They dreaded the cruel suspicions of Gallienus; they equally dreaded the capricious violence of their troops.
The gift seems as capricious as the gift of genius in families.
But the capricious influences of sleep had deserted him: he tried one position after another, and all in vain.
When I write next, I promise to be ashamed of my own capricious state of mind, and to paint the portrait of Miss Regina at full length.
It was the look of a capricious slave-owner metamorphosed, through the power of love, into a yielding and dependent young maiden.
It was doubly exciting to vary the role of heroine with that of capricious slave-mistress.
By some capriciousrevulsion of feeling which it seemed impossible to account for, my whole mind was now absorbed on the one subject which had been hitherto so strangely absent from it--the subject of Mrs. Van Brandt!
It was wrong of her to return my letter of introduction, after I had given myself the trouble of altering it to suit her capricious fancy.
In an hour more thecapricious wind shifted back again in our favor.