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Example sentences for "unrelated"

Lexicographically close words:
unregenerate; unregenerated; unregistered; unregulated; unrehearsed; unrelaxed; unrelaxing; unrelenting; unrelentingly; unreliability
  1. He jerked his neck more, looked more unrelated to his environment.

  2. Now the days had brought him this new concern, by no means unrelated to Mary's impending departure.

  3. In the sudden brightness, the caller's eye noted two unrelated matters almost together.

  4. The mediaeval world was then a living growing world, neither cut off from the past, nor unrelated to the future.

  5. This tendency to disrupt a whole into parts brilliant but unrelated is a feature of Euripides' work; it may perhaps find a readier pardon exactly because Sophocles himself is not able to avoid it always.

  6. This motif occurs in a Sinhalese story otherwise wholly unrelated to the cycle of which this punishment is usually a part (Parker, No.

  7. He seemed entirely unrelated to the world around him.

  8. This picturesque display seemed to belong to a bygone age; it was quite unrelated to this war of chemists and spectacled old men who disbelieved in chivalry, laughed at right and wrong, and had killed the happiness of the entire world.

  9. We shall not repeat here our prior criticisms of hedonism and utilitarianism in order to point out the falsity of this division of moral action into unrelated inner (or private) and outer (or social) factors.

  10. This will give him not only many and many a new situation within the original situation, but the transitional scenes which will unify situations originally apparently unrelated except as the same figures appeared in them.

  11. Illustrative incidents, unrelated except that historically they happen to the same person, and that historically they are given in proper sequence, are likely to be confusing.

  12. Fast alongside a wharf, littered like any ship in port with a tangle of unrelated things, invaded by unrelated shore people, I had hardly seen her yet properly.

  13. In these things I saw what a child always sees: the unrelated fragments of a vast, mysterious world.

  14. And he decided to tell her, with the natural trepidation of one who, living among principles and theories, never quite knew what those, for whom each fact is unrelated to anything else under the moon, were going to think.

  15. The issue resolves itself into many immediate and seemingly unrelated decisions.

  16. It is never unrelated to the economic web in which the people live their lives; it is seldom unaffected by the necessity of expanding and the opposition of neighbours, the desire for bread and the longing for luxuries.

  17. It was really the first time he had regarded her as an unrelated individual.

  18. Mr. Madigan had the unsuccessful man's pride in trifling successes in amateur carpentering, in husbandry of any sort unrelated to the real issues of his life; and every tool he needed for the exercise of his skill he kept under lock and key.

  19. It would be far more easy to set down simply the facts which we think any true survey should contain, leaving them unrelated to one another, so that no one could tell exactly what we were driving at.

  20. The mere strength of the Church, unrelated to any work in which the strength is to be employed, is a very different matter.

  21. But, unrelated to any task to be done, that is all that appears.

  22. To collect all possible information concerning all the things which the doctor or hospital might do, or may be doing, unrelated to any end, is to collect a mass of information which we cannot use; and that we have declined to do.

  23. The answer is simple: we ourselves have been asked to fill up long schedules of unrelated facts; and we know that the labour is intolerable.

  24. Austria-Hungary is the most remarkable combination of unrelated peoples ever got together to make part of a state, and is especially notable for its many separate groups of Slavs.

  25. So the conflict became narrowed down to a struggle between Pan-Germanism on the one hand and a variety of unrelated racial elements on the other.

  26. Powers of nutrition, division, and conjugation with unrelated forms come to a standstill.

  27. Conjugation with unrelated forms must occur else the whole life ebbs.

  28. In that he shows how distance and isolation have operated to give our country, particularly the land-bound heart of it, a feeling of security, a sense of being unrelated to human events elsewhere on the planet.

  29. But they are honest, and their mistakes are the mistakes of an idealism unrelated to life as it is.

  30. On the other hand, you must take care not to be misled by a superficial resemblance into thinking two unrelated key-syllables identical.

  31. Secondly, they trace, not one meaning of a word, but two or more unrelated meanings when the word chances to possess them.

  32. At the end of the study of the entire period, the student is left with these six topics but without a unifying principle; to him, these are six unrelated currents of events.

  33. With the growth of specialized subjects there is an unfortunate tendency toward isolation until the untrained mind looks upon the curriculum as a series of unrelated experiences, each rivaling the other in its claim to importance.

  34. One method where an institution follows the quarter system is the plan of having eight or ten different and rather unrelated twelve-week major courses which may be taken in almost any order.

  35. These are the pines that puzzle the local botanist, not easily determined, and unrelated to other conifers of the Sierra slope; the same pines of which the Indians relate a legend mixed of brotherliness and the retribution of God.

  36. I find five unrelated species loved by that name, and as many more and as inappropriately called cowslips.

  37. She felt how she had always been unrelated to this world.

  38. This was the time when everything that happened, everything he heard, casual words, unrelated phrases, seemed a provocation or an encouragement, confirmed him in his resolution.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unrelated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    alien; apart; detached; disconnected; discrete; disjunct; dissimilar; exotic; extraneous; extrinsic; foreign; inapplicable; incommensurable; incomparable; independent; insular; irrelevant; isolated; opposite; other; outlandish; remote; removed; segregate; separate; separated; strange; tangential; unaffiliated; unallied; unassociated; unconnected; unrelated