Telford-Smith has reported four cases of Sporadic Cretinism treated by thyroid extract at the Royal Albert Asylum, Lancaster, when a well-marked improvement was noticed in each case.
This painstaking observer has investigated this subject in an interesting communication on Sporadic Cretinism in the "Edinburgh Medical Journal" for May, 1893.
Bramwell has recorded, in minute detail, the clinical history of twenty-three cases of myxœdema, and five cases of sporadic cretinism.
Neither of the laws above referred to, of course, was passed; and the instances of violence I have given aresporadic and unusual.
Indeed, we find sporadicattempts to pass laws to compel the Negro to engage only in certain sorts of menial work.
There is, of course, no means of estimating the frequency of plague in these almost sporadic circumstances.
About the calends of July, the fever which was at firstsporadic and particular, began to break forth in some places, perhaps two or three cases in the same city or village.
Tourism has plunged since 1992 because of sporadic attacks by Islamic extremists on tourist groups.
Despite the signing of a peace accord in November 1994 between the Angola government and the UNITA insurgents, sporadic fighting continues and many farmers remain reluctant to return to their fields.
There's sporadic cholera all along the north--at least we're calling it sporadic for decency's sake.
Amongst the Slavs and Fins it has not yet been found save in a sporadic state, and about the period of their conversion to Christianity only.
An example of how this may occur is illustrated by the sporadicexcursion into Europe of Pallas' sand-grouse.
There is but the one doubtful contrary instance, in any case a quite early andsporadic one, of the Vision of the Bleeding Christ.
But in his other mood, which remains secondary andsporadic throughout his writings, his attitude is acutely dualistic.
Unfortunately, however, these travelers always confound the elevation at which sporadic snow falls with the maximum of the height that the snow-line attains on the Thibetian plateau.
Tanker deliveries of crucial fuel supplies (including those for electrical generation) have become sporadic due to the government's inability to pay and attacks against ships.
Their attention tended to focus on the Army, especially in the later years of the war; their attacks on the Navy were mostly sporadic and uncoordinated and easily deflected by naval spokesmen.
So widespread a belief indicates a generic trait of human nature rather than a sporadic condition.
There was sporadic calling even in daylight and there was a great chorus each evening for the next few days, but its volume rapidly diminished.
After a lull the chorus would begin with a few sporadic croaks, then four or five or even more frogs would be calling simultaneously from an area of a few square yards.
The cause of the malady is obscure; sporadic cases always occur, but from time to time great epidemics of this disease have travelled westward over the world.
Relative sterility, however, may long escape notice, considering that there is always in the pure races a certain number of cases of sporadic sterility.
This dramatic effort was only a sporadic phenomenon.
Indelicate witticisms and levity, until then sporadicin Jewish literature, were by him introduced as a regular feature.
I refer to such stubborn facts as those of the sporadic appearance of infectious diseases before the germ theory of the disease was discovered.
The well known passage from Walt Whitman is a classical expression of thissporadic type of mystical experience.
These are more likely to be found in sporadicadult cases.
Fitch's data indicate the approximate season of growth and reproduction but not of total activity, since he did not take into account the sporadic movements of box turtles in late fall and early spring.
Eleven forms found along the route of the turtle's travels indicated that movement took place on roughly one out of three days in the elapsed period and demonstrated the sporadicnature of movements in autumn.
Activity in the first week or two after spring emergence is sporadic and regular feeding may not begin until early May.
Activity may be sporadic after emergence if the weather is cold.
The new woman is no monstrosity, no sporadic creature born of intellectual fermentation and unrest, but the rise and development of a better, nobler type of womanhood the world over.
But in addition to the conservatism of the man of science, and the groundless pretensions of the mesmerist, are found the contributions of a few discerning students aiding, though in a sporadic and uncertain way, the progress of the science.
Ineffective, sporadic efforts at administration by the provincial governments then followed.
But these sporadic attempts to secure a biological basis were soon forgotten.
These efforts, to be sure, were only sporadic and unsystematic, and on no scale commensurate with the destruction of virgin forest resources.
Cancerous tissue thus propagated presents all the characteristic features of the malignant growth of sporadic tumours; it infiltrates and produces extensive secondary growths.
Sporadic cases of Blue Martian flared up all over the continent.
For two weeks sporadic outbreaks of the fever occurred, and then, abruptly, they ceased.
During the sporadic forays by scattered bands of Northern Indians upon the Catawbas and other tribes friendly to the pioneers the isolated settlements at the back part of the Carolinas suffered rude and sanguinary onslaughts.