Such a fossil, differing as it does in minute points of structure from Eozoon, is nevertheless probably allied to it in no very distant way, and a successor to its limestone-making function.
Report of the special committee, to whom were referred petitions, praying for the repeal of so much of the Revised Statutes, as concerns the intermarriage of persons differing in complexion, etc.
The Men of Glasgow and the Women of Scotland: Reason for Differing from the Rev.
In the previous chapters we saw that the form of Attraction called "Cohesion" caused the molecules to tend to each other, and to remain in more or less close contact, the differing degrees of Cohesion determining the Density, etc.
Its rays, when separated by the Spectrum, are seen to consist of "waves" or vibrations of differing degrees of rate and intensity.
In the understanding of technical processes, too, there is a further occasion of enjoyment, differing somewhat from the satisfaction which follows in the train of knowledge.
Intercommunion, our goal, is of course impossible at this stage owing to seriouslydiffering convictions on faith and order; and the plain fact that it would cause more cleavage than it healed.
In any junction of existing divisions, differing customs and methods of worship and organisation can be and should be safeguarded.
A flattish or convex flower cluster, of the centrifugal or determinate type, differing from a corymb chiefly in the order of the opening of the blossoms.
An open hunting ground to which game resorts, and which is private properly, thus differingfrom a forest, which is not private property, and from a park, which is inclosed.
Artificial or pigment colors, when mixed, produce effects differing from those of the primary colors, in consequence of partial absorption.
The English porcelain, the body of which is made, like the hard, from kaolin and Cornish stone, but differing from it by the addition of a large proportion of calcined bones.
Izamal, Labna, Zayi, and some of the other ruins are sufficiently important for special notice; but they present every where the same characteristics, differing a little in the style or method of ornamentation.
Very likely all these differing groups of language came originally from the same source, and really represent a single race, but comparative philology has not yet reported on them.
If the soul, like the body, have several parts differing from each other, the sensation of one part would not involve a similar sensation in another part.
Would it arise from matter being penetrated by the ("seminal) reason" in differing degrees?
It is, I repeat, treason to the cause of art for any man to invent, unless he invents something better than has been invented before, or something differingin kind.
North of England, but differing somewhat from the preceding with regard to their metre.
But I cannot remember ever differing from you about subjects.
The entrance being at the rear was reached from a large yard, differing very little, except in size, from the enclosure ordinarily attached to a substantial farm-house.
Two lofty hills have to be crossed, each commanding splendid views, though totally differing in character.
This remarkable personage was able by these principles to establish a bond of unity among the differing sects and divergent people of Írán.
The text of the Divine Book is this: If two souls quarrel and contend about a question of the Divine questions, differing and disputing, both are wrong.
Many lasting friendships have been formed between chaplains of differing communions.
To a chaplain not a little of the glamour of the Front is found in this warm fellowship between men of differing creeds and varying religious communions.
The text of the divine Book is this: If two souls quarrel and contend about a question of the divine questions, differing and disputing, both are wrong.
Those women who are averse to female suffrage hold differing opinions on all these points, and are entitled to be heard fairly and without unjust reproach and contempt on the part of "suffragists," so called.
The adjustment of the divine and human elements in the world is conceived in the spirit of modern popular philosophy, differing not much in the mode of expression.
Zeller and Stallbaum have also collected forms of words in the Laws, differing from the forms of the same words which occur in other places: e.