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Example sentences for "unlike"

Lexicographically close words:
unlettered; unlicenced; unlicensed; unlicked; unlighted; unlikeliest; unlikelihood; unlikely; unlikeness; unlimber
  1. This, with its low ceiling, unpainted timbers, and small windows, was not unlike the hall of some old manor house.

  2. Unlike all the others it wore no diadem of snow.

  3. So vague right was to be replaced by definite law, which could not be disputed, but which, unlike right, could easily be changed.

  4. Unlike the poison people, the pine snake has no fangs, and its teeth are used only to hold its prey for the grip of its choking, crushing coils.

  5. With a curious pattering, burrowing run, unlike the leaps and bounds of the mice-people, he started unerringly toward a narrow opening almost hidden under an overhanging patch of yellow-green sphagnum moss.

  6. The newcomer's great bare wings seemed made of sections of brown parchment jointed together unlike those of any bird.

  7. He was a seasoned old veteran and, unlike the novice of the day before, was well acquainted with skunk-ways.

  8. Unlike the singing streams of the North, this brook ran stilly, cutting its deep way through gold-and-white sand, and meeting never rock nor stone to make it murmur.

  9. Unlike the single-action bee, whose barbed sting can be used but once, the hornet is a repeater.

  10. Unlike the dull black of his smaller sister, he was a rich cinnamon-brown in color.

  11. Is it not simply because that, unlike the Jew, they canot refer to "the law and to the testimony?

  12. Were not circumcisions under the Abrahamic covenant more extensive and indiscriminate than the circumcisions under the Mosaic economy, and therefore more unlike New Testament baptisms than the latter?

  13. But unlike their previous custom, the Germans, during the period from February to August, 1917, used aeroplanes more frequently than Zeppelins.

  14. Not unlike a skillful boxer Falkenhayn feinted at one point, then struck hard at another unexpectedly.

  15. His figure, his eyes, and the shape of his face were not unlike Felix Mortimer; and yet he looked older than the latter by two or three years, for he wore a small mustache and tiny side whiskers.

  16. In fact they were not unlike the old fence himself--daring, avaricious and discourteous.

  17. And therefore also herein he was not unlike unto him, who was after led dumb unto the slaughter, and commanded by others, who had legions at command; that is, in meekness and humble submission.

  18. In the Picture of Paradise, and delusion of our first Parents, the Serpent is often described with humane visage; not unlike unto Cadmus or his wife, in the act of their Metamorphosis.

  19. The first are many and manifold, to be found in Germany and other parts; the last are fewer in number, and in substance not unlike the stones in Crabs heads.

  20. How it sprawled across the page, so unlike Monica's that was small and neat and exquisitely formed or Margaret's that was decorated with fantastic and beautiful affectations of manner.

  21. It was a quiet unlike Kenny, who hated to think, and presently he flung his pipe across the studio, fuming at what seemed to him unprecedented disorder.

  22. Unlike the rooms he had left below it was swept and clean.

  23. How unlike too is this forlorn meeting to old school-fellows returning after the holidays, when mutual greetings soon lighten the memory of parting sorrow!

  24. And another said, "He passes his time too not much unlike the gods, lazily living exempt from labour, taking offerings of men.

  25. He pleased the masters almost as much as he puzzled them; for, unlike most dreamy, fanciful youths, he possessed concentration and an imperious will; he worked hard and always knew his lessons.

  26. It was not unlike the sense of power that great natural scenes evoke in those who are receptive--mountains, landscapes, forests.

  27. Instead, he stooped good-naturedly, picked up the ball, and flung it back to the importunate cricketers; and as he did so I noticed that his action was unlike that of any English boy I had ever seen.

  28. Unlike John the Baptist, whose austere spirit was unfolded in the desert, Jesus grew up among men, passing through and sanctifying childhood and youth, home duties, and innocent pleasures.

  29. I come and smite the earth with a curse' sounds strangely unlike 'The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

  30. Circumstances alter, no doubt, and there will be much in that heavenly state unlike that which we experience here.

  31. Unlike most great cities, Jerusalem was not situated on a great river.

  32. The poison-water is exhibited in many variously coloured and tasted draughts, but however unlike each other they may be, it is always the same.

  33. The tiny round of our little drops of love may be not all unlike the colossal completeness of that Love, which owns the sun as 'His sun,' and rays down light and distils rain over the broad world.

  34. But how unlike him in the use they make of art!

  35. It is unlike Him to put any barrier in the way of a son's yielding to the impulses of his heart and attending to the last duties to his father.

  36. It is extremely unlike Jesus Christ in substance and in tone.

  37. Jesus interprets our prayers, and many a dumb yearning, and many a broken sob, and many a passionate fragment of a cry, and many an ignorant desire that may appear to us very unlike His pattern for all ages, will be accepted by Him.

  38. I believe that in most cases it is only a desire to escape from limitations not unlike those overstepped when an author writes much in dialect.

  39. Musicians constitute, in a certain sense, a caste, not unlike the Christian priesthood or the Buddhist brotherhood.

  40. In 1597 was acted at Cambridge a Latin play called Machiavellus, in which there is a Jew, but very unlike Shylock.

  41. Unlike the majority of other uncrowned or crowned rulers, he did not use his power to secure wealth or distinction for himself and his family until upon his retirement.

  42. Unlike the swords, which mostly, or perhaps always, are of foreign, generally of Celtic make, these ornaments and weapons are of domestic origin.

  43. They are usually unlike at the two ends, sometimes adorned with an animal's head in the high and narrow stem, sometimes with a similar decoration also in the stern.

  44. Unlike the regent and his own father, he never had experienced what Danish oppression meant, which accounts for his unwise decision in joining the Unionists.

  45. When the bundle had lain sixteen hours in a chest, it was observed to emit a very nauseous, and rather putrid smell, not unlike that of boiling oil.

  46. The taste is not unlike that of wheaten bread, but with some resemblance to that of Jerusalem artichokes or potatoes.

  47. They describe this as a place with lofty walls and high glazed cliffs, unlike any thing which they had ever seen before.

  48. The elytra, rather large, and crossed over each other, are a mixture of brown and yellow, not unlike the colour of rust, which makes it look cloudy.

  49. That part of the wood appears moist, and is covered with little gelatinous particles, not unlike gum-arabic.

  50. Unlike Shakespeare, with whom he consorted among the famous gatherings of wits at the Mermaid Tavern, Jonson regarded himself as the exponent of a theory of dramatic art.

  51. What hideous noise was that Horribly loud, unlike the former shout.

  52. Unlike a sprinter, a base-runner must be in shape to start in either direction, and this can be done best and quickest by standing upright with the feet almost together.

  53. Moreover, his work, unlike that of the pitcher, always shows for itself, and is therefore always appreciated.

  54. They are remarkably fond of swine at this period, and unlike the wolf, who seeks to catch the young pigs, the bear picks up the mother and walks off with her.

  55. In fact they had not taken two steps out of the drawing-room ere the glass doors were flung open, and Ned Hayward stood before them as unlike the Ned Hayward I first presented to the reader as possible.

  56. I had no sharers in the "anteelactual" treat, and this sort of enjoyment, unlike that of some other sorts, is augmented by being divided.

  57. The exposure of the tail flukes is unlike that of the humpback whale (Fig.

  58. Note that the rear margin of the flukes of this species, unlike that of the humpback whale, is smooth, broad, and concaved distinctly towards a deep fluke notch.

  59. Unlike the baleen whales, the toothed whales do have teeth after birth.

  60. The right lower lip and the mouth cavity, unlike those of the fin whale, are uniformly gray.

  61. Unlike blue or sei whales, fin whales do breach on occasion.

  62. But how could they be made so very unlike By the same hand working in the same stuff?

  63. I'm not so much Unlike other folks as your standing there Apart would make me out.

  64. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unlike" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.