Lectures in publicare needed, but they must be subordinate to thorough class instruction in any branch of education.
Public lectures cannot be such lessons in Christian Science as are required to empty and to fill anew the individual mind.
The sight of an American scalp, hanging as a trophy in a public building, would naturally exasperate soldiers, whose friends and relatives had fallen beneath the knife of the savage.
In accordance with a resolution of Congress, the President appointed a day of public humiliation and prayer, in view of the conflict in which the nation had entered.
Calm, composed, he uttered his thoughts in those ponderous sentences which ever after characterized his public addresses.
In commenting on this, Ingersoll very pithily remarks, "The public would have preferred a battle in Canada.
When so many quarrels are to be settled the public will not fail to be informed all about the origin of them.
The seconds having published the transaction in a Buffalo paper, "congratulated the public on the happy issue.
His voice was too thin for public speaking, and when pitched high was shrill and piercing.
The place was then entered and plundered, not merely of its public stores, but private property.
The inspection and control of these Public Schools would be in the hands of competent officers of the State, whereas the private school is appraised only by the vulgar and uneducated class that feeds it.
Thus it was impossible for him to regard the Public Schools of England with the dispassionate eye of the complete outsider.
The idea of the Golden Ladder, having its base in the Elementary Schools and its top rung in the highest honours of the University, has taken hold of the public mind, and has passed out of the region of abstractions into practical life.
The lesser foundation-schools were to be made public by a redistribution of their revenues and a reconstruction of their system; and new schools, public by virtue of their creation, were to be put alongside of the older ones.
Whewell, and leading the way to a notable reform in Public Schools.
When one talks about English Education, the subject naturally divides itself into the Universities, the Public Schools, the Private Schools, and the Elementary Schools.
We, who are his disciples, habitually think of him as a poet, or a critic, or an instructor in national righteousness and intelligence; as a model of private virtue and of public spirit.
His imperfect sympathy with Mr. Gladstone, a deplorable but undeniable fact, was due not so much to dissent from Gladstone's theory of the public good as to disapproval of his character.
When there was a suggestion to hear the B---- case in private, the upright magistrate who was appealed to said firmly that he could never trifle with the public mind in that manner.
We shall accordingly now proceed to state the causes which introduced new elements into the current of public thought; and then describe the gradual progress of the reactionary movement which ensued from them.
It was entitled the Sic et Non, and remained unpublished in the public documents of France till recent years.
The other great class of objections to Christianity, which consisted in imputing the charge of treason, expressed itself in deeds as well as words, and was made the ground of the public persecution of them.
Yet it is difficult to understand why a single work of an unknown student should attract so much public notice.
In the dark ages, the public mind and thought were nominally Christian; and at least were not sufficiently educated to admit of the generation of doubts which might create a demand for apologetic works.
He knew that public opinion would expect, and in time demand, his wife's union with the church.
He forgot that Anglo-Saxon swains are less prone to languish in public than their brothers of Gaul.
But comment was actually stricken dumb when both Miss Claghorn and Tabitha appeared in public with sprigs of color in their headgear and visible here and there upon their raiment.
It was not known that she was, like her husband, an absolute unbeliever, since she sometimes appeared at public worship, and there were among the ladies of Hampton one or two who maintained that she was a pious woman.
You know how eager is the curiosity of the public with regard to these astronomical questions.
The bookseller will not buy; the public will not read.
An author is a being between gods and men, who ought to be lodged in a palace, and entertained at the public charge upon ortolans and Tokay.
The journals may praise, but the public will not buy it.
A public man, Mr. Leslie, would ill serve his country if he were not especially reserved towards his private friends--when they do not belong to his party.
Moreover, before decision becomes irrevocable, I wish you to know practically all that is disagreeable or even humiliating in the first subordinate steps of him who, without wealth or station, would rise in public life.
What could public life give to one who needs nothing?
Knowing--even feeling--both East and West as you do, your life is bound to find some public outlet.
While the public attention was elsewhere engaged, he advanced and touched it lightly with his bare hand, which was immediately scorched.
Had the villains captured me they would have undoubtedly put an end to my career, and the public would never have had the pleasure of being bored by this autobiography.
I didn't see much of Buntline that evening, as he hurried off to deliver a temperance lecture in one of the public halls.
My dear, the persons who use those ridiculous rhymes which sometimes appear in the papers for the purpose of parading their grief before the public cannot have very nice sensibilities.
In old times, when the sexton was the grave-digger and general public functionary, it was well enough to give publicity to his residence by posting its whereabouts in a public place.
There was a time in the past when it stood, an instrument of cruel torture, upon the public street.
That is an excellent condition of public sentiment, and we may pardon it even if it does sometimes produce results that are slightly ridiculous.
But older, tenderer, more familiar associations, mastered all the others when we heard his voice again--the faithful voice that had warned and comforted us so long in public and in private.
But retired from all this noisy public life, two thrushes have built their nest in a thorn just under the window of my cell.
He took our two boys to see it, that we may remind them of it in after years as the first greatpublic act of freedom.
You should have offered fervent prayers to God, public authority should have been applied to, and every one would have seen then that the thing came from God.
No public alterations have yet been made in the Church services.
The public will also, I am sure, forgive me for calling it my best.
It is partly due to the existence of the 'business college,' which has no counterpart in England, but which is as great and powerful an institution in the States as public schools are in England.
Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, who for years was the chief of the Tory party, began his public career as Radical member for Maidstone.
I gave lectures for the sole purpose of keeping my name before the public and pushing the sale of my books.
In public these demonstrations are ridiculous and vulgar; they put other people ill at ease, who smile and sneer, and even remark, 'They will soon get over it.
Another thing: The public takes a greater personal interest in a woman who is not married than in one who is.
Never let the outside public know the details of your private life.
The public acclamations excited by the Queen’s appearance had hardly subsided, when the curtain, which hitherto had kept the stage from view, was drawn up, and the performances commenced.
At last, wearied and breathless, she arrived at the public footway, and there ventured to pause.
Drawing her cloak closely round her, she directed her steps to that walk which, it may be remembered, has been before mentioned in this history, and which opened into the publicfootpath to Lantwell.
We're to have a collection representing every town and city in the State, and mount them on large posters for the public to see.
They had gained only a part of what they had asked for, but that was something, and they would go on awakening public sentiment until the next session, and bring it up again.
Few women have the time to give to a public cause what I am giving.
I would have taken it for granted that all one had to do was to put the plain facts before the public and show what a danger and disgrace such houses are to a community, and it would rise up of its own accord to change conditions.
It was not the sting of defeat which drove Burke Stoner to do it, nor the sting of publicopinion aroused against him, but the pride of his own daughter, a girl of Mary's age, when she learned the facts in the case.
The houses bring good rents as they stand, and the public is not awake to the fact that these places in their midst are responsible for the greater part of infection and disease that menace the whole town.
To be pushed forward as a magazine writer and a public speaker, both in one day, was too much for her comprehension.
It will be observed that these volumes are widely different in character, in order that the public may form some idea of the extent and variety of the series generally.
Catalogue of Norman nobility as if it were some well-known public and authentic record.
There are four manuscripts of the work in public libraries, two of which I am enabled to describe.
The principle upon which they can undertake to supply good books at a low rate is, that being themselves the actual producers, they are enabled to save the public the expense of all intermediate profit.
The present reprint was proposed by the editor--a master in a large public school--with a view of reading it with his boys.
Because it is purely a business matter in which the public would be too much concerned if it knew what we were doing.
In exhibiting this to the reporter Mr. Napier good-naturedly said: "'I am sorry I cannot tell the public the exact character of this new explosive.
What a cursed folly it is not to send boys to a public school!
At length arrived the important hour of decision upon the long agitated question of a public school or a private tutor; and the latter was agreed upon.
Mrs. Todd shook the reins and reached determinedly for the whip, as if she were compelling public opinion.
I could hear their busy voices, loud and low by turns, as they ranged from public to confidential topics.
On the nights when there were evening meetings or other public exercises that demanded her presence we had tea very early, and I was welcomed back as if from a long absence.
The shock of public dishonor might have broken a blood vessel of his brain--a vessel so tiny that consciousness had soon returned.
But the wife had not been able to turn her husband's mind from his late public humiliation.
Isabel had no suspicion of the incessant comment created by her slightest public movement.
Suddenly his only dread was public dishonor to his dead.
I was going to say that if ever we meet in Castello I will have you whipped by my lacqueys in the public place.
Afterwards it must be clear to all minds that the Orsi were influenced solely by the public welfare.
How dare you come and insult me here in the public place!
The grant of public or political powers by government was necessary to make its economic objects attainable, and these were given with a free hand.
Like all supreme powers, it was jealous, and suffered no other public institutions to exist alongside of it.
On occasions of public ceremony he had an imposing personal retinue, carried a white rod of office, and wore official robes.
The private path of the Portuguese ultimately became the public highway of the nations.
If James, therefore, should favor the Catholics he must do so in opposition to the overwhelming public opinion of the people of England and to his own timidity.
George Fox, the representative of these ideas, began his public preaching in 1648, and his doctrines at once found wide acceptance.
Its members were habitually drawn from those men who had had experience as public servants in the West Indies or in the Philippines.
Hospitals and medicines for their use, and rest houses on their journeys, were also provided at the public charge.
In this great work he had the co-operation of Major Skinner and of Captain Gallwey, and to these two gentlemen the public are indebted for the greater portion of the field-work and the trigonometrical operations.
The Ceylon species was first brought to public notice by E.
Exceptions to the extortion of forced labour for public works took place under the more pious kings, who made a merit of paying the workmen employed in the erection of dagobas and other religious monuments.
M138) From time to time, when some accident has happened in the Alps, the press and the public have been pleased to take such unfortunate occurrence as a text, and to preach serious sermons to mountaineers.
It is true that public sentiment would not support raising an army and equipping it, owing to such Hun stuff as 'I Did Not Raise My Boy to Be a Soldier,' but other things perhaps as important were accomplished.
Chalmers during the prime and freshness of his public eloquence, will readily imagine the effect of some passages in it, when delivered with even more than the preacher's characteristic vehemence.
A day spent in visiting Versailles, or St. Cloud, or even the public places of the city, is generally all that precedes the settling down into the habits of daily life.
In this retirement he occasionally lectured and spoke atpublic meetings; but he began to suffer from a spasmodic affection of the nerves, which obliged him wholly to forego public speaking.
Minister at Madrid, refusing in public to hold any intercourse with the representative of a nation which tolerated and countenanced pirates and assassins.
Congress, at the session of 1848, passed a bill directing the Secretary of the Treasury to examine and adjust the claims, and to pay out of the public funds whatever might prove to be due.
A good deal of publicinterest has been enlisted in the performances of the new American line of Transatlantic steamers, running between New York and Liverpool.