Gascoigne held this wardship for three years, and by right of it intended to marry Scrope to one of his own daughters; but as the young lad's friends thought the match unequal to his fortune, Fastolf bought the wardship back again.
For some time Margery found it difficult to avow that she had fairly plighted her troth to one who was deemed such an unequal match.
But when he remembered how unequal he was to entertaining any one that day, he hesitated, saying merely: "On your way from Boston call and see me.
Even Morris, when appealed to, decided with Wilford against Mrs. Lennox and Aunt Betsy, knowing how unequal he was to the task which would devolve on him in case of a bridal party at the farmhouse.
It was an unequal match which never should have been; but if you believe her innocent, she will be satisfied.
With sighs and tears, that this unequal match Might be diverted; but it might not be.
It was a step which had to be made, at unequal distances of time and under varying influences, by all the peoples of the European community.
There were days, it seemed to him, when a conflict was waged, an unequal conflict, between that outer and that inner self.
The Iceni, doubtless, imagined that such troops would be unequal to assaulting their dyke at all.
You might change over some of the personages and scenes of the two books; but they are scarcely unequal in such merit as they possess, and both lazily readable in the fashion so often noted.
Let us, as best seems to suit history, treat these in order, though with very unequal degrees of attention.
This action, very unequal in its effects, and most important to understand, has scarcely been touched as yet by scientific research.
The Scutellariæ were first described with accuracy and classified by Linnæus, who included them among his Didynamia, a class of vegetables distinguished by the unequal length of the stamens.
Illustration] The unequal duration of Day and Night, the succession and regular return of the seasons, all the phenomena observable upon the earth, are but the effects of a cause which we must seek in the heavens.
We could not extricate our country from this unequal condition, with such an enemy, unless we at once departed from our present peaceful policy and became a great naval power.
It ought not to have been anticipated that a measure so inadequate to the accomplishment of the proposed object and so unequal in its operation would receive the assent of all maritime powers.
It would be an unequal distribution of the public money to allow the same share of it to a county which has a thousand tithables as one that has three thousand.
It was not entirely unequal since it was imposed on all male whites over sixteen, all white women over sixteen who worked in the fields, and all slaves old enough to work.
He was of Irish extraction, a hot-headed, hare-brained Irishman, whose military skill was unequal to a difficult campaign.
The match was so unequal as to appear wildly impossible, but De Lauzun was strongly backed by Madame de Montespan and two nobles of high rank were induced to make a formal proposal to the King.
Ye pow'rs above, why do ye lay so great A weight on human nature, and bestow Such an unequal force to bear our loads?
The brute approaches, and by violence Endeavours to accomplish his intent: I invocate my guardian angel, and resist, But with unequal force, though rage supplied Those spirits which my fear had put to flight.
He certainly was unequal to cope with these domineering priests.
Catholic peers were not admitted to the House of Lords, nor Catholics to a seat in the House of Commons,--which was a condition of extremelyunequal representation.
Louis Philippe, nor Louis Napoleon, ever attempted to restore feudalism, or unequal privileges, or arbitrary taxation.
Segments of the body unequal in size, more or less thickly clothed with clubbed hairs.
On the 28th of July, upon removing the board, it was found that the bee had made thirty cells, arranged in nine rows of unequal length, some being slightly curved to adapt them to the space under the board.
Segments of the body unequal in size, more or less thickly clothed by clubbed hairs.
The first broadsides were exchanged at half pistol-shot, with very unequal effects.
Barney let her pass, for he had determined to risk the dangers of an unequal combat with the sloop-of-war.
For two hours the unequal combat raged, and no American vessel came to the aid of the sorely smitten flag-ship.
Seeing no hope for success in sounequal a conflict, Manly struck his flag.
While the unequal combat was raging, a heavy squall came rushing over the water.
A moreunequal contest had never before been maintained with such spirit, zeal, skill, or bravery.
Had the public mind been tranquil, he would have brought before the Houses a few objects of general importance, one of which was a remedy for the unequal pressure of the road laws.
The contest, which was a most unequal one, now commenced.
But General Abercrombie was unequal to the command of such an army.
I'm afraid it would have made me dizzy and foolish; indeed, sir, I feel quiteunequal to the responsibility of such a stewardship.
As he was quite incapable of taking care of himself, they put a servant with him into his cab, (judging his little tiger to be unequal to the responsibility.
She felt quite unequal to the task of personally taking leave of them, as she had intended, and several times attempted.
Westover had a difficulty in congratulating Jeff which he could scarcely define to himself, but which was like that obscure resentment we feel toward people whom we think unequal to their good fortune.
Even when we consume equal weights of food in cold and warm countries, infinite wisdom has so arranged that the articles of food in different climates are most unequal in the proportion of carbon they contain.
Yet notwithstanding this extremely unequal loss of heat, experience has shown that the blood of an inhabitant of the arctic circle has a temperature as high as that of the native of the South, who lives in so different a medium.
In the eyes of men the Jews may appear but a feeble folk, quite unequal to the task of holding their ground in the midst of a swarm of angry foes.
There could be but one end to the unequal contest.
Had she done so, it is probable that Mr. Heatherbloom would have been physically unequal to the labyrinthine explanation the occasion demanded.
The particles of East India arrowroot are very unequal in size, but on the average are larger than those of West India arrowroot.
Grey sago of the Moluccas or brown sago of the English; of unequal globules, from one to three millimetres in diameter, opaque, of a dull grey color on one side, and whitish on the other.
The mixed acids may be separated by saturating them collectively with baryta, and by taking advantage of the unequal solubility of the newly formed barium salts.
Glazing is produced by combined rubbing and pressure, the rollers being made to move with unequal velocities, so that one side of the fabric is rubbed as well as pressed by the roller whose surface moves with the greater speed.
Different substances, when in solution of the same concentration, and under other similar circumstances, diffuse with very unequal velocity.
Glasses in which the ingredients bear no atomic ratio to each other are never homogeneous, but always more or less striated and of unequal colour and refractive power.
Hard pills, weighing 15 grammes, of irregular shape and unequal size, composed of aloes with 1/3 of gentian, and covered with a brown powder containing liquorice root.