Many marbles which are prized for the variegated patterns they display owe these patterns to their formation in concentric zones--such marbles being in fact stalagmitic deposits of carbonate of lime, sometimes consisting of aragonite.
Most of the coloured or variegated crystalline marbles have originated in this manner.
There are many varieties, the variegated and cut-leaved being the most noticeable.
Of the variegated and coloured marbles, perhaps the most beautiful are those from the northern part of Vermont, in the neighbourhood of Lake Champlain.
Born in French Switzerland, he spoke French, German and Italian with equal fluency, and he had a smattering of English which he invested with a picturesque quality due to transplanted idioms and a variegated accent.
Below lay the splendid buildings of the prosperous town with their towers and variegated roofs and gables.
The variegated butterflies and dragon-flies on the bank of the river, produce, by their gyratory movements, lively and fantastic plays of colour.
The setting sun, surrounded by hues of variegated beauty, now retires through the western portals of the firmament, leaving all nature to love and repose.
Variegated Sandwiches= Make three equal sized loaves of universal crust, one tinted a delicate pink with fruit color, one left white, and the third made of part graham flour with a little dark brown flour in the sponge.
Beet and Olive Salad= In the center of a platter with a lettuce or variegatedbeet leaf border, place marinated sliced or chopped beets.
The variegatedvariety of beet leaves, as also the bright blossoms of nasturtiums make a brilliant garnish.
In the middle of a clump of flowers a lofty thistle had shot up, which drooped its withering blossom beneath the morning sun; about this a variegated tulip wound itself, and that also had died a vegetable death.
The variegated sorts do better if grafted upon strong stocks.
Double and variegatedcamellias by layers, but cuttings will succeed.
For now a most variegated garden parterre met my sight.
A smaller bustard, with beautifully-variegated plumage, is about the size of a large fowl.
Tootles, in overalls, so splashed with variegated tints that they might have passed for an impressionistic landscape, was giving the last tender touches to the completed canvas of the Well-dressed Man Contemplated By The Ages.
The allusion to the five-coloured clouds is to the beautifully variegated clouds, bright with the five colours of happiness, upon which the Immortals ride.
The "Immortal Palm" was a very tall bronze pillar which the Emperor Wu of Han erected in the grounds of the Variegated Colours Palace.
The pavement of the Tuscan atrium is variegated with small pieces of white marble placed in rows.
Under this head we may speak of the vases called murrhina, since one theory respecting them is, that they were made of variegated glass.
The actor's dress was originally the festive Dionysian attire, of which it always retained the gay and variegated hues.
Goldieana is a grandly variegated species from west tropical Africa, and requires more heat.
The cornices are gilded; the deep embrasures of the windows are panelled with wood-work; the doorways are of polished and variegated marble, or covered with a composition as hard, and seemingly as durable.
The forests on the mountains were all clad in fresh foliage, and glowed in many variegated hues; and even the lower hills were not entirely destitute of pleasing spots, and covered with herbage.
Below is a carpet of the most lively green, variegated with turfs of wild flowers and fruits--one of nature's secret, yet choicest gardens.
The granite is plain and variegated and is being worked and shipped extensively.
The whole surface is dotted with lakes and variegated with natural meadows.
The State, in 1887, located here its reformatory school, receiving a donation of two hundred acres of land, covered with gray and variegated granite.
The garden plot is bright even in winter, with variegated laurels and a privet hedge; these, with the darkened red-brick of the old Hall, make a charming picture.
The female and young ones are variegated with dark brown on the belly; the back is dark, and the spots on the throat less apparent.
The first plumage of the young before moulting is variegated white.
The eggs arevariegated with light gray and brownish violet.
This species has varieties, as the white red-breast and the variegated red-breast.
Flowers may be variegated in colors but they are all flowers of one garden.
In the kingdom of the plant and vegetable, distinct and variegatedhues exist but the fruit and flowers are not in conflict for that reason.
The fine work of art is to the one who has never experienced the appeal which comes through beauty, only so much of canvas and variegated patches of color.