This man wearied me and I separated from him and followed the multitude beyond the open gates of the city to the vast stretch of country where the Olynthians were camped.
In a short time the intervening block that separated them from the Union Hall was covered.
About sixty feet separated the two contingents at this time, the Chehalis men still continuing the march.
The canoes were now separated again; it being easier to manage them in that state than when lashed together, besides enabling them to carry both sails.
All this was done, as it might be, in an instant; the savages and the canoe being separatedsome twenty feet, in much less time than is required to relate the occurrence.
Land of the Dead' is the western extremity of Great Britain, separated from the eastern by an impassable wall.
This spiritual vitality was not, as in polytheism, conceived as separated from nature in distinct divine personalities.
But the three youths would not be separated from Maeldun, and they flung themselves into the sea.
A sudden squall separated us till quite late, but we boarded her, I going with the captain; the sea ran high, and the tossing of our light yawl was extremely disagreeable to my feelings.
When numbers increased so that smaller congregations were separated from one larger, each colony had an elder at its head, and the chief of the parent Church became a diocesan bishop.
Carminow's rooms ran the depth of the house, the front one, his sitting-room, being separated from the bedroom by folding doors of the same bright yellow as the doors in the hall.
The soft nose appears to have been torn, and separated by impact with the bone, but the mantle is little altered.
At the end of six weeks a distinct hard swelling in two parts, separated by a resonant area, was noted to the left of the umbilicus and in the left iliac fossa.
The circumstances under which many of the operations had to be performed militated strongly, however, against the successful replacement of separated bone fragments, which might have rendered the defects less serious.
On opening the spinal canal the tunnel was found to be separated only by the compact tissue of the centrum from the cavity, while a thin extra-dural hæmorrhage separated the dura from the bones anteriorly.
In such wounds the wedge-like bullet without doubt separated and displaced all these structures, causing mere superficial contusion.
Lower quarter of right kidney in half its width separated from main part of organ, yellow in colour, and enveloped in disintegrating clot.
These laminæ were adherent to the dura, as were also a few small separated bony spiculæ.
The entry was more or less cleanly cut, while at the exit a plate of bone was raised, and either separated or turned back on a hinge by the bullet (fig.
In some quarters of the sky we behold veritable migrations of entire groups of stars whose members are too widely separated to show any indications of revolution about a common center of gravity.
We separated at these words, and the coldness with which she had expressed her resolution saddened me more than usual.
Alas, we must believe that the capture of these three widely separated lines is almost humanly impossible.
The mourners separated at the grave-yard, each to return to his respective vocations; and the captain and the fosterer retired to the Fox and Goose, to deliberate on affairs of paramount importance.
We separated for the night; and never did the slumbers of a private gentleman prove less refreshing than mine.
I cannot tell," returned the girl, "he joined a strolling party, from which I separated ere I met you.
He placed a little packet in my hand; and turning to the window, the poor fosterer sentimentalized in secret, while I perused a letter he had received after we had separated at the inquest.
Khatim's men were separated from the rest of the prisoners.
I hope that, long ere this, you may have felt, as I have done, that we were both somewhat in the wrong, in the quarrel that separated us.
Assisted by an elderly hedger, who had been taking a disregarded interest in them for some time, she separated the wheels and got the two donkeys abreast.
It was the sea, a house standing by itself in a garden, andseparated from the water only by a road.
There is danger for those who are separated lest slander should come in between them; they believe nothing the first year, but they begin little by little to be influenced the second.
From Marit it had certainly separated him for ever; he half regarded her as engaged to Jon Hatlen; but he resolved that with all his might he would strive to keep pace with them through life.
These four sat there until late in the evening; they gradually grew silent, each occupied with his own thoughts; then they separated with best wishes for the coming day, and the influence it would have.
Footnote: Lewes was separated from his first wife, from whom he was unable to obtain a legal divorce.
The story is that of a girl who becomes separated from her brothers in a wood, and is soon lost.
In reading this book we find that his life is naturally separated into two periods.
He was conscious that his time was short; he was in love with his Fannie Brawne, but separated from her by illness and poverty; and, like the American poet Lanier, he faced death across the table as he wrote.
More and more he lived on his nerves, grew imperious, exacting, till he separated from his wife and made wreck of domestic happiness.
The lovers areseparated with many tears, but Cressida comforts the despairing Troilus by promising to hoodwink her doting father and return in a few days.
He speedily became separated from his companions, and after walking about for an hour he became tired of the scene, and was about to make his way towards the entrance when a hand was slipped behind his arm.
Luka nodded, and they separated to carry out their plan, when Jack decided the matter by leaping on board, and sending the paddles with a rattle to the bottom of the boat.
The germ of these various agreements ought in fact probably to be referred to an original identity in the mythical views of the Semites and Aryans, who were notseparated till later.
On the contrary, it is not yet separated from the general category of dark colour, to which green and blue also belong.
Cain but of Jered, who is separatedby five generations from Seth, Adam’s third son.
They are, indeed, only the same god broken into fragments: the fire separated into individual cases of burning, flame flashing at various places.
It is true, this investigation cannot be separated from another closely connected with it—what method we must employ to arrive at the germ of the myth hidden in these sources.
Moreover, the birds of the Western have been separated from those of the Eastern Himalayas.
The breast is, in its turn, separatedfrom the greyish abdomen by a broad black band, which ornithologists term a collaret.
In some places the hills rise sheer from this, in others they are separated from the alluvial plains by belts of country known as the Tarai and Bhabar.
Interesting developments are promised by those who know Bauer's antecedents and especially his treatment of his wife from whom he is separated pending a divorce.
You know we have never been separated at the holiday season, and it will be my treat to pay your expenses home this time unless you make a new arc light and get it patented and make a lot of money out of it.
The Gorge was weirdly irregular and the windings of the road were so many that very soon the wagons were all separated from view of one another.