This only came into the story later, when the Jews, in order to counteract the Christian belief in the resurrection, had spread abroad the report that the body had been stolen from the grave.
A certain amount of miracle must be maintained, but not for the purpose of foundingbelief upon it: "the miracles were not intended to authenticate the teaching of Jesus, but to surround His life with a guard of honour.
After all, what alteration did the belief that Jesus was the Son of Man who was to be revealed make in the general scheme of the course of apocalyptic events?
From Judaism it was to take the belief in one sole, spiritual, perfect God; from Christianity the requirement of brotherly love to all men.
In Halle he gave up hisbelief in revelation, and endeavoured to explain religion on the ground of reason.
At first sight one might be inclined to suppose that he frankly shared the beliefin miracle.
For them there was no difficulty in accepting the belief that He was the Messiah, the Son of God, for this belief did not involve anything metaphysical.
Belief was not difficult: "they need only believe the Gospel, namely that Jesus was about to bring in the Kingdom of God.
When, in the belief of His followers, He rose again and lived on in the Christian community, it was as the Son of God who had overcome and reconciled the great antithesis.
It was a dignified, a graceful, a kindly, and a congratulatory speech, and it expressed a confident belief that the new powers granted to Australia will only strengthen the affection of the people for the throne and empire.
I shall be strengthened in the discharge of the great responsibility which rests upon me by the confident belief that in this time of trial my Empire will stand united, calm, resolute, trusting in God.
We all know that the American girl has grown up in the belief that the world is hers from which to choose, that there is ordinarily no limit to her ambition or to her definition of success.
It's my belief that all the while he has been away, Iver has had his mind set upon Matabel.
Consequently in several Bulls he anathematised sorcerers, denounced their ill-deeds, excited the inquisitors against them, and so gave ecclesiastical authorisation to the reality of the belief in magical forces.
Ireland's civilisation developed along other and more barbaric lines, and so had no opportunity of assimilating the particular phases of that belief which obtained elsewhere in Europe.
In this he is correct no doubt, but it should be borne in mind by the reader that such a belief was not confined to the new-comers at Youghal, but was common property throughout England and Ireland.
Her belief in this was strengthened by the fact that every old woman in the parish was able to relate some story illustrative of what she had seen or heard of in times gone by with respect to the same.
No belief really gains ground until it is forbidden; then the martyrs play their part, and there is a consequent increase in the number of the followers.
It will be noticed that the belief in fairies and suchlike beings is hardly touched upon at all, except in those instances where fairy lore and witchcraft become inextricably blended.
The belief in the power of witches to inflict harm on the cattle of those whom they hated, of which we have given some modern illustrations in the concluding chapter, was to be found in Elizabethan times in this country.
Such an instruction may be productive of historical faith, of beliefin human authority; but it is just by this, that the nature of religion will be altogether destroyed.
The belief of this changes for us the whole face of nature, and instead of a chill, impersonal world of forces to which no appeal can be made, and in which matter is supreme, gives us the home of a Father.
It was the ground of this hope, the belief in God, which made Abraham's conduct original and fruitful.
And for the resolute adherence to his seven-years' policy such a belief was most necessary.
He meant to combine allegiance to Himself with national advantages, and spiritual with national character, and separation in belief with a distinctly outlined and defensible territory.
It was Abram's simple belief that God's promise was meant and was substantial, that made him indifferent as to what Lot might choose.
The faith or belief here spoken of was a resolute renewal of the feeling which had brought him out of Chaldaea.
Besides, a serious belief in God, in a personal Spirit, removes at a touch all difficulties arising from materialism.
Neither ought it to be beyond our belief that, in requiring from us such and such conduct, our Lord has kept in view our actual condition and its possibilities, and that His commands are our best guide towards a state of permanent felicity.
The belief that God has called him to do His work has lifted him above concern about personal matters; life has taken a new meaning in his eyes by its connection with the Eternal.
In one of his marches, he encouraged thebelief that he saw a luminous cross in the sky, with the words "By this conquer.
Trained at Bologna and Paris, a jurist rather than a priest, his faith in dogma was so scanty that his belief in the immortality of the soul has been questioned.
On this point doubt is impossible, for the belief of the donor is set forth in numberless charters.
Illustration] We hear such wonderful stories about the sense and ingenuity displayed by insects, that we are almost led to the belief that some of them must have a little reason--at least as much as a few men and women that we know.
At one end of the scale we observe the suffragette, with her grotesque adoption of the male belief in laws, phrases and talismans, and her hysterical demand for a sexual libertarianism that she could not put to use if she had it.
His sentimental and unintelligent belief in theories that she knows quite well are not true--e.
Being realists, they have no belief in any program which proposes to cure the natural swinishness of men by legislation.
The nation was profoundly ignorant, and consequently extremely religious, so far as belief was concerned.
By some unaccountable infatuation belief has been, and still is considered of immense importance.
He also saw that as long as the Bible was considered inspired, this infamous doctrine of the virtue of belief would be believed and preached.
Intellectual liberty, as a matter of necessity, forever destroys the idea that belief is either praise or blame-worthy, and is wholly inconsistent with every creed in Christendom.
The old belief is confined to the ignorant and zealous.
Prosecutions and executions like this were common in every Christian country, and all of them were based upon the belief that an intellectual conviction is a crime.
It was a doctrine as necessary to her existence as a beliefin the personal immortality of the soul.
It came about in this wise: Eck at the Disputation had driven Luther to declare that belief in the divine supremacy of Rome was not necessary to salvation.
In view, however, of the rapid development of Luther's doctrinal conceptions, we might further ask: Did Luther still retain his belief in transubstantiation at the time when he wrote the Treatise on the New Testament?
Truly nothing, except that we should be made a mockery for all, and give them due cause to look upon us all as blustering idiots, and they become more strongly entrenched in their own belief through the foolishness of our side.
Isn't belieflargely a matter of habit and education?
Her mother had been a Church of England member, but rather austere Mr. Adams believed that wives were to submit themselves to their husbands in matters of belief as well as aught else.
People really discussed religious problems nowadays, while even twenty years before it was simply belief or disbelief, and the latter "was not to be suffered among you.
A strong and universal belief in divine mercies absorbs every other attribute of the Great Spirit, except his power and ubiquity; and they believe, so far as we can gather it, that this mercy will be shown to all.
But while we admire the zeal and boldness with which the limits of the trade were extended, we regret that a belief in the necessity of using ardent spirits caused them to be introduced, in any quantity, among the North West tribes.
There is, perhaps, a glimmering of the idea of retributive justice in the belief that ghosts and spirits are capable of existing in fire.
Nay, it is the settled belief among the northern Algonquins, that animals will fare better in another world, in the precise ratio that their lives and enjoyments have been curtailed in this life.
These spirits hold in their belief nearly the same relation to matter that the soul does to the body: they pervade it.
One of the most curious opinions of this people is their belief in the mysterious and sacred character of fire.
He presented the limpid quartz, and gold yellow mica, which he had carefully cherished, under a belief that he had discovered in these resplendent minerals, the repositories of gold and diamonds.
But there is nothing like going into an engagement with full belief in yourself, for then you have every determination to be successful.
It was almost beyond belief that it was he, Jim Hubbard, sitting there upon that rock, listening to the beating of his own heart, and straining his ears for the sounds which seemed as though they would never come.
Then, too, these Eastern people have a childish belief in fate.
But I am firmly of belief that by pushing on we should come to an exit on the other side of this enormous hill, for the air here is perfectly pure and good, which is wonderful, when you come to consider the age of these workings.
The belief can be most quickly defined by its negation, as the refusal to believe that this world is all.
On the other hand, he who regards Man as the consummate fruition of creative energy, and the chief object of Divine care, is almost irresistibly driven to the belief that the soul's career is not completed with the present life upon the earth.
Why, then, are we any more called upon to throw away our belief in the permanence of the spiritual element in Man than we are called upon to throw away our belief in the constancy of Nature?
This fact must always prevent us from obtaining direct evidence for the belief in the soul's survival.
Browning, however, avowed his belief that these hands were affixed to the feet of Mr. Hume, who lay extended in his chair, with his legs stretched far under the table.
They are a great work, containing and representing the very idea that makes a belief in fate such a cold torture to the human soul.
The community are agreed, too, in the beliefof the immortality of the soul.
An opinion or belief received from another man is his opinion, and not ours.
In the same way those who know God truly and well, by the experience of obedience and prayer, may have a very erroneous belief concerning him.
And, no doubt, if all those who have been restrained from evil by fear of eternal punishment were to lose that belief suddenly, the consequences, at first, would be sometimes bad.
Belief brings us into contact with the images of things, not the things themselves.
It has been drawn into inconsistencies by its belief in the saving power of certain doctrines, and the supreme importance of believing them.
For it is this grand belief concerning it which makes us desire to study it at all.
His first and principal argument is the universal belief of the Christian Church in the doctrine of the Trinity.
Professor Lawrence says, “It is the general belief of the Old School that those who die in infancy before actual transgression, are renewed and saved by the blood of Christ.
She believed this, for it was the general belief of the Jews in her day.
But the essence of heresy, in the eyes of an Orthodox man, is to vary from the standards of belief in regard to sin and salvation.
To offer theology for religion, belief for faith, philosophy born of speculative reflection in place of spiritual insight and pious experience, have always been most deleterious both to religion and to philosophy.
It is an attempt to unite the belief that man is wholly passive in conversion, and is not able to prepare himself thereunto, with the opposite doctrine that by a use of means he can become a Christian.
The substance of this belief is given us in life; the form of it comes from thinking or reasoning.
But it's mybelief you had better just turn out your things, and let me run half a dozen four-inch screws through the door of this cabin.
If I have succeeded in this letter to properly express my convictions and the grounds for them, it will not surprise anyone if, with all my belief in Mr Chamberlain's genius, I utterly decline to share this faith.
He professes to cherish a profound belief in the integrity of Mr Kruger, and assumes an assurance that everything will be done by him according to the spirit of the London Convention.
It was beyond belief that such a barren-looking piece of quartzose rock should contain gold; but then these experts are wonderful fellows.
In those days it is to be feared that the dachshund's beliefin the stability of woman's friendship received some severe shocks.
And Evelyn's belief that the struggles the latter had gone through were far more due to his own determined independence than to Bernard's selfishness or neglect, hit the mark pretty closely.
Glancing at her aunt, she saw that there was horror as well as belief in the gentle lady's face.
Still, farmer Witham was a man of courage with a quietbelief in himself, and in ten minutes he was fast asleep.