This Thomas founded, adjacent to the castle, a monastery of Austin Friars, on a site with a defective title, in consequence of which it was removed to Haltemprice, on another part of the estate.
Another horse was then brought from the stables for her accommodation, and the party rode together to York.
And," continued Paulinus, "there was another promise besides these of a secular nature, that teachers should be sent to instruct you in the true faith.
He was afterwards canonised, and a church in London and another at Breve, in Somersetshire, have been dedicated to St. Eadwine.
Halifax in 1789, and another published in Whittaker's "Loidis et Elmete.
In the reign of Edward the Confessor the manor of Ripley was held by Merlesweyn, a powerful Danish lord, and owner of many another manor and estate in the same district.
The Queen is endeavouring to raise another army in the north, but I fear with little chance of success.
Another similar report and Tom was on the verge of leaping from the car.
They began eagerly to turn out the contents of trunks and boxes upon the garret floor, first dragging the receptacles up where the light from one or another of the windows would shine down on their work.
Still anothersecret in the old house had been revealed.
He was speaking of another matter, one that was near to the heart of the "Automobile Girl" crouching there in the secret passage of the old mansion.
A violent current of air smote them, another cloud of suffocating dust filled the air.
There must beanother entrance to it, isn't there, Olive?
One of you will please hold another lantern at the entrance here.
I didn't know but there might beanother of those secret passages up here.
Would you like to ride so fast as that another time?
Mr. Presby came hobbling up, fearing that still another disaster had fallen upon the house.
Bob knew that the young woman must be a great distance below him, or else there was another bend in the chimney that shut off the sound of her voice.
The girls continued to feed him with marshmallows, forcing one after another upon him.
He took a bag of rice andanother of sweet potatoes.
It isanother singular thing that if klang was not made for a white man alcohol was never made for a brown.
Another crashed just over his head as he sank to the floor.
Ever hear of the Quetta or the Mecca; or a dozen of other ships lost one time or another between here and Cape Flattery?
Well: there was one thing she did not know and would have given much to hook up--like many another blackmailer, then and since.
At another I had some idiotic impulse to plunge into the fray myself, to aid my friend.
If there is one thing more evident than another in Borneo it's insects, and Andrew Harben did say he often swum home at dusk through solid waves of them.
I gambled the way another man gets drunk--from exasperated craving, knowing the folly of it.
Not another thing could he rummage up around the shack to help him, no yarn, nor twine, nor goods of any kind.
Among the five of us he was the only man who had never crossed Jim Albro at one point or another in the career of that eccentric luminary.
He should have blinked at the lovely vision and slept peacefully safeguarded beside the square-faced bottle until carried thence aboard the steamer and gone on to tell another globe-trotting yarn.
Also, there never was another place like Thursday for variations on a color theme.
Principe Ghat, on just such another night as this, at the beginning of the rains.
Well, we'll give him a chance to explain to the police in another minute!
Three had him about the waist; another clung to his feet; still others barred his path.
While the camp was weakened by the absence of so many men on these expeditions, the malcontents at the settlement took occasion to attempt another mutiny.
They found one such between Panay and another island.
Meanwhile anotherexpedition was despatched toward the south, with the same object in view.
Another similar box, sealed and fastened as the other casket, contains the name of the person who shall receive the command in case Legazpi's successor dies also.
Spaniards, vassals of his majesty, anchor there another time, the natives shall give them a better reception, and maintain more steadfastly the friendship made with them.
Another account of the expedition is given by Esteban Rodriguez, pilot of the fleet; it contains some interesting additional details.
The same day they passed another uninhabited island, which they called the isle of Birds, from its many wild-fowl.
Before the return of the master-of-camp, Goyti was sent on another expedition to the coasts of Cabalian and Abuyo, taking with him sixty men.
Another element which greatly contributed to the same effect, was the social ruin caused by the Revolution; the destruction of all commerce, the forfeiture of property, had thrown every class into the service of the Government.
Another there was, too, whose voice was not absolutely new or strange to my ears, though I could not possibly charge my memory where I had heard it before.
Now to another point, and one in which my frankness must cause you no offence.
At the table I could perceive another person, on whose uniform the light fell strongly, displaying many a cross and star, which twinkled with every stir he made.
He never came with a frown to ask me why I had not captured another howitzer and taken more prisoners.
My patience was not severely taxed; ere five minutes the door opened, and Darby, followed by another person, appeared.
On the other side to be instructed or to receive advice on the terms usually prescribed to us was little better than tamely to afford another the occasion of raising himself a character from our defects.
How shall we hope that another person will keep our secret if we do not keep it ourselves.
Another fault in me is that I have sometimes a spirit of delicacy far too scrupulous, and a spirit of criticism far too severe.
There are different kinds of curiosity: one springs from interest, which makes us desire to know everything that may be profitable to us; another from pride, which springs from a desire of knowing what others are ignorant of.
This epigraph which is the key to the system of La Rochefoucauld, is found in another form as No.
Grief for the calamity of another is pity, and ariseth from the imagination that a like calamity may befal himself{;} and therefore is called compassion.
Preoccupation, trouble, all that concern us, present it to us in another aspect.
There is yetanother kind of tears arising from but small sources, which flow easily and cease as easily.
Another proof that although these maxims are in some cases of universal application, they were based entirely on the experience of the age in which the author lived.
One sort of inconstancy springs from levity or weakness of mind, and makes us accept everyone's opinion, and another more excusable comes from a surfeit of matter.
There is another kind not so innocent because it imposes on all the world, that is the grief of those who aspire to the glory of a noble and immortal sorrow.
Everybody finds that to abuse in another which he finds worthy of abuse in himself.
But he also includes under sexual selection another mode of rivalry by the display of the special male ornaments of many birds, and the choice of the more ornamental by the females.
But we have now evidence of another kind, which adds to the force of this argument.
That which at one time and place is held to be right and proper is, at another time or place, considered to be not only wrong, but one of the greatest of crimes.
Rapid Increase of All Organisms This is another fact of Nature which requires to be kept in mind in all discussions of the action of natural selection, yet it is often altogether ignored by critics of the theory.
Thirdly, this running is called in another place, a continuing in the way of life.
In these and the like cases, wherein one man's body is supposed to be turned into the substance of another man's body, how should both these at the resurrection each recover his own body?
I am sure they never knew another; and he that dreameth of another way must be content to go beside.
We'll have to be making a move before another Hun barges in to attempt to strafe us.
Another and another shell sped from the submarine's guns.
Immediately above the breathing-apparatus container was another contrivance of strong elastic material, capable of being expanded to double the size of a football.
Another hour's run ought to bring the submarine within sight of Elsinore at the starboard side of the Sound.
Beyond that they could not rise another foot without assistance.
The spy was no longer there, having been removed to another part of the house for safe custody.
So for another month Yan tended sheep and plucked nosegays for the merry little princess and the princess waited for him at the palace window every afternoon and when she saw him she always spoke to him politely and said: "Please.
You've got to try another match with him," they said.
The story of the devil marrying a scold, another great favorite with the Slavs, also has its Talmudic parallel in the story of Azrael, the Angel of Death, marrying a woman.
So the shoemaker freed the devil from the window and the devil without another word scurried off.
I'll give you another chance provided that, from this time on, you treat Yirik as your son.
The frog dived, came up at another place, and at once swam back to Lidushka.
Without another word he jumped out the window and flew straight down to hell as fast as the wind could carry him.
It is of course always the same story although told in one form to a group of children and in another form to a group of soldiers.
The next day he returned to the castle and found another giant in possession.
To agony at what she had lost was added mortification at seeing another in her place; and rankling in this huge wound was the poison of the knowledge that she could not win back.
The tigress paused in the projection of another spring; sniffed suspiciously.
That idyllic life with Mother and Dad--the world to one another and none else in the world beside--had been rather the creation of circumstance than of design.
On the ninth of May he issued another general order in which he declared all negroes resident in South Carolina, Georgia and Florida to be free men.
Another ironclad, the Weehawken, had been sent to lead the way, pushing a raft before her in order to explode all contact torpedoes before reaching them.
Grant was sorely displeased with this loss of an opportunity which had been purchased at cost of so severe a battle, and at his request Rosecrans was removed to another field.
At one point an entire block was burned by the mob; at another point there were battles fought between the populace and the police which rivaled in violence and in slaughter skirmishes on the lines in Virginia.
But Grant was not yet ready to make another determined assault upon Lee's works, or in any other way to bring on a battle in earnest.
It was Lee's purpose to move again to the assault, in the conviction that the delivery of another of his tremendous blows would result in breaking Hooker's resistance and driving him across the river.
West of the town is another and higher ridge, also running north and south, called Seminary Ridge.
At another point a regiment of daring fellows reached the base of the headland and found it impossible either to go forward or to retreat without inviting destruction.
Here was anotherof those strange pauses in the war which history finds it difficult to explain.
At the beginning of the war and indeed throughout its progress, Washington City had multitudes of people in it whose sympathies were with the Southern cause, and who daily communicated by one means or another with the Confederates in Virginia.
After another week devoted to a study of the problem the Federal commander decided to make another movement by his left flank, similar to that which he had made from the Wilderness.
From the beginning of these siege operations to the end General Grant's plan was not that which is here suggested, but another and slower one.
Here was another illustration and proof of the fact that the Federal administration at Washington had not yet found a general fit to command the superb Army of the Potomac.
It is one thing to apply surgical measures, having at hand a well-filled emergency bag, and quite another to render the same assistance with nothing to depend upon but your native adaptability.
Salicylic acid in one or another of its various combinations furnishes the sheet anchor in the treatment of rheumatism.
In another clean vessel boil all the cloths, towels, and other dressings that you intend using.
My experiments have developed another interesting fact, that the snake cannot strike an object held directly over his head.
While this is being done anotherperson may grasp the tongue and pull it up and out of the mouth, keeping time with the movements of the arms.
A large snake, striking from full coil, will naturally drive his fangs much deeper than another smaller, striking from a less advantageous position.
Another emergency litter may be constructed by buttoning an overcoat its full length and running two poles down the sides, laying the patient between them.
I felled another and somewhat larger tree, sufficiently large to permit placing the injured man in a boat-shaped section of the bark.
There is another toxic principle present in certain other varieties of fungi called muscarine; both these poisons act very similarly.
Pretty hostess, there is another custom I have when I am to plead a case.
Let that good prince look elsewhere than here for support," put inanother knight.
After another short interval of contemplative silence Marcel resumed: "I hoped to save Gaul fresh bloodshed!
But here comes another impatient hot-blood who implores you to take pity on his martyrdom," gaily added the Count pointing at Conrad who now approached.
Another equerry, also pale as a ghost and bleeding, ran in screaming in a broken voice: "Treason!
There was another young man in the same regiment, named George Ravensworth, who greatly admired my protegee.
I am sure, dear Edith, it is unlucky to talk thus on my wedding-day; let us talk of all the happiness of life, and leave its miseries for another time.
Every hour of his present life was adding another league to the distance that severed her from him in this life, as every bound his vessel made was adding another wave to the many that rolled between them.
The wolves and the frost thinned our numbers, and I and another man only reached civilized country.
Following the Earl's example we shall also claim a short repose before again proceeding with the story, and thus close another chapter.
There was another reason why he felt a peculiar interest in her,--this was the wonderful resemblance she bore to one with whom he had once played so sad a part; she was the image of Juana Ferraras, as he had known her many years since.
More than a fortnight had passed away on their journey, which was performed by easy stages; another week had flown since their arrival at the villa; still they were ignorant of their bereavement.
Another turn in the passage, and suddenly, a red glare told him he was again in light.
When she saw her husband, utteringanother piercing scream, she flung herself into his arms.
Her joining her fates with such a remarkable family was another cause of anxiety.
Margaret, I think I could bear to see our army suffer another defeat rather than you should be contemptible.
The miraculous agencies which had brought him and Major Waring and Mrs. Boulby to the farm, that exalted woman was relating to Mrs. Sumfit in another part of the house.
The old man released her, and Rhoda undid her hands from him, and led the pale Sacrifice to another room.
Perhaps you'll keep your hands off; before you make sure, another time.
It shone in her eyes and in her work, a lamp to her little neighbourhood; and not less a lamp of cheerful beams for one day being as another to her.
What with one person queer, and another person queer, I shall be in for a headache, if I take to thinking.
He beheld his daughters rise, put their hands out, and claim it, in a breath; and they gazed upon one another like the two women demanding the babe from the justice of the Wise King.
And another thing—you’ve got to look me right dead in the eye, daddy—will you?
My grandfather might have posed him with another question, but he poked the fire and let him go on.
One sister in a long beard axt another brethren in church, if she’d heerd anything ’bout that New York preecher runnin’ way with a woman old enough to be his muther.
Love one another and you will use one another aright.
The invitation was promptly accepted, and another happy evening whiled away.
Unable to endure the disgrace of being pointed at as a convicted felon, I converted my property into money, and, under another name, I now live respected in a foreign land.
With what punctual zeal did they wish one another a merry Christmas!
Another cause he assigns is, "the too general desertion of the country, the great scene of hospitality.
Another cause of misery was the fact that his father's death in leaving him alone had also thrown him upon his own resources.
Geary went away, and for another hour Vandover kept at his work, stolidly, his mind empty of all thought, knowing only that he was very tired, that his back pained him.
All that had happened before the morning of Geary's visit appeared to him to have occurred in another phase of his life, years and years ago.
Here he had anotherglass of beer, a great plate of soup, potato salad, and pretzels.
And there's anotherthing you must understand: I'm not your lawyer, of course; you see that.
At one time he would bet heavily on worthless cards, and at another would throw back nines and tens for no apparent reason.
I ain't got another cent of money and I lost my job at the paint-shop.
Another story against Pincott was, that when first iron vessels were introduced, he declared that it was impossible they could swim.
Then taking another pole from one of the guides, he laid himself along the ground; he gradually advanced, till he had placed a pole under each of Jerry's arms.
There it lay; but not a hundred yards from it we saw another animal approaching it by stealthy steps.
Here, again, we had another example of the beneficial results of missionary labours.
The chances are that another of these pumas finds him out and leaves us but poor pickings.
I dug out the earth, another carried it, and a third washed it in the rocker.
The arrieros got one of Cousin Silas's legs put on the back of a horse, and another on that of a mule, while a little wicked donkey began kicking and plunging directly under him.
There's another wonderful spot away to the south, near Sousa, where I have been.
Another of those big seas may come, and then if you are caught by it you may be carried away further off than you'll like.
The day was drawing to a close whenanother whale was seen floating idly close to us.
For a long time we walked the deck, expecting another shock, but the night passed off quietly, and when morning returned there was nothing to indicate that an earthquake had taken place.
Silva had another reason also for consenting to this arrangement, for he was afraid that their appearance might excite the anger of the pirates, and that they might perhaps throw us all overboard together.
Singapore is anotherexample of what the talent and energy of one man can effect.
They saw that we retained the fire-arms, and probably thought that they might take us at an advantage another time without risk to themselves.
To Mrs. Peniman the companionship ofanother woman was a blessing almost beyond expression, and to the girls the presence of another young girl in the neighborhood brought a new interest in life.
As Mr. Lincoln said 'No man has a right to own and governanother without that other's consent.
He now had another man to talk to, to plan with, to rely upon in case the danger of which he was in continual fear should come upon them.
I'm sure it will never give me another thought--if Joe doesn't mind taking a penniless bride.
I want you to tell me if I'm crazy or if my eyes have gone bad or if I'm seeing another mirage!
With anotherstrip of the blanket he wrapped his head about, leaving only his eyes exposed.
Ruth and Nina clung to one another in a sorrow too sharp and keen for words, and the little ones wept without ceasing for the brother who did not come home.
At the other end of the room was a shining cook-stove, with a tea-kettle steaming cozily upon it, and a row of packing cases, which had been placed one on top of another and cleverly converted into a kitchen cupboard.
But her husband, another child, were out there somewhere on those prairies in the blizzard.
That there had come an estrangement in his heart toward Lige, that brother who had always been almost like another self, was a thing of which he could not speak.
When we reach another town of size I will write to the relatives of which her mother spoke.
They heard its sharp angry bark, and saw another Indian fall.
As he came within range of possible enemy action, Dennis pressed another button, and the Random Computer took command.
Keep on not forgiving me," he suggested, for she had given him another kiss.
Bless your generous little heart," said Moore, drawing another coin from his pocket.
As this was not forthcoming, after another moment's delay, Sir Percival opened the door and led the way into the schoolroom.
Left to himself, Moore tookanother drink from his glass.
Bessie laughed and looked so tempting in her mirth that Moore made another attempt to kiss her, with no better success than had rewarded his previous efforts.
And you old boys," said he, "make another mistake.
With another treasonable poem, I suppose," he muttered.
He had saved them from one disaster only to see them plunged hopelessly into anotheralmost as dire.
Mistress Dyke ruled by love, and if she did not love by rule, it is merely another instance where exception can be taken to the old saw which so boldly and incorrectly states that a good maxim must of necessity be reversible.
One he putteth down, and another he lifteth up: 74:9.
And they passed from nation to nation, and from one kingdom to another people.
May his days be few: and his bishopric let another take.
Set your hearts on her strength; and distribute her houses, that ye may relate it inanother generation.
On another occasion he sacrificed four hundred Christian nuns to the same goddess.
This work, of which only two copies exist in Europe--one at Constantinople and another in my collection--has been described and partially translated in the J.
Another tradition relating to the same event makes it clear that the revelation occurred in a dream.
According to another version of the story, the 'mischief' was a Ghoul whom he vanquished and slew and carried home in this manner.
Another celebrated ode is the Khamriyya, or Hymn of Wine.
One room was allotted to works on Arabic philology and poetry; another to jurisprudence, and so forth, the books on each particular science having a room to themselves.
Although the verbal legerdemain which is so conspicuous in his poetry cannot be reproduced in another language, the lines translated below may be taken as a favourable and sufficiently characteristic specimen of his style.
Passing over several obscure reigns, we arrive at the beginning of the sixth century, when another Mundhir, the third and most illustrious of his name, ascended the throne.
And they used not to wish one anotherjoy but for three things--the birth of a boy, the coming to light of a poet, and the foaling of a noble mare.
A Day when one soul shall not obtain anything for another soul, but the command on that Day shall be with God alone.