By the use of the term dramatic in this connection, let us, in the outset, be understood to have no reference whatever to the theatre and stage-effect, or to the sundry devices whereby the playhouse is made at once popular and intolerable.
We have sent you the sloop commanded by John Webb, loaded with sundry goods somewhat damaged, which I must desire you to unload directly & to take care to get them dried.
SIR,--I hope my sundry letters sent you by different hands are come safe.
Into these and similar districts, at stated seasons, sundry squads of gentlemen are turned loose.
Then the wind brought the full calf-odor with several track-scents of Coyotes and sundry Birds.
It may have been chance that took her back in the direction of Gramercy Grange Hill, but she did arrive there after sundry small adventures.
Thrasher, who was convicted of sundry offenses against the Spanish authority in Cuba, and sentenced to imprisonment for seven years on the African coast, has been pardoned by the Queen of Spain, as have also all the Cuban prisoners.
The Baron glanced at a very elegant memorandum book--"The manors of Rood and Dulmonsberry, with sundry farms thereon.
And while they were getting ready the combatants, which went by sundry fancy or favorite names, they had a poet in leash, who "improvised a strophe" for the occasion!
After another short prayer, and a few words by way of speech, sundry rewards and prizes were distributed.
He advises that Congress be memorialized upon sundry topics of general interest, among which are the establishment of an Agricultural bureau, the improvement of rivers and harbors, and a modification of the present tariff.
At this question there weresundry snorts and titters and muttered responses from the men at the tables.
Open your pack, Gubblum," said one of the fellows, Geordie Moore, prompted by sundry prods from the elbow of a little damsel by his side.
There were sundry nods of the grave noddles assembled about the table.
But what is the cause of that little commotion among sundry flowered blankets, juvenile counterpanes, etc.
Sundry totally contradictory emotions are aroused in the very same person by slightly different aspects of the same subject.
He had to part with his gold watch and chain, his breast-pin, and sundry other articles of jewellery; but his purse and sovereigns he contrived to drop among the straw at the bottom of the vehicle.
Nothing, in fact, could exceed the gaiety of the scene: all and sundry seemed bent on the one idea of displaying their loyalty.
It was in one of these, at Dunstable, that Dame Gresford had taken Grisell, and there were also sundry of the gentlemen of the escort.
Here a gallery ran along which conducted to the different bedrooms, through the open air, and from this sundry spectators were surveying the scene below.
For this purpose he was qualified, by sundry accomplishments and experiences.
It was brought into the hall in a great kettle and sundry pans.
Back to the trenches before Petersburg came, because they were needed, sundry troops that had fought in the Valley.
They further promised to hand over twenty thousand pounds to the Regent, before the following Michaelmas, and to restore twenty thousand pounds of the Queen’s jewels that were in sundry hands.
All which he wanted through his own default; for he had fled from avarice, and abhorred ambition, and refused sundry great offices even to be Regent, which were in his offer as well as other great benefices and pensions.
His walk is graceful and robust; he knows every one he meets, and has his bit of fun with sundry of the groups who pass us.
They play most of the airs from the Barbiere di Seviglia, the overture to Othello, and sundry marches and polkas.
Heaping on more turf, and shifting the caldron, so that it may receive the full influence of the flame, the hag proceeds to one of the chests, and takes out sundry small matters, which she places one by one with great care on the table.
After this, Xavier gave Barzaeus sundry particular orders, relating to the persons and houses of the Society.
For the further clearing up of this point, it is to be observed, that what we immediately and properly see are only lights and colours in sundry situations and shades, and degrees of faintness and clearness, confusion and distinctness.
By the application of his hand to the several parts of a human body, he had perceived different tangible ideas; which being collected into sundry complex ones(389) have distinct names annexed to them.
For want of considering wch divers men have run into sundry mistakes, endeavouring to set forth their knowledge by sounds; wch foundering them, they thought the defect was in their knowledge, while in truth it was in their language.
Now, I refer you unto the book itself, which will sufficiently inform you of sundry other of my observations.
Both M'Leay and myself, therefore, encouraged any cheerfulness that occasionally broke out among them, and Frazer enlivened them by sundrytunes that he whistled whilst employed in skinning birds.
I now, therefore, gave them several implements, sundry pieces of iron hoop, and an ornamental badge of copper.
Our reserve in this respect seemed to excite their surprise, for they asked sundry questions, by signs and expressions, as to whether we had any women, and where they were.
In this manner, seeing the same gold in its transformation into sundry sorts of jewels; we have the knowledge of the common essence of gold in all of them, notwithstanding their formal distinctions to sight.
Things appearing as different to the conscious soul, are to be considered as the various imageries represented in the self-same soul (like the sundry scenes shown in the soul in a dream).