With the description of theseabnormal forms of white corpuscles all occurring forms are by no means exhausted.
In pathological cases, not only do the forms so far mentioned occur in altered numbers, but abnormal cells also make their appearance.
Then again this cure instead of being in opposition to the normal state of things like a miracle, itself establishes a normal state, for disease is abnormal and in contradiction with the natural state of man.
What is there abnormal in the fact that they renounce the world and all its joys and legitimate pleasures, fast, pray and keep vigil, through pure love of God?
For even Doctor Levillier was curiously moved that night, and was unable to suppress every trace of abnormal emotion.
As a rule, Julian went to see the race and to lunch with his friends at Putney or elsewhere, without either abnormal experience of excitement or any unusual vivacity.
These abnormal people hear, in these abnormal moments, the silent murmurs of the mind making no effort at all to utter itself through the usual speech apparatus.
In a rush of eager contrition she started for home, walking as quickly as her abnormal fatigue would allow her.
At South Kensington are two small lamps of colourless glass of somewhat abnormal form without decoration of any kind.
I will now briefly mention a few abnormaltypes of decoration.
Finally, it may be mentioned that in the case of the abnormal family where the lime is replaced by oxide of lead, the alkali is invariably potash.
The walking in a bent posture, with such heavy loads on the back, has given to all the women an abnormal breadth of hip, which would be hideous in any other dress than their own.
This young boy grew melancholy almost at once, was filled with abnormal fears of the coyotes, and begged for a pistol to shoot them with.
The proportion of patients with abnormal make-up varied considerably in the different groups of psychoses.
But why," I asked, "do you consider it abnormal at all?
The starlings, Sturnidae, are represented by Callaeas, Creadion and the very abnormal Heterolocha.
Sidenote: Abnormal Laziness] However, there is a degree of laziness difficult of definition which is abnormal; the child fails to perform any work with regularity, and falls behind both at school and at home.
It is safe to say that a normal child always exercises all its faculties to the utmost without need of urging, and any exercise beyond the point of natural fatigue, if persisted in, is sure to bring about abnormal results.
There is a limit toabnormal productions, and they are apparently {147} subject to laws, though not yet understood.
Disease, in its most enlarged sense, is a conversion of one form of matter into another; it is a transformation of healthy blood and tissue into new and abnormal products.
As a consequence of this, the nutrition and reproduction of tissues lose their normal and definite character, wherefrom an indefinite and abnormalresult is obtained.
The abnormallover is not a successful bidder for women, and is usually passed by.
The chance was large that theabnormal lover did not win a wife at all.
This is a very instructive case, as showing that even an abnormal thing is reproduced at first upon the etheric body.
We think it most probable that the secret of his supposed inspiration was the abnormal frequent or chronic turning of his mind into what is called the ecstatic or clairvoyant state.
If he did not rise, men are immortal all the same, provided human immortality be a truth; if it be not a truth, the resurrection of Christ would be an isolatedabnormal event without any logical validity on the question.
A man may feed an abnormal craving for opium, until all his once royal powers of body and mind are sacrificed, imbecility and madness set in, and his nervous system becomes a darting box of torments.
The record of such abnormal response in the modified nerve is shown in fig.
The plant thus gives a reversed response under abnormal conditions of staleness.
These expedients are ordinarily sufficient, but it occasionally happens that the wire has got into an abnormal condition.
I shall now give a record which will exhibit an exactly similar transformation from the abnormalto normal response after continuous stimulation.
Again, just as in the modified nerve the abnormal positive response gives place to the normal negative under strong and long-continued stimulation, so also in the modified plant the abnormal positive response passes into negative (fig.
We have at first the abnormal responses; successive responses are undergoing a diminution or tending towards the normal; after continuous stimulation (T), the subsequent responses are seen to have become normal.
His name is heard on every hearth, used as a proverb to describe objects of abnormal size or people of abnormal strength.
The love that had been the only good in an abnormal and disordered mind had turned to hate.
The moment will come, born out of this abnormal time.
It is plain enough that sensibility was entirely an abnormal thing, and denoted an abnormal state of mind.
That makes it harder, since they're undoubtedly connected direct to Roger's desk, and will give an alarm at the first hint of abnormal performance.
Perhaps where sensible men gathered together the curtains weren't drawn against grave fires in an abnormal night.
Of course, care must be exercised in drawing dogmatic conclusions from a manifestly abnormal incident, but some plain truths do result from it.
Again, in the pages of recent psychiatry, we learn that in abnormal mental states there is a reversion not only to the primitive motives of childhood, but also to the primitive motives of the race.
It remains for the psychiatrist to learn to what extent the findings of special investigators of primitive races may be utilized in explaining mental evolution, and also the development of abnormal mental states.
Later other motives may be dealt with in more detail if it is proved that both in normal and abnormal psychology we may best understand the mental development of the individual through our knowledge of the development of the race.
It would seem logical therefore that if in some abnormal mental states there is a return to more primitive reactions, we may find a tendency to symbolize.
If in abnormal mental states thoughts are entertained which have to do with the motives we have been discussing, it is reasonable to suppose that the racial and individual symbolism will show certain analogies.
In abnormal mental states, we see young men in their fancies become important personages, religious benefactors and national heroes.
These general analogies are noteworthy from the standpoints of mental evolution and abnormal psychology.
Whence originating, the fact remains that each generation of mankind is liable to be enriched or confounded by the apparition of individuals of abnormal force, beauty, or intellect.
As one looked from the windmill, Poperinghe with its prominent church spire was to the left and it was quite impossible to discern anything abnormal in its appearance.
An abnormal body temperature and other symptoms characteristic of the different forms of blood poisoning may follow infection of the injured tissues by certain germs.
Abnormal movement of the part and inability to support weight occur in fractures of the bones of the limbs.
It may be necessary to change an abnormal presentation, or position, to a normal presentation, or as nearly normal as possible.
Abnormal tissue (horny or tumor-like) may sometimes form.
Rupture of one or more of the tendons and the suspensory ligament can be recognized by the abnormal extension of the pastern.
This consists in giving the feet an opportunity to take up moisture when they are exposed to abnormal conditions and become feverish.
Innutrition may accompany the abnormal appetite, as very frequently the affected animal shows a disposition to leave its feed in order to eat these injurious and innutritions substances.
Abnormal body temperatures of a large percentage of the herd indicate the presence of an acute infectious disease.
There is no line of veterinary work that requires the attention of a skilled veterinarian more than assisting an irregular or abnormal birth.
Young mares that become hysterical have abnormal labor pains that seem to hold the foetus in the womb instead of expelling it.
In inflammation of the lining membrane of the womb and vagina, the secretions are abnormal and may collect in the womb and the passages leading to it.
The symptoms are crepitation, abnormalmovement and deformity of the part.
This may be indicated by an abnormal or depraved appetite and emaciated condition.
If the labor is difficult and prolonged, we may then examine the parts and determine the cause of the abnormal birth.
Pregnant animals that are confined in a pasture that is free from injurious weeds and not too rough or hilly, and where the animals have access to clean water and the necessary shelter, seldom suffer from an abnormal birth.
Loss of appetite, abnormal body temperature, weakness and diarrhoea may follow.
An adult female from Richland County, Illinois, had an abnormal but functional hinge on the humeropectoral seam in addition to a normal hinge on the pectoroabdominal seam.
The abnormal hinge resulted from a transverse break in which ligamentous tissue later developed.
Rent of ability is what a man gets by exercisingabnormal ability in a normal situation.
It is a payment made to a man to exercise normal ability, in an abnormal situation.