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Example sentences for "dissimilar"

Lexicographically close words:
disseverance; dissevered; dissidence; dissident; dissidents; dissimilarities; dissimilarity; dissimilation; dissimilitude; dissimulate
  1. It may be well to note here that the rhyme of the first and third lines should be as dissimilar as possible in sound to that of the second and fourth.

  2. From the accented vowel of that syllable to the end, the two or more words intended to rhyme must be identical in sound; but the letters preceding the accented vowel must in each case be dissimilar in sound.

  3. These enamel colours are green, red, lilac, and buff, and are not dissimilar to those employed at Lowestoft.

  4. He would not undertake to dance, for he readily perceived that the gyrations in the ball-room were utterly dissimilar to the clumsy capering to which he had been accustomed on the puncheon floor of a mountain cabin.

  5. There was something in his countenance not dissimilar to the facial contour of a grasshopper, and the suggestion was heightened by his persistent, rasping chirp.

  6. In general aspect the Cape is not dissimilar from the volcanic islands in the Grecian Archipelago, and viewed from a distance it appears separated altogether from the mainland.

  7. Their supply of water is derived from a sequestered pool, occupying a deep narrow precipitous ravine, which abounds in the Hyrax, and boasts of a few trees not dissimilar from the Casuarina.

  8. It appears to be unquestionable that intermediate races of men exist and are propagated, and that no impediment whatever exists to the perpetuation of mankind when the most dissimilar varieties are blended together.

  9. The connection between an Icosahedron and a Dodecahedron is something very peculiar and interesting, though the figures seem to be so very dissimilar to each other.

  10. Let us now note what is least dissimilar in these heads-- namely, the two most important organs, the eye and the ear.

  11. The manners of the people do not seem to me very dissimilar from those of the French, but others think they most resemble the Dutch.

  12. The bonnets worn by the inhabitants of parts of Savoy and Vaud, are not very dissimilar in shape from some I have seen in Wales; they are of straw, and are commonly ornamented with black ribbon.

  13. You speak of vice; and it is possible that, after all, reason and reflection produce a result not dissimilar from what we call by that name.

  14. Each human life is a substance compacted of widely dissimilar elements, though, viewed from a certain height, the general effect is the same.

  15. This is one of the instances before alluded to, in which closely allied forms give rise to very dissimilar ones, or, as in many cases, the very reverse of this takes place, and closely allied forms arise from very dissimilar ones.

  16. Pores of the thorax and of the abdomen of different sizes or dissimilar forms.

  17. More rarely the pores are perfectly irregular, roundish or sometimes polygonal, of unequal sizes and dissimilar forms (fig.

  18. Pores of the thorax and the abdomen of different sizes or dissimilar forms.

  19. Since the lines of cleavage are so widely dissimilar in the two cases, both methods of study are necessary to a complete understanding of a picture.

  20. One could hardly imagine two more dissimilar spirits than Luini and Botticelli.

  21. Perhaps the most important point, however, was the determination of the conditions which constituted such dissimilar circumstances and conditions as entitled the carrier to charge less for the longer than for the shorter haul.

  22. Viewed by itself alone, the carload question is not dissimilar to that presented in the southern states.

  23. Poems like the Iliad or the Psalms, springing in the most dissimilar quarters, have commanded the admiration of men, through all the changes of some 3,000 years.

  24. This nervous illness is not dissimilar to that which Rousseau describes in the confessions of his youth.

  25. These things might be shown to be essentially dissimilar in every respect, but this short statement is deemed sufficient to show the futility of the comparison.

  26. The manner of sowing the seeds varies in different establishments, satisfactory results having been obtained under very dissimilar conditions.

  27. There seems to be no certain limit to the possibility of crossing; even the most dissimilar genera may be crossed with some probability of getting a successful result.

  28. The two basal blooms are dissimilar or dimorphic both in shape and colour, being tawny yellow spotted with purple.

  29. Wide crosses between species of dissimilar nature, and which have up to the production of the growth point or root appeared to be doing well, having shown that they did not belong to the unfertile, suddenly collapse.

  30. In the first place, I emphasize the fact that the structureless plasm-body of the simple monera has no sort of organization and no composition from dissimilar parts co-operating for definite vital aims.

  31. It is not in vain that for more than a hundred years gifted scientists, from Goethe and Cuvier to Huxley and Gegenbaur, have devoted years of laborious research to the methodical comparison of these similar yet dissimilar forms.

  32. A puzzled look crept into his fine dark eyes and a cynical smile hovered round his mouth as he viewed these three dissimilar men from the height of his own contemptuous indifference towards any and every woman.

  33. In a dissimilar manner; in a varied style.

  34. Dimorphism is the condition of the appearance of the same species under two dissimilar forms.

  35. These diversities are occasioned by dissimilar early habits, and by the different relative value assigned, by each, to the various modes of enjoyment, for which money is expended.

  36. In this case a series of generations originally alike are made dissimilar by external influences.

  37. If the components are dissimilar the resultant would also be different, and thus, from a theoretical point of view, there seems to me no obstacle in the way of the production of such local forms by the process of ‘amixia.

  38. All dissimilarities of organisms must depend upon the individuals having been affected by dissimilar external influences during the course of the development of organic nature.

  39. Metagenesis takes its origin from a phyletic series of dissimilar forms, whilst heterogenesis originates from a phyletic series of similar forms--this series, so far as we can at present judge, always consisting of similar sexual generations.

  40. In accordance with the idea first introduced into science by Rudolph Leuckart, we have hitherto understood heterogenesis to be only the alternation of dissimilar sexual generations.

  41. A family which comprised three such dissimilar pupæ would also be capable of including that of Acræa Thalia (Fig.

  42. Before I go more closely into this subject, however, it is necessary to come to an understanding as to the conception “climatic variation,” for this term is often very arbitrarily applied to quite dissimilar phenomena.

  43. If we see two species of butterflies quite dissimilar in form of wing and other characters, we should be inclined, in spite of many points of agreement between them, to place them in entirely different genera.

  44. The Colonel, who remembered a not very dissimilar occurrence in India, was of the opinion that if Parkins had closed with it it could really have done very little, and that its one power was that of frightening.

  45. Not dissimilar was the position of Anderson and Jensen after the protracted examination to which they submitted the document in the copper box.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dissimilar" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    assorted; contrary; counter; deviating; different; differing; disagreeing; discordant; discrepant; discrete; disparate; disproportionate; dissimilar; dissonant; distant; distinct; distinguished; divergent; divers; diverse; diversified; heterogeneous; incommensurable; incomparable; incompatible; incongruous; inconsistent; inharmonious; irreconcilable; many; motley; multifarious; odd; off; opposite; other; otherwise; out; separate; separated; several; unequal; unlike; unmatched; unrelated; variant; varied; variegated; various; varying