Not that if these aptitudes and qualities when manifested, should point in an evil direction, they should therefore be indulged.
The task therefore of delineating the character and genius of Mr. Wirt, could not have been confided to abler hands.
Let no one therefore presume to disparage this humble effort to redeem our country's escutcheon from the reproach which has been cast upon it.
Those who took part in our revolutionary struggle were too much enlightened not to foresee these consequences, and therefore deserve immortal credit for their disinterested opposition to Great Britain.
Without therefore intending any thing invidious, or without cherishing any unkind or unmanly sentiment towards our political confederates, we ought forthwith to buckle on our armour, and assert our mental independence.
No; and is it not therefore strange that I should have enemies among them!
He is not my son, but yours; therefore I follow you.
He who believes not in miracles is therefore an ass.
Amram therefore continued: "The tombs of the Pharaohs have also grown out of the earth on which they rest.
Therefore he gave no answer, but chafed internally.
Therefore he threw himself on the first seat which he saw, and drew a deep breath.
The topic therefore was an unwelcome one, and, with his extraordinary facility for quick changes of thought and feeling, Peter broke the silence with the prosaic question, "Where is the brandy?
Therefore he protested against the election, shouting and swearing by all the gods.
Therefore I support the gods of the State--and what belongs to them.
Therefore death is to me only a renewal, a change, and whenever I meet a funeral, I always say to myself, 'O how pleasant it is to live!
Therefore he who wishes to learn the hidden secrets of earth must learn them from the sky.
Therefore what Protagoras says is mere babble, and deserves no answer.
Since I am neither, it was not serious; therefore it was in jest.
Therefore he thinks to hang on to the Pope and play the hypocrite before him.
A stranger and a sojourner is he upon earth, and therefore he should be always ready for his journey as we are, this holy evening.
My town is to command the mouth of the river, and to be the Key to the sea, therefore it must be there.
That was because they often carry the germs in the intestinal tract a long time after recovery and therefore may become a source of infection.
He willed not to remember certain things, therefore in time will knocked memory out, or at least put it into Chancery where it could no longer hurt him until he released it, or it proved strong enough to release itself.
She, the latest comer, had seen and done and heard all or any of these dear and desirable things later than any of the homesick exiles in Salisbury; therefore was she most dear and desirable beyond all things that be.
I therefore recommend that the Congress appoint a small joint committee to consider offers, conduct negotiations, and report definite recommendations.
As I do not think any change in the special taxes, or tiny permanent reduction is practical, I therefore urge both parties of the House Ways and Means Committee to agree on a bill granting the temporary relief which I have indicated.
He is dependent on himself for support and therefore entitled to the rewards of his own industry.
The cooperative movement, which is gradually building the needed organization, is in harmony with public interest andtherefore merits public encouragement.
I therefore suggest that this measure, which will be of great benefit to the efficient and economical administration of the business of the Government, be brought forward and passed.
There is no location in the White House for placing so large and heavy a structure, and I therefore urge the Congress to provide by law for some locality where it can be set up.
This form, and variants on it, were common from the mid-17th century and on through the 18th, and they are therefore impossible to date on stylistic grounds alone.
Fragments of small panes and lead window cames found in the excavations suggest that the windows were leaded and therefore of casement type.
It is therefore reasonably well established that the Porteus property lay between those creeks, which would place it north of the modern community of Clay Bank and south of Jones' Creek.
Strainer fragment, brass or bronze; the edge flat and therefore not part of a colander, probably originally attached to an iron handle.
The difference is simply that the kitchen vessels have rarely attracted the attention of collectors and therefore are poorly represented in English museums.
It is therefore quite possible that another chimney was dismantled with sufficient completeness to elude discovery by either of the exploratory methods used.
The brickwork was not bonded to, or abutting against, any wall foundation and it was therefore presumed that the building to which it belonged had stood on piers.
It was common practice for plantation owners to use the same shipping marks that they used for their wine-bottle seals, and therefore it may be assumed that Jones also owned bottles bearing the initials "F I.
It might therefore be deduced that the excavated structure had been a kitchen building or, perhaps, an overseer's house rather than the home of the owner of the glass stem.
Glazing also occurs on the fractures, identifying this piece as a waster and thereforeof considerable importance.
Priming with a mixture of chalk and size is sometimes used for a first coat, but not by the best japanners, as the work is liable to chip off; no material should therefore be japanned which cannot be made smooth.
I therefore hasten to note two or three of the most imposing specimens.
The student must not therefore feel discouraged if at first his hand may scarcely answer to the call made upon it.
I therefore proceed to trace the names and styles of some few of the most celebrated among their illuminators; premising by a reminder to the student of the miserably low pitch to which art had been reduced in Italy during the 12th century.
It is not a matter on which I, for one, care to dogmatize; I will therefore content myself with saying, that between two and ten we might find the happy medium.
Party arguments are rather superfluous after the contest, and therefore have to be avoided.
Therefore before I come to England I think, "We Italians see the colour blue, but not can say it, and these english have the word, but see never the colour.
It may therefore be accepted as a fairly accurate and authoritative presentation of the geological conditions existent at the Canyon, with their explanations, as accepted by the leading scientists of to-day.
He it was who interested Eastern capitalists in the Anita Mine, and was therefore indirectly responsible for the building of the Grand Canyon Railway.
The higher the peaks ascended, the more the accompanying land was lifted up, and therefore the longer and deeper became the rivers.
Therefore it will be much easier to go back than to try to reach the north shore, which seems to be and is so much the nearer.
It was reasonable therefore to infer, said these discoverers, that the builders and inhabitants of the cliff-dwellings were an exceedingly small people, dwarfs, as in no other way could the rooms be occupied.
We are learning to love it, therefore it shows its heart to us.
You should therefore encourage correspondence for the same reason that the prefect of police takes special care that the street lamps of Paris are kept lighted.
Therefore you must not prolong this visit; he might take it amiss.
It is therefore permitted for the gentlemen of the Jardin des Plantes to classify them with the bimana; but our Physiology will never admit that women are to be found among them.
I know well the tie that binds you to another, and therefore have nothing to fear.
You have therefore seen only the masculine side of the book.
He therefore presents here without order or connection the rough outlines which he has so far been able to execute, in the hope that later he may have leisure to co-ordinate them and to arrange them in a complete system.
They therefore keep quiet; they watch, and wait, with incredible vigilance, for the moment when bride and groom begin to weary of the seventh heaven.
It istherefore in his wife, and not in himself, that a husband can find the instruments of his despotism; as diamond cuts diamond so must the woman be made to tyrannize over herself.
You therefore give no longer that attention to the least action of your wife, which was impelled by your first outburst of passion.
Do not therefore allow yourself to be led astray by the specious good nature of such an institution as that of twin beds.
I therefore trust that after you have perused the pages which follow, if not already an admirer of Choffard, you will have become one.
Chéreau published them, thereforethey appear under his name.
The engraver resented his own art lacking an historian, and therefore became its champion.
Evidently the second volume of the book (if not both parts) did not appear until 1790, considering the head-piece thus dated is printed in the text and would therefore not have been added after the volume’s issue.
The rule for a new trial to enter the verdict for the defendants was therefore absolute.
The finance accounts for 1862 give, as usual, a rather serious list of Pensions charged upon the Consolidated Fund, and therefore not otherwise stated than in these accounts.
It moves in higher and more circumscribed circles, is only a legal tender when of legal weight, and is therefore nursed with more care under the porte-monnaie system.
In the seventeenth century, as theology became more reasonable it became less confident, and therefore more merciful.
But the return is described as being made only “so far as relates to the Home Secretary’s office,” and therefore does not appear to include fees at the Heralds’ College.
The question of the available supply is therefore one depending on the rapidity of production and the limit of depth.
Therefore since 1917 I have been assembling at Baldwin material which I hoped would aid in this.
The Department of Agriculture has therefore found itself in the position of seeking answers to numerous questions which have been made in connection with these developing industries.
It is therefore up to us to reproduce those forests which we once had and, as all things come back to the state, then the state should reforest.
The committee therefore thought it better to incorporate under this provision of the law than under that of some other state.
The secretary therefore took it upon himself to pay these obligations with funds of the association put aside for other purposes.
We therefore concluded that there could be no objection to incorporating under such laws.
Let your heart therefore be perfect with the LORD our God, to walk in his statutes, and to keep his commandments, as at this day.
But I see clearly that to die and be released was better for me; and therefore the oracle gave no sign.
The painter was therefore set to work, and as he wrought with assiduity and expedition, in less than four days the whole was completed.
There is in human nature generally more of the fool than of the wise; and therefore those faculties by which the foolish part of men's minds is taken, are most potent.
We once again therefore entered into a consultation upon obviating the malice of our enemies, and at last came to a resolution which had too much cunning to give me entire satisfaction.
The occupation of this post was not therefore deemed necessary as a precautionary measure before the war; nor was it until some time afterwards that Sir George Prevost was enabled to put it in a state of defence.
Therefore you speak unskilfully; or if your knowledge be more, it is much darkened in your malice.
Sir George Prevost thereforedid not hesitate to adopt a system which the true interest of the Province seemed so imperiously to require.
If therefore our squadron could not have been recovered, or that of the enemy annoyed or injured by the capture of their works on shore, it may be asked, what advantages could have resulted from persevering in the attack?
No reinforcementstherefore were sent; but every thing was kept in readiness for that purpose, and the troops waited with the greatest coolness in their different posts, for the approach of the enemy.
Coteau du Lac, was not therefore occupied as a post, either before the war or for several months afterwards, but its real importance was neither overlooked nor disregarded, as the Reviewer has stated.
The Court doth therefore adjudge him, the said Major-General Procter, to be publicly reprimanded, and to be suspended from Rank and Pay, for the period of Six Calendar Months.
She thereforegratified herself by thus obliging two worthy families, and convincing them that the kindness of their mother to her in infancy was not forgotten.
For I have no pleasure in the death of him who dies, says the Lord Yahweh: thereforeturn yourselves, and live.
Therefore will I also deal in wrath; my eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity; and though they cry in my ears with a loud voice, yet will I not hear them.
Therefore thus says the Lord Yahweh: As the vine tree among the trees of the forest, which I have given to the fire for fuel, so will I give the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
By the abundance of your traffic they filled the midst of you with violence, and you have sinned: therefore I have cast you as profane out of the mountain of God; and I have destroyed you, covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire.
Therefore thus says the Lord Yahweh: Because you have forgotten me, and cast me behind your back, therefore bear you also your lewdness and your prostitution.
Therefore say, Thus says the Lord Yahweh: I will gather you from the peoples, and assemble you out of the countries where you have been scattered, and I will give you the land of Israel.
Therefore its stature was exalted above all the trees of the field; and its boughs were multiplied, and its branches became long by reason of many waters, when it shot [them] forth.
That's what you are, and therefore it is unnecessary to tell you to keep QUIET.
These Western and Southwestern States are therefore not unadvisedly deemed "safe," and hence they are very largely patronized.
They realize that Western rule furthers more than anything else the Westernization of their social system, their traditional manner of life, and they therefore tend to react fanatically against it.
Indian nationalism has followed a course differing distinctly from that of Islam, and will therefore be considered in the following chapter.
Most of these "Western-type" officials knew almost nothing about the West, and were therefore incapable of doing things in Western fashion.
The only lesson required in India at present is to learn how to die, and the only way to teach it is to die ourselves; therefore I die and glory in my martyrdom.
From all this Professor Lybyer concludes: "The Turkish Parliament may therefore be regarded, not as a complete innovation, but as an enlargement and improvement of familiar institutions.
While Reason exists apart from instinct--apart therefore from the emotional impulse which gives it the personal motive-power to become purpose.
It may be considered therefore that Type, or Species, evolves to higher inherences by way of progressive divergences of Sex-characteristics.
A woman who wins golf or hockey-matches may be said therefore to energise her muscles with the potential manhood of possible sons.
I, more than any one, have to thank them for this, therefore I shall not fail to show my thanks to Messrs.
Please therefore to make my excuses to the Secretary of the Philharmonic Society, and to thank him for his kind intentions towards me.
It istherefore not the frock, but the cassock that I have donned.
His letters flow from his heart--and are therefore always welcome to me.
I write therefore simply to write--without any other pretensions or care--and for this it suits me best to remain in one place.
You will do welltherefore to reproduce them often.
I am therefore surprised that you should have proposed the latter Psalm and not the 22nd for Herr Erl, and I fear the effect of it will not be good sung by a tenor.
Nevertheless I could not suit myself to the role of a coward; I will therefore endeavor to surmount my fear and to make myself worthy to share with my brave compatriots in the joy they have prepared for me.
I hasten therefore to assure you of the sincere esteem in which I hold his remarkable talent as a violinist and his capability as an orchestral conductor.
Pray excuse me therefore for not having thanked you sooner for your kind remembrance, which touches me much.
Will you therefore defer what you are so kindly intending to send me until my return to Rome (end of October)?
It may therefore be profitable if we turn to Christ's own manner of working, and His own emotions in His merciful deeds, set forth in this remarkable narrative, as containing lessons for us in our missionary and evangelistic work.
Because the reed is bruised, therefore the rude man says he may break it.
The tenor of our ordinary life determines how we shall pass through exceptional and crucial occasions, therefore let us bring that up to the highest level by doing everything as unto God, and then we shall be ready for any emergency.
Therefore let us all, and especially the young, take to ourselves, as the first lesson from this deeply interesting history, that we should be careful not to hamper ourselves for the discharge of duty in the future by guilt of the present.
It at once supplies a standard by which to measure the greatness of man's godlessness, and therefore of his gloom, and a motive for laying the pain of these upon our hearts, as if they were our own.
Therefore so often do we read the very syllables with which His "voice then shook the earth," vibrating through all the framework of the material universe.
He therefore marched into those parts with a large force, reducing the cities, laying waste the country, and cruelly putting to death thousands of its inhabitants.
We require you therefore to give your answer one way or another; whether you are willing as the Lords are, to have the most excellent prince the Lord Protector to be your King, or not?
He therefore put off for a time further prosecuting his suit, and "deferred his courtship until he was better settled on the throne.
Therefore our steps lead us back to that hallowed spot, where they, in common with us all, found their last and final home of eternal rest, there to seek for such memorials of them as may yet remain.
It was therefore a great satisfaction to her when Fred declared that he never should have known how to set about it.
She therefore made use of the first opportunity that presented itself to take down a novel of George Sand, which she had heard spoken of as a very dangerous book, not doubting it would throw some light on the subject that absorbed her.
He had no knowledge of art himself, and had therefore given her credit for great artistic capacity.
Adone was silent; convinced against his will, and therefore convinced without effect or adhesion.
To Don Silverio he always seemed a boy still, and therefore excusable in all his violence and extravagances.