You are preaching a doctrine that would have sent a man to the stake a few centuries ago.
I give each king's reign one foot of space to the year and drive one stake in the ground to mark the beginning of each reign, and I make the children call the stake by the king's name.
That was Fuller's regal way; his return lay in the joy of the game, and in the winning of the larger stake for a friend.
Tell him your story and I'll stake my life on it that he will find a daughter and you a father.
Let's tie him to a stake and riddle him with bullets.
But I found that about the time you were married a leaf was torn out--and I'll stake my life that it was the record of your marriage.
A stake is presided over by a presidency comprised of a president and two counselors, all of whom must be high priests.
In each stake is a high council, composed of twelve high priests.
In each stake there is a standing high council, limited in its jurisdiction to the affairs of that particular stake where it is located.
Four times a year at the quarterly conferences held in all the stakes of Zion both the general and stake officers of the church are presented to the people for their vote of confidence and support.
A stake of Zion is a division of the church territorially that embraces several villages or towns or ecclesiastical wards.
In the absence of his counselors the president of the stakehas power to preside over the council without an assistant; and in case that he himself is absent, his counselors have power to preside in his stead, both or either of them.
The presidency of the stake is also president of the high council, which constitutes the highest judicial tribunal in the stake.
A stake of Zion is a division of the church comprised of several ecclesiastical wards; and is presided over by a presidency consisting of three high priests.
Moreover, he loved the deepest stake And the heaviest bets the players would make, And he drank--the reverse of sparely!
This I did, and an excellent 'stake and bound' appeared in the Punch of the following Wednesday.
A short stake with a line attached to the outside edge ran to the bough house, a stick about three feet long was placed under a catch called the hub, and the other end of this stick was placed against another peg driven in the ground.
On the front side we used two spring stakes fastened in the ground at the ends of the ropes, which were tied to the stake about five feet from the ground.
Late that evening I had gone down on the creek and caught my saddle horse--a better one could not be found--and tied him with a long picket rope to a stake pin near my wagon.
He was running and lunging on his rope so violently that in one more run he would have pulled up the stake pin and gone to the land of stampeded horses.
I had a comfortable stake for a young fellow, and spent the winter in Leavenworth and Kansas City, mingling with the hardy frontiersmen and listening delightedly to their incomparable tales of adventure.
Thou piercest him with a stake burnt at the end, while triumphing in the success of an uninterrupted slaughter, in the spot where the neck is united to the shoulder.
Rhœtus groans aloud, and with difficulty wrenches the stakeout of the hard bone, and, drenched in his own blood, he flies.
This was a slight stake or pole, a little above a man's height, planted among a few bricks, and made inflammable by a thatching or coating of cholum straw bound round it.
It seemed to be a matter of special import to the audience that the stake should be completely consumed.
The deity worshipped by the Malasars of the plains is Mariayi (Mariamma), at whose festival a stake is fixed in the ground, and eventually shaken by the Malasars, and removed by Paraiyans.
He says he must stake them down,” replied Elfreda, “because the team will run away the instant his back is turned.
Before rising she fingered the stakeand the short piece of rope still attached to it.
Then after listening a moment she said, "Before seven years are passed the English will lose a greater stake than they have lost at Orléans: they will lose everything in France.
Eight hundred soldiers surrounded thestake for fear that someone might attempt to save her.
There was a stake and faggots all ready for the burning, and they said that she would be burned to death unless she signed a paper saying that she would wear woman's dress and would submit to the judges.
A tract of land described as follows: Commencing at a stake marked "I.
A tract of land described as follows: Beginning at a mound andstake run due north 20 chains thence due west 40 chains set post thence due S.
Such facts as these bring home concretely to the average workingman hisstake in good government.
But I hold that the community has something at stake here.
But the immigrant who wants to make hisstake here, bring his family over, create a household, must pay ten or fifteen dollars a month for rooms; and must pay high prices for all the other necessities of life.
According to one account of impalement which I have seen, the stake is driven through the flesh of the back beneath the skin.
Methought the game within her bosom was for a more serious stake than that upon the table, and better worth the observer's notice.
A father takes his son, and points out the "stake and stones" which mark the boundary between him and his neighbor.
She bashfully drew a little purse from her bosom, and put her stake down with the rest.
But I've got too much at stake right now in getting to land to have any silly ice mountain turn over on me.
You always remind me of Mercury in "Prometheus Vinctus," who was constantly abusing the poor martyr for howling, when his only grievance was a stake of adamant through his breast!
Would you have me slow when you and your name and my honour are all at stake on one quick throw?
I believe in you so truly that I would stake my word, and my honour, and my Christian oath upon your faith, and promise for you before God or man that you will always love me as you do to-day.
There was no limit to their ambition, and no scruple would stand between them and any crime, and the stake was high and worth many risks.
Without a stake in the existing order, they are vulnerable to manipulation by those who advocate a perverse political vision based on violence and destruction.
In place of alienation, democracy offers an ownership stake in society, a chance to shape one's own future.
First evening I camped out at a water-hole and staked out Prince with a long heavy rope and strong iron stake pin.
Some wolves came in to water, and I was lying on my bed looking at them when the horses suddenly stampeded, the strong stake rope and pin not even checking Prince.
Each stakeis numbered from ten, beginning on the left hand side, to one hundred, which is the apex of the setting.
A stake is driven into the ground for a flagstaff.
Well, we've got to win the stake first," he added with a laugh.
If he held out for four months more, the first great stage in their life --journey would be passed, the stake won.
The stake is a big one, Jim--bigger than you think.
At first the thought of the great stake for which she was playing in terms of currency, with the head of Jim's father on every note, was much with her.
He had too much at stake not to have his telescope upon them.
The gallant nature of the contest and the great stake braced her; she felt the blood quicken in her pulse.
THE STAKE AND THE PLUMB-LINE She went against all good judgment in marrying him; she cut herself off from her own people, from the life in which she had been an alluring and beautiful figure.