Meanwhile, they would stay in some dark spot, and follow the rays, hoping to catch sight of the fugitives as they darted from side to side in the endeavor to escape them.
A large crowd was waiting outside, hoping to catch sight of the first captives of the war.
I catch sight of the Brat, who is passing at the moment.
As my eyes stray helplessly round in a vain search for advice or help from the infinite unfeeling apathy of Nature, I catch sight of the distant chimneys of the abbey!
To do this, we must keep a watch from daybreak till dusk upon the top of the hill, and try to catch sight of a vessel coming from the west, because that is the direction from which we may expect them.
Eager to catch sight of the first important place at which they were to rest awhile, my people next morning were up betimes.
Sam and Tom strained their eyes to catch sight of the enclosed touring car, which, they had learned, was painted a dark blue.
As they rode up Tom chanced to glance towards a side window and was surprised to catch sight of a man looking curiously at them.
Each of the boys strained his eyes, tocatch sight of what might be below.
Glancing swiftly around, and failing to catch sight of Hanns Schlott, Tyler led the way into the clearing, and then, stealing along through the mist, he directed the prisoners amongst the huts so as to keep them out of sight.
What I have got to take care about is that he doesn't catch sight of either Miss King or Simpkins.
It must have been a shock to her to catch sight of him like that.
Suppose I catch sight of one of the animals you name, or a dog Indian--what shall I do?
If you happen to catch sight of any game, try to not let it see you till you git a fair shot at it; and there ain't much good in wounding a critter in these parts, fur it's sure to git away from you.
After a couple of hours' travelling we were lucky enough to catch sight of a portion of the herd of eland, when we dismounted and stalked them carefully through the long grass.
But suppose a passage peregrine, after stretching her wings for five minutes at a height of a thousand feet, to catch sight of a wood-pigeon crossing the open down.
Then we catch sight of the great majesty of Etna, the third volcano we have seen in two days, and we stand lost in admiration of his pure beauty.
The line passes through dreary flat country, and at last we catch sight of open water and funnels and feel as if we must be right down at the Thames' mouth, but we are very far from that yet.
We come back again to the hotel and pass through to the other or front entrance, where we catch sight of the majestic Nile, which we could not see in the darkness of our arrival last night.
Occasionally we catch sight of what looks like a rookery in the trees seen against the sky; however, the dark bunches are not nests at all, but lumps of mistletoe growing freely.
At this I did fervently pray for mercy--if it were only tocatch sight again of the mouth by which we had entered--that we might get back once more into the light of day.
And, Benet," says she, "are we not more likely to catch sight of a faint light in the distance if we have no fire here to dazzle our eyes?
As we wind about the hills we catch sightof tiny hamlets perched on airy crests, recalling the castellated villages of the African Kabylia.
We have to crane our necks in order to catch sight of these truly aerial fields and gardens, all artificially created, all yet again illustrations of the axiom: 'The magic of property turns sands to gold.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "catch sight" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.