Chief of the Police of Baghdad, in place of the former Prefect, whom he had put to death with the rest of Noureddin's oppressors.
He would come back occasionally utterly fatigued; and be obliged to go to bed, questioning himself sadly as to where all his former strength of body had gone to.
The former was long in shaking off the effects of this illness.
She accordingly wrote again, to repair her former omission, and apologise for it.
I think such is the case in the formerhalf of the present volume.
There is a goodness, a philanthropic purpose, a social use in the latter to which the former cannot for an instant pretend; nor can it claim precedence on the ground of surpassing power I think it much quieter than 'Jane Eyre.
On Christmas-day she and her husband walked to the poor old woman (whose calf she had been set to seek in former and less happy days), carrying with them a great spice-cake to make glad her heart.
Masterly heartily, holding out his hand to his former employer.
The next two weeks were spent in making some changes to the motor ship, providing duplicate gas valves and taking all the precautions to prevent a recurrence of the former troubles.
These were mostly vacant, the former occupants having secured their freedom by taking refuge within our lines.
He possessed so many good qualities that it would have been a thousand pities if he had kept on in his former course.
The spandrels are filled with wonderfully carved foliage, unusually naturalistic, and preserving still the traces of colour and gilding to remind one of itsformer glories.
The outer casing belonged to a formerorgan built by Father Schmidt in 1680.
Bishop King's window in the cathedral gives one a vague reminder of its former aspect; and only the bells, which were transferred to Christ Church, remain intact.
Duppa's work was mostly destroyed, his windows being rebuilt according to their former Perpendicular and Decorated designs, with the one interesting exception already mentioned.
My indebtedness, therefore, is not only to former labourers in this field, but especially to the author of these discoveries, Mr J.
As theformer has been compared to Homer, and the latter to Virgil, in Shakspeare we shall perhaps find the best likeness to the genius of Mr. West.
The former is often expedient, the second sometimes necessary, the last is always wise.
Catholic Prisoners' Library, which has been already established by the zeal of formerchaplains and by the generosity of subscribers.
Now he had seen with his own eyes the benign attitude of his former enemy.
We knew they would soon break ranks and go some place, we knew not where, to replenish their water-bottles.
The former have no enclosures, the latter is in small ones, of dry stone wall.
Dear Sir, In one of your former letters, you expressed a wish to have one of the newly invented lamps.
Dear Doctor, Your last letter of December the 23rd was unlucky, like the former one, in arriving while I was absent on a call of public business in Holland.
I should suppose the formerfund sufficient for all probable events, aided by the land office.
I mentioned to you, in a former letter, the application I had made to the Dutch ambassadors and Prussian envoy, for the protection of Mr. Dumas.
Turpentine, tar, and pitch were not decided on, on the former occasion.
There are several new matters introduced into the draught: some of these are agreed to; others cannot be admitted, as being contrary to the same principles which had obliged me to disagree to some of the former articles.
A schism took place between them and the Democrats, and the former have for some time been dropping off from the latter into the scale of the Stadtholder.
But I suppose the former incapable of forgiving him, or of ever reposing confidence in him.
The former still kept his bed, and the latter his room, when the packet sailed, which was the 24th of April.
The full powers may be sufficiently guarded, by private instructions to me, not to go beyond the former scheme.
For winter blooming sow the former in March or April, grow on in a cool place and keep pinched back to make bushy plants.
It differs from the former in having very broad, blunt leaves, shaped like the head of a fiddle, which are marked by the whitish veins.
It should be applied from one to three times a week--the former being sufficient for a plant showing ordinary growth.
The former is of dwarf, sturdy habit, with broadly divided, dark green leaves borne up well on stiff stems.
Half-inch boards made a bottom and roof, the former being supported by brackets to give strength, and the latter put on with two slanting side pieces nailed to the top of the upright narrow sash spoken of, to give the roof a pitch.
It certainly is to be hoped that the new strain, mentioned on a former page, will successfully be developed.
If wanted for the former purpose, keep the sprays pinched back at twelve inches, and the roots rather restricted.
Within a comparatively few years the carnation, as indeed a number of other flowers, has been developed to nearly twice its former size, and the number of beautiful shades obtainable has also increased many times.
The former should be placed edge down, one in a two-inch pot and pressed in level with the surface.
Hold the plant or cutting in position with the left hand and press the soil in about it with the right hand--firming it as directed in the former case.
In the former there is something to be made up--some protest of worth and ability and intelligence that helps many a home to become beautiful.
Five hundred and twenty citations of the former and seventy-seven of the latter have been collected for the twelfth century.
So far as popular definitions of Stoic and Epicurean are concerned, he is much more the former than the latter.
A plea of former jeopardy must be upon a prosecution for the same identical offense.
It does not preclude the admission of dying declarations,[74] nor of the stenographic report of testimony given at a former trial by a witness since deceased.
Minnesota,[522] the Court reversed its former ruling in Blackstone v.
An accused who is instrumental in concealing a witness cannot complain of the admission of evidence to prove what that witness testified at a former trial on a different indictment.
Not only may a man be a citizen of the United States without being a citizen of a State, but an important element is necessary to convert the former into the latter.
The wings and tail are black, the former barred with white; all the rest of the plumage in the male is pure white; in the female the upper parts are grey.
It nests among coarse grass and herbage, making an unpretending structure of the former material, which is lined with fibres.
Unfortunately the old name militaris fits the Pampas, and not the Patagonian, Starling best; but of this I shall speak when I describe the former species.
But even when the war is open and declared, as between a raptorial species and its victims, the former is manifestly driven by necessity.
At the former place it was noticed feeding on the fruit of a giant cactus.
The Truth is, we are commonly past a hundred Lines, the length of these Pieces, before the Mind and Attention is entirely fix'd, and has lost all its former and external Thoughts.
The former two would have run most upon beautiful Images, and the latter two upon Agreeable Thoughts.
The second Sort is, where the Temper of Mind is the same in the former and latter Part of the Play; but all along forced from it's Natural Bent.
In the former Pieces nothing is to be observed but the Story itself, in the latter a thousand Beauties are to be adjoyn'd and as many Rules observ'd.
More are delighted with the former than with the latter kind, which affoard's a calm Pleasure, that does not strike so sensibly, but proceeds much from the Imagination.
The first, and finest is, where the Natural Temper of the Hero's Mind is drawn in the former Part of the Poem, but after the Peripatie alter's.
Among other Reasons, because the former had so many Particles; and could render their Language uncommon, by their different Dialects, and by their various Methods of changing, and of compounding Words.
The former have Passion and Heat to support 'em, the latter are entirely Simple.
Tis certain that Milton and Homer, (thro' the Scene of the Former lying about the Sphere of Men) are as different as East from West, yet both excellent.
As Biff and his father stepped to one side, Mr. Brewster quietly explained that the former Chonsi Lama had died a few years after his visit to Leh, some twenty years before.
Months ago, Biff's father had gone to India to open long-neglected gold mines in some of the former princely states that had been absorbed by the Indian Republic.
Miss Roscoe's present kindly tone hurt more than her former severity.
The former resented being ordered about by a sister of only twenty, and would prove rebellious on occasion.
It was so utterly different from their formerattitude towards her that Gwen almost believed she was dreaming.
This afternoon's success would wipe away the former reproach of the school, and lift it to a point of importance in the tennis league.
The interval was only ten minutes, and she wished both to break the news to her old classmates and to fetch some necessary books from her former desk before the bell rang.
Meanwhile, little by little, Brown gathered one colored and six white confederates from among his former followers in Kansas, and assembled them for drill and training in Iowa; four others joined him there.
A second ballot was begun at last, and, obeying a force as sure as the law of gravitation, the former complimentary votes came rushing to Lincoln.
If the Democracy adhered to their former principles, his friends would be at liberty to present his name.
Former possibility was suddenly changed to strong probability of success in the coming Presidential election.
This was a third party, made up mainly of former Whigs whose long-cherished party antagonisms kept them aloof from the Democrats in the South and the Republicans in the North.
His letters of November 28 and December 1, though perhaps not as full and urgent, are substantial repetitions of his former recommendations.
The last section repeals a former provision limiting the President's action to cases of insurrection of which United States judges shall have given him notice, and thereby remits him to any and all of his official sources of information.
Times now are not as they were when the former decisions on this subject were made.
While the benefits he had conferred were lightly estimated or totally forgotten, former injuries inflicted in his name were keenly remembered and resented.
Now the place was leased by a former slave, and but little work was accomplished under the present management.
Roseville and Tottenville are on the Staten Island shores of Arthur Kill, the former six miles, the latter ten miles from Elizabethport.
In the foreground, where a solitary Indian stood motionless, waiting, there was being repeated the same puerile pantomime and horse-play of a former occasion.
The woman turned swiftly and, in action almost unbelievable after her former unemotional certainty, dropped her head to his shoulder.
Manning had gone; and on the horizon to the east whither he had taken his way not even a dot now indicated his former presence.
With an effort she resumed her former place; but even yet she did not glance at him.
Adding thereto, recollection of that former scene, temporarily banished, returned now irresistibly, cumulatively.
Unconsciously a trace of the former stiffness returned to his manner as he arose heavily.
Obviously the visitor and his aunt were not finding conversation easy, and the former appeared distinctly bored.
For five minutes thereafter the two men sat so in silence; then, at last, despite his muddled brain, the former realised that the big Irishman was observing him with a concentration that was significant.
She might do the latter," said Frank, "but I don't believe the United States would accept the former explanation.
Flossie gazed after the retreating form of her former chum.
He was Phil Hummer, the press agent of the Globe Theater, a former newspaper man who, as he often expressed it, "quit writing for the papers because he found he could make more money as a press agent.
Arrived at Valenciennes, a good sized town: here another passport was furnished, and my former one taken from me, and retained by the police until the evening I left Paris.
Noisette, which is well stocked with Camellias and stove plants; the former had numerous seed vessels perfecting on them.
In the kitchen-garden a large assortment of the hardy fruits are cultivated, especially pears and apples; the former are trained as standards along the borders, in a pyramidal form, and appeared to produce excellent crops.
There was that canny air of confidence about the former which betokens the possession of some knowledge touching the philosopher's stone not shared by mankind generally.
In about an hour I saw the red tile roofs and motley collection of ruinous old buildings that comprised the former missionary station of San Miguel.
This ranch must have been a very desirable residence in former times.
The lunges and thrusts of the former were perfectly furious.
The latter becomes opaque, while circumstances allow us to infer the former is yet in vigor; for certainly dogs do see through lenses, the milky or chalky aspect of which would justify us in pronouncing the sight quite gone.
This would be better than the former attempt--not obliging you to face about--express your approval, and the next turn near the hedge may be made with a bolder sweep.
He may be slain while on these excursions; but if he escapes he returns home and seeks the darkness and quiet of his former abode.
The slower dogs have frequently finer olfactory nerves than their fleeter rivals,--therefore the parallels on which the former work may correctly be much wider apart than the parallels of the latter.
The superiority of the former is, however, apparent on a still calm day, when the least noise will make the game steal away long before the gun gets within shot.
He next impales the member on the other side, keeping the back of the knife, as on the former occasion, as close to the bone as possible, and draws it forth in the same manner.
Continuous with the stomach are the intestines, which are equally subject to disease, and more exposed to it in an acute form than even the former viscus.