The four Keighleyites spent eleven days in one spot, living at an hotel where four Professors of the Havre Lycée daily took their meals, and for at least 2-1/2 hours each day the same persons conversed in Esperanto with each other.
I would only advise the benevolent man, never to visit any persons whom he cannot esteem.
I saw persons reading poor descriptions of sceneries from France or Italy, while they were running by steam, through the most beautiful sceneries of America--american sceneries which they had never seen before!
And why, instead of cavils, frivolous misrepresentations of persons and nations, writers do not place themselves as citizens of the world, correcting national faults, as a father would his beloved children?
Modest writers have many other difficulties to get popularity, without this great one: and even learned persons are meanly jealous of the fame of a new writer!
It has a good story clearly and rapidly developed, and the persons of the drama are ladies and gentlemen, and not the dully-vivacious ruffians and the unclean hussies of the Aphra Behn, the Etherege, and Sedley period.
The fault of this piece is not in having tailors instead of persons of consequence in a burlesque, but--that the tailors talk seriously, and like people of consequence, well brought up.
At that time, nearly one hundred persons in the Lord Lieutenant's household claimed free admission, the government allowing L100 a year, as the price for which it was purchased!
Her sister, Mary Woffington, whom many living persons remember well, failed comparatively as an actress; but she achieved better fortune as a woman than her more able and attractive sister.
The Virgin Unmasked," would be "performed gratis by Personsfor their Diversion.
Some persons set this down to affectation; but George Anne was not a lady likely to affect a swoon for the sake of complimenting a rival actress.
In this season, Barry acted Romeo twelve, Garrick only six times; but the latter introduced a new opposition to his formidable rival, in the persons of Mossop and Ross, both from Ireland.
The style is still that of the old, free, coarse-comedy, in all the other persons of the drama.
If he was the servant of two masters, some persons thought he had been sufficiently punished by being the husband of five wives.
How these persons were affected by the showing-up, I cannot say; but Foote objected to being himself shown up by Woodward.
Mr. Calhoun spoke of the great inconsistency of English denunciations of American slavery, and said that to every man, woman, and child in England, two hundred and fifty persons were tributary.
This brought on a sharp controversy, in which several persons of ability took part, and Mr. Lingard published a General Vindication of the Remarks, with Replies to the Reverend T.
Often persons who once had been most anxious to secure his attendance at their entertainments pretended to forget him.
It is inclosed by a high brick wall, and includes suitable hospitals for the accommodation of the sick, houses for the resident physician, and offices for the numerous persons employed about the grounds.
The likeness to the man has received praise from persons whose verdict is final; the intellectual likeness to the poet will be more widely appreciated, and recognized with cordial admiration.
The shallow performance in which these persons displayed their atheism was treated by the learned with contempt.
The consequence was that the three persons who could have refuted the calumny were entirely ignorant of the stigma attached to their friend.
By their directions, several persons accused of crimes have been murdered, and all the officers of the law have been set at defiance.
The village is full of "good company," for the young Princes are being educated in the palace, and many "ingenious persons entertained themselves at that place.
Persons thus involved have no confidence that their associates will keep their oaths, and put remorse and repentance out of the question by allowing no alternative between ruin and safety.
The number ofpersons killed and missing was sixty-five, and thirty-five more were severely wounded.
Very soon after, the ship broke in two in the middle, and two or three hundred persons struggling upon drift wood in the water were all that remained.
Do not detect all those persons who have been accomplices in this odious transaction.
Eight persons were instantly killed, and more than sixty were wounded, of whom about twenty subsequently died.
Some persons call them prophets; they are quite unaware that they are only the expositors of dark sayings and visions, and are not to be called prophets at all, but only interpreters of prophecy.
And I do not know that it was ever done in any other language, unless by some particular persons who, through mistake or ignorance, were guilty of it.
In all the otherPersons of the Verb, a Noun or a Pronoun is commonly expressed as its Nominative.
Dh' fhios, to the knowledge, must have been originally applied to persons only.
Theab mi I was near to, I had almost; used through all the persons of the Pret.
In those Persons of the Verb in which the terminations supply the place of the Personal Pronouns, no Nominative is expressed along with the Verb.
I have seen persons pitched completely off their seats, and more than once I have myself been fairly turned over with all the party, like a parcel of fish cast out of a basket!
A scrambling kind of boarding operation now takes place, to the last degree inconvenient to ladies and other shore-going persons not accustomed to climbing.
The document may perhaps interest persons who like to inquire into the details of a community and ménage so differently constructed from any they are likely to meet with elsewhere.
Total 125 The last odd entry of three widows' men was an official fiction (now abolished) by which the pay of so many imaginary persons was transferred to a fund for the relief of the widows of commissioned and warrant officers.
It is a great point gained in all discipline, if the persons we wish to influence can be made duly sensible that their merits and exertions are not neglected.
The lavish employment of such a material doubtless did much to give the persons of the Egyptians and their dwellings that neat and smiling aspect which so charmed foreign visitors.
He made him much taller than thepersons about him.
Look, for instance, at the attempt made by an artist in the tomb of Chamhati to show five persons walking almost in line.
They appeared everywhere; upon the walls of buildings and upon the persons of their inhabitants, upon every article which helped to furnish tombs or temples, palaces or private houses.
An arbitrary combination of a similar character is employed by the Egyptian artist when he wishes to show a number of persons behind one another on a horizontal plane; he places them vertically one above the other.
Style and technical methods were modified with time, but types, that is the attitudes and motives employed to characterise the age, the mental power, and the social condition of the different persons represented, underwent little or no change.
Civil and foreign wars, the decay of cities, and the destruction of idols by the Christians, have combined to render statues of private persons from public temples of very rare occurrence in our collections.
All my efforts to establish the identity of a stranger spirit, unknown to the persons present, have failed.
In this notable address he maintained that there were three great fountains of divine authority, the Bible, the Church, and Reason, any one of which was capable of leading persons to God.
Every year they also designate, from the seven members of the Federal Council, the two persons who shall act as President and Vice-President of the Swiss Confederation.
Three personscarried a latchkey--Miss Lewis, the butler, and Miss Owen.
All the jurymen and most of the other persons in court took out their watches to check this experiment.
His cross-examination elicited two facts: First, that he had once met Miss Owen at the same late hour before; secondly, that he had met other personsgoing in the same direction the same night at or about the same time.
That examinations by approved persons are both desirable and even necessary it is needless to insist on.
Then, in the English carriage, four persons only of the eight can get a fair view of the scenery, and two of these are riding backwards.
Eighteen pence is readily accepted for a three mile trip, and it costs no more for two persons than one.
There were three or four thousandpersons present strolling through the pleasant walks and shady alleys, or sitting at the tables near the music pavilions eating ices, drinking light wines or beer, chatting, and listening to the music.
There were two hundredpersons in the ship, and but one survived the disaster.
All persons of whom I have inquired, tell me it is from Cicero, but no one can inform me where it is to be found.
What store of information might be obtained, bypersons having leisure and inclination to pursue such an object, by the simple means of an ordinary pocket-memorandum-book!
Lamarck's two daughters do not appear to have been the kind of persons who could make effective sisters or cousins or aunts.
Darwin persistently meant "previous experience in the personsof their ancestors," he would be in an impregnable position.
The stomachs of such persons and of drunkards have little power, and a small quantity will fill them, while those of men who take plenty of exercise remain in full vigour and are even increased.
I finally did what all personsbefore me have done, clear back to Adam,--resolved to throw something.
I was an object of great interest, and even admiration; and many sincere and warm-hearted persons had themselves introduced to me, and said they were proud to know the only man who had been hurt in a French duel in forty years.
He was friendly with the principal persons of his own race, time, and class.
Her unconscious goodness brings right thoughts and resolves to several persons who come into contact with her.
The accounts of the various personswho have an after influence on the story are singularly vivid.
Mr Bliss naturally selected passages referring to well-known books or persons of note; but he was wise enough to include what a pompous editor would have omitted as trifling.
These persons sturdily refused to acknowledge the Christmas Eve and Day of the new calendar.
Kent, however, seems to have been evangelised rapidly, for it is recorded that on Christmas Day, 597, no less than ten thousand persons were baptized.
At these two tables last rehersed, the persons they may sit upon both sides of the table; but of the other three tables all are to sit upon one side.
Matthew of Westminster states that while Edward was travelling in France, he heard that a lord of Burgundy was continually committing outrages on the persons and property of his neighbours.
Moral: if fine gentlemen would take the portraits, and not the persons of fair ladies, we should not hear so much of invaded hearths and affairs of honour.
I see that only two persons can have done the deed--you or I--I'll leave you to guess which it was.
Miss Murray was one of the many good-natured persons who dislike uncomfortable facts and questions.
I sat looking at the Misses Clapperton, who looked at me very kindly, and conversed about me as much as two persons who never had a separate thought could be said to converse.
Was it not proved awhile back only two persons could have done it, you or I, and since it so chances that I am not the person, does it not follow that you are?
After several persons had been named the First Consul said, "I believe I must send Andreossi.
At the Tuileries, where the First Consul always resided during the winter and sometimes a part of the summer, the grand salon was situated between his cabinet and the Room in which he received the persons with whom he had appointed audiences.
In the discussions which preceded the decree of the Consuls few persons had the courage to express a doubt respecting the guilt of the accused.
The number of persons there never exceeded three or four, and the First Consul seldom failed to transact some business during the ceremony, which never lasted longer than twelve minutes.
It was decreed that a hundred persons should be banished; and the senate established its character for complaisance by passing a 'Senatus- consulte' conformable to the wishes of the First Consul.
We shall see," said he; "but I must except a thousand personsbelonging to high families, especially those who are or have been connected with royalty or the Court.
Many persons have urged me to found a Gallican Church, and make myself its head; but they do not know France.
A list was drawn up of the persons styled Jacobins, who were condemned to transportation.
Every time he came to the Tuileries, even before he had acquired any traces of the truth, Fouche always declared to me his conviction of the innocence of the persons first accused.
Persons more wise, who were like him in the secret, sold out their stock at the moment when the certainty of the peace became known.
They contained requests for places, protestations of fidelity, and, in short, they were those petitionary circulars that are addressed to all persons in power.