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Example sentences for "stasis"

Lexicographically close words:
starving; starwort; stash; stashed; stashun; stasthai; stat; stata; statant; state
  1. Why in all the hells of space should a stasis that has lasted for over a quarter of a million years be broken at this exact time?

  2. This stasis was to exist only until the Masters returned.

  3. Flux and stasis were indicated respectively by increase and diminution of the natural secretions; treatment was of opposites by opposites--of stasis by methods causing dilatation of the channels, and conversely.

  4. It has been shown by Wright of Boston, that the coloration is due to stasis from mechanical over-distension of the veins and capillaries; actual extravasation into the tissues is exceptional.

  5. Disease of the liver, heart, or lungs, by retarding the circulation in the portal system, causes venous stasis and catarrh in the gastro-intestinal mucous membrane.

  6. The compression of the capillaries, especially their obliteration, leads to stasis of the blood and its consequences in the whole chylopoietic system.

  7. It has been ascribed to an excess in the production of bile, to stasis in the bile, and to a sudden saturation of the hepatic cells with biliary matters contained in the portal vein.

  8. Hepatic disorders, causing engorgement and stasis of the blood in the hemorrhoidal plexus, have frequently occasioned this condition.

  9. Anything which causes stasis and accumulation of blood in the hemorrhoidal plexus of veins predisposes to this very common affection.

  10. The abdominal sympathetic may be the seat of various reflex disturbances: those of a depressing kind induce stasis in the portal system.

  11. As nutmeg liver is an incident in the course of the venous stasis from cardiac or pulmonary obstructive disease, it is not unusual to find ascites and general dropsy occur.

  12. The form in which constipation is continuous is associated with mechanical stasis from liver and heart lesions and with the gouty and uric-acid diathesis.

  13. If the drop, with horizontal holding of the ear, is dried in, an inflammatory zone surrounds the burnt spot in which the blood circulates; but there is complete stasis in the part to which the acid has been applied.

  14. The irritation produced by concentrated aromatics causes increased peristalsis and consequently may, if there is no obstruction, relieve intestinal stasis and intestinal colics.

  15. I assure you she is--" "Kindly forego the lecture on metabolic stasis and raise the damned thing, will you?

  16. Before that look on your woman's face erupts into some more of her tiresome vituperation, will you explain to her what a metabolic stasis is?

  17. Blood-stasis is followed by separation of its constituents, and its disqualification as a circulatory fluid in a degree proportionate to the duration of the stoppage, and probably also to the actual extent of the passive engorgement.

  18. Even in mild attacks this capillary blood-stasis is usually sufficient to alter the patient's countenance to such a degree as to attract attention.

  19. The increase in albuminoids is a consequence of congestion and venous stasis and does not precede the attack.

  20. In acute glaucoma there is congestion of the entire uveal tract, the congestion partaking more of a venous stasis than of an active or arterial congestion.

  21. In the acute form the retina and optic nerve present the same condition that is present in the vascular tunic; namely, that of venous stasis with the consequent edema.

  22. It means certainly a stasis and not a kinesis.

  23. Stasis of the bile must be prevented or stones will be apt to form.

  24. These are (1) to prevent stasis of bile, (2) to avoid fats.

  25. It has been demonstrated that these substances have a chemical influence upon the formation of gallstones as well as upon the intestinal stasis which leads to their formation.

  26. According to Friedenwald and Ruhraeh[155] the two factors that in all probability exert the most influence on the formation of gallstones are the stasis of bile and the inflammation of the bile passages and gall bladder.

  27. He believes them due to blood pressure from stasis in the blood-vessels.

  28. It is of importance as tending to show that there was stasis of blood in the head and face during life.

  29. This, of course, shows venous stasis in the kidneys as well as a probable lowering of arterial pressure.

  30. Its detector unit, hovering impatiently just outside of Brion's stasis field, darted down and settled on his forearm.

  31. Except for a stasis of very long duration, there is no sensation of time.

  32. The completeness of the stasis field leaves no impression on the body or mind.

  33. We'll blast as soon as I have you tied down in a stasis field.

  34. Its detector unit, hovering impatiently just outside of Brion's stasis field, darted down and settled on his bare forearm.

  35. The completeness of the stasis field leaves no impressions on the body or mind.

  36. They found a couple of civilizations in stasis and another that was about to go that way.

  37. So a corps of native operatives was set up by Philosophical, to upset the stasis and hold a core of knowledge till the barbaric period following the collapse of one of the old empires was over.

  38. It is a special case of Lipps's psychic stasis or damming up (psychische Stauung), always produced when the psychic activities are at the same time drawn in two or more different directions.

  39. We may very well accept the conception of psychic stasis at the outset.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stasis" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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