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Example sentences for "constant state"

  • In short, the good governor was kept in a constant state of alarm lest the Liberty Boys should seize some advantage and cause his Majesty the King of England to have a moment of grief.

  • The effect of all this was to keep the blacks in a constant state of turmoil.

  • They were in a constant state of terror and alarm, expecting every moment to be set upon and killed by the unruly savages.

  • He was in a constant state of intoxication.

  • Those Indians are great fighters, and are in a constant state of hostility with all their neighbours.

  • They lived in a constant state of fear and trembling, even of their own relations and friends.

  • The narrow streets and narrower sidewalks keep the minds of visitors in a constant state of trepidation for fear of seeing some one crushed under the fast-moving vehicles.

  • What a restless family of children, with the ruddy glow of health, keeping the parents and nurses in a constant state of trepidation for fear they will fall into the water!

  • How can any one expect to keep healthy and strong while in a constant state of rush?

  • How can any one see anything clearly while in a constant state of rush?

  • But most of my readers may say, "I am not in a constant state of rush--I only hurry now and then when I need to hurry.

  • Clinton was in a constant state of apprehension, for he had good cause to fear the result of the attack that impended.

  • A] The acid was left during a night with a small piece of unamalgamated zinc in it, for the purpose of evolving such air as might be inclined to separate, and bringing the whole into a constant state.

  • If a current be sustained in a constant state, it will decompose the fluid in one voltameter only, or in twenty others if they be placed in the circuit, in each to an amount equal to that in the single one.

  • The fear of hell poisoned many a life up till quite recently, especially in Scotland, and kept people in a constant state of agitation and anguish which occasionally rose to mad despair.

  • Within the limits of its genesis, its being and its disappearance, it is in a constant state of evolution.

  • The good people about Snagtown felt greatly relieved at the departure of the colonel's forces, for they had been kept in a constant state of alarm, expecting battle every day.

  • These parties, not always made up of the most honorable men, kept the good citizens in the vicinity in a constant state of alarm.

  • Snagtown was in a constant state of excitement as the crisis approached.

  • Virginia was at this period in a constant state of alarm.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "constant state" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    constant current; constant pressure; constant source; constant succession; constant supply; constant tendency; constant voltage; constant volume; constant wind; constantly changing; eighteen thousand; for them; further advance; general staff; generally admitted; horizontal position; invert sugar; keep clear; literary point; much amused; recovered himself; return here; sounding brass; twelve hundred and sixty; unknown origin; watch them